End Times Revolution Logo

This site is dedicated to all those who have fought for our freedom, and those yet to die for someone else's personal gain.

Updated: October 07, 1999.

ETR is here for 3 purposes: (1) To reach a lost and dying world that has forgotten Jesus as the source of true love and happiness, and to show them that there exists still a form of true love for Christ that is available to them if they will only ask. (2) To reach a segment of Christianity that is the spiritual Church of Laodacia, neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm. ETR wishes to light a fire under the seat of such a Christian and awaken them to work for the Lord. (3) To help unify the Body of Christ and the informed masses so that they will be prepared for the End Times Revolution.


Of Interest

Why I believe
Why ETR?
About End-Times Revolution
The Plan of Salvation
ETR News and Flyer Archive
ETR Offline Survival Project (updated 8/3/1999)
Contact Government Officials


Current Features

Survival of the Tribulation Saints

Y2K vs. Tribulation
God and War
God's Laws

Raw Survival in Theory and Practice (updated 7/7/99)
Christians Called to be Disruptive and Unruly
Repeal Second Amendment?
Does America Really Need the Police Force?
Fact or Myth? Militias, Martial Law and Survival
Y2K Problem?
Government Causing Discord Among Americans
Nukes in the U.S.
JPFO: American Jews are Walking a Perilous Path


Remember the Minute Men.


A Matter of Principle

The Christian Factor
Pretribulation Rapture [taken offline for update]
Guide to New Age Beliefs
Against New Bible Translations

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