Fact or Myth?


MYTH: The government will not take away much more of our freedoms because it fears the militia.

FACT: The government does not fear the militia. Their troops train rigorously every day, because fighting is their job. Heavy artillary is something that the militia doesn't have, either. How many militias do you know that have the ability to bomb a large city from overhead? How about tanks? NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) weapons? Also consider the foreign troops stationed here, and the ones that can be called from the U.N. if needs be. The gov't fears the majority, and the militia is in the minority.

MYTH: The government would never imprison/execute such a large segment of their population. They want the tax income!

FACT: During WWII, Russia imprisoned and executed between 9-11% of their entire population. Germany did the same to about 7% of theirs, which included many wealthy Jews. The percentage of those who are in organized militia groups is less than 3%. If they really want control, they're willing to give up 10% of their tax income to rid the country of enemies of the state.

MYTH: The American people would never let that happen.

FACT: Oh really? Look how far they've (us, too) let it go! So called "positive-thinking" is to blame. When rights, freedoms, and property gets taken, people cowardly pass it off as if nothing happened. They say, "well look at what we've still got! They didn't take this one away!" It is likened to a school kid who brings five cookies to school. A bully takes a cookie from him and his friend tells him that he's still got four left! The bully (big brother!) keeps taking his cookies and his friend keeps telling him that he still has some cookies left, until he finally has to fight for the last one. If only Christians would see that they have nothing to lose. You know that Christianity is a weakened force in America when homosexuals are taking over!

MYTH: If times get hard, I will hunt for food or grow a garden.

FACT: So will everyone else. I once read where a great grandmother had written about how she "didn't see a deer around for many years after the great depression." Don't count on keeping a garden through too many nights, either. Starvation will make a person do almost anything for food, including risking their life to steal a bite for their family. Luckily, only a small percentage of the population (only survivalist types who don't think they're too good to) will be eating ants, buckeyes, acorns, pine bark & needles, dandelions, termites, etc. Don't count on any gourmet food during food shortages. Everyone else will also: fish, need kerosene for heat in the event of a powergrid meltdown, seek employment during economic depression, seek government handouts/programs/benefits.

MYTH: If the government starts arresting Christians or other dissenters, I will hide in the woods.

FACT: Possibly, but that depends on the circumstances and on your wilderness skills (not if you take all your friends with you, either). It would take an exceptional person to be able to evade the best trackers, who will be looking for other evaders as well. Take a rifle, because heat seeking equipment doesn't fail very often! Satellites can photograph any square on earth which is 6 feet wide, so you'de better be good at camoflage! Some reports even say that project HAARP (Eastern Alaska) has the ability to "x-ray" earth's surface so as to be able to see down into caves, holes and ravines, although such measures would be very extreme just to locate a few "human weeds." One to five people at a time might be able to go unnoticed in some distant Canadian mountain wilderness, but I don't see the use. On the up side, you will likely have alot of Christian company to hide with around here!

MYTH: Citizens would never allow the government to take their guns, even in the event of martial law.

FACT: They've taken everything else, haven't they? The blind, self-centered citizenry of today would give anything up to return to "prosperous" living in the event of a catastrophy.

MYTH: No foreign power would dare attack the United States.

FACT: Russia has exactly 4 times the military might of the U.S. China has less heavy artillary, but virtually unlimited people resources. They've all got alot of nukes, too. Why are they currently working on an underground bomb shelter with the capacity to sustain military and political leadership for prolonged amounts of time in the event of a nuclear war? (Is the cold war really over?) One major thing that stands in Russia's way is the fact that she is, for all practical reasons, financially destitute. Don't worry though, we're giving them plenty of our money!

MYTH: God would never let us go through hard times/tribulation.

FACT: "Tribulation [the fire of refinement!] worketh patience, patience worketh joy ..." No one is too holy to endure hard times. Why was a man as Godly as Stephen martyred? What about the apostles? God loves you, and he WILL use tribulation to sort out the truely committed from the double-minded, not to mention that it will produce strength in your faith in Christ.

MYTH: In the event of martial law, the government will only monitor/arrest/harrass/execute crazies, criminals, and others who cause problems in society.

FACT: If you agree with the views that this website promotes (Jesus as the only way to salvation, citizens owning firearms, pro-life, American sovereignty and freedom, militias, self-sufficiency and survivalism, exposure of corrupt officials, moral purity of a Biblical sort) and ESPECIALLY if you are very vocal about it, you have already been labeled by the media arm of big brother as "right-wing fanatics." We might as well take our titles seriously!

MYTH: One man defending his home will win the battle.

FACT: While there is a definite advantage to defending the homefront, this doesn't guarantee victory in any way. Of course if you and your family know Jesus, you don't really have to care!

MYTH: We can survive without heat in a house during winter, in case of powergrid failure.

FACT: You cannot survive in the same way. Your house is too large (your car is even too large) to contain and preserve the heat from your body, and hypothermia will set in. If no heat source is available, there MUST be a small and compact area for sleep and rest. Use lots of sleeping bags and blankets to defeat this problem.

MYTH: I own many survival manuals, therefore I am a competent survivalist.

FACT: You have to practice. You will have much idle time to learn little tricks (like trying to spear fish!), but going out there and doing the basics, such as shelter construction and fire building, is the only way to be sure that you know it. You don't become a chess champion by watching someone else play.