My name is Matthew John Fuller, and I am the administrator of ETR.
I would like to thank the Lord for delivering me from drugs, sexual promiscuity and wicca (witchcraft). Since I became saved and baptized, all that I have is a desire. That desire is to serve God with anything and everything I've got. And the LORD does provide! My and my wife have seen and experienced the realness of God in life and in our relationship.
I married when I was 19 to a girl that was 15. After awhile of dating, I found myself burning with the fires of passion that the Lord had delivered me from. I was not the kind to try and fool myself and sweep things under a rug, and I was not about to dump this God-send of a girl, so I married her and I did it against all advice (including that of my parents & pastor). The Lord has really blessed us, and I believe it is due to the fact that I chose to take the ol' ball-and-chain than break His sacred commandment.
My home is a duplex in the small town of Welcome, North Carolina. Within walking distance one can reach miles of woods, which provide grounds for shooting and other activities. I really am thankful for this new life that the Lord has given me.
More important than guns, militias, constitutions and even survival, is being worthy to enter into Heaven with God Almighty. This is what makes the very air we breathe worth breathing, and the life we live worth living. I wish more than to "just barely miss hell." I want Jesus to be proud of what I am doing for Him, and for Him to not be ashamed to call me one of His best when I get to Heaven. We all have to put up with this world while we're here. But we have to do the best we can to make it a better place, because it's all we have to work with for right now.
There is a segment of the Christian world that is isolated for its beliefs. They are not very popular sometimes among their peers at church, because they are really trying their best to live the life, no matter what it might cost them. They grow weary of status quo religion and the normal amount of apathy within the ranks of the church. They are not afraid of man, but only of God. ETR seeks to unite this segment of the Body of Christ for the advancement of the Christian Faith.
Surely there will be someone else out there that will cry out "God, give me a land where justice is the law!"
In Christ Jesus,
"If this war be just and necessary on our part, as past all doubt it is, then we are engaged in the work of the Lord, which obliges us (under God mighty in battle) to use our 'swords as instruments of righteousness, and calls us to the shocking, but necessary, important duty of shedding human blood'; not only in defence of our property, life and religion, but in obedience to him who hath said, 'Cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.' "
- Excerpt from a sermon by Jacob Cushing (1775)