Millennium 101
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Welcome to our "Questions of the Moment"
From time to time we come up with a question or two relevant to our evolving world, or just for fun. The questions originally appear on the front page or pages of another section, then we store them here when we come up with a fresh one. Read on, but please try to answer them. Your opinion counts. NOTE: The list is sequential, i.e. new questions appear at the end of the list. Question #1
Question #2
"What do you think will happen first -
2. Tripp will take the fall under Starr's Grand Inquisition, or
3. Tripp will commit suicide or die of mysterious causes?" Question #3
Answer Kenneth Starr. Newt Gingrich lost a lot of weight sweating the outcome of the past election. Question #4 Answer About 3 inches in circumference. Question #5 Answer You know, lick is just an expression. . . Question #6 Answer Love is much more dangerous than money. After the last tree is cut, the last drop of oil sucked out, and the last animal is butchered, love will still be around. It will be fun to watch the political machine try to figure out how to eat money. Question #7 A new drug, Viagra, has been receiving great commercial success as the answer to every soft penis' need for attention. To date, more than 16 deaths have been linked to the drug. Keeping this in mind, here's the question: Depends on how much money pharmaceutical companies give our politicians. In the past, appointed government officials have no problem supporting industries that can be attributed to the following death rates:
Question #8 After a surpise at the November mid-term elections, Republican party leaders are starting to realize that a little deceit and treachery can go a long way come election time. One of the biggest upsets comes from Newt Gingrich, who is resigning his house seat and heading for greener pastures. Keeping this in mind, here's the question: Answer Depends on the bidding. With his ties to the house, Newt could triple his salary and perks by becoming a professional barker for the cause of the day. Could be the NRA, Big Tobacco, or the upcoming power of Pig Farming. Only time will tell.
Question #9 Answer President Al Gore
Question #10 While most Democrats are excited over the results of the November elections, Republicans still hold more House and Senate seats than Democrats. The scariest thing for the GOP, however, is that they were only 9,537 votes shy of total replacement. Keeping this in mind, here's the question: Answer 119,450,000 -- Believe it! In some states less than 20% of eligible voters cast their ballots.
Question #11 Answer 45% according to Time magazine. Just think, they'll soon be working among us!
Question #12 Answer Adverse reactions to legally prescribed drugs. According to the American Medical Association, legally prescribed pharmeceuticals kill approximately 106,000 hospitalized patients annually, are responsible for an estimated 198,000 related annual deaths and necessitate 23% of all hospitilizations.
Question #13 Answer 8 all together. Here's the breakdown:
Question #14 Answer Bob Dole - an excellent choice, the man looks like he hasn't had an erection in years! The hidden message: if Viagra can get Bob Dole hard, it will work on anyone. If his wife gets elected, he'll probably need Extra-Strength Viagra.
Question #15 Answer Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Can we trust him to lead a trial that determines the fate of our country?
Question #16 Answer Listening to yet another Republican droning on that lying about a blow job makes him a dangerous criminal.
Question #17 Answer 72%
Question #18 Answer Seven. Here's the breakdown:
Question #19 Answer Have to go with Monica. At press time, we can't find anyone willing to admit they've touched Tripp's.
Question #20 Answer Henry Ford. Believe it. Hitler had a picture of himself shaking hands with Ford in his office and really looked up to him. If it hadn't been for Ford's backing, Hitler may have disappeared altogether.
Question #21 Answer Just one. But you have to hold him still first and remember to bring a lot of K-Y Jelly!
Question #22 Answer 3,640. Ten children die each day in the U.S. from firearm-related injuries, including intentional attacks and accidents. That's the equivalent of a Columbine-like attack every day, spread throughout the United States. Are your children or relatives next?
Question #23 Answer None. There has never been a death linked to marijuana overdose in recorded history, even though a reported 70 million Americans regularly use the herb. In comparison, other popular recreational drugs are responsible for the following annual death rates:
Keeping this in mind, why do our federal, state and local governments spend $15 Billion each year to combat marijuana use?
Question #23 Three times as many. The next time a close friend suffering from abuse calls you for help, just steer them in the direction of the nearest animal shelter for a bowl of food, a deworming, and a good pat.
Question #24 Answer Tough call.
Question #25 Answer In its aftermath, the country had a trillion dollar deficit, unemployment rose to over 10% (the highest rate since the 1940's) and homelessness rose to the highest rate in U.S. history.
Question #26 Answer Seven (Figuratively speaking).
Question #27 Water, propylene glycol, caramel color, ethyl vanillin and other aldehydes, benzo dihydro pyrone, ethyl methyl phenylglycidate and other esters, benzoin and other ketones, fenugreek and other natural extractives, and 0.1% potassium sorbate added as a preservative. Answer Did you guess Imitation Vanilla Flavor? This ingredient is readily available on your grocery store shelves in such products as ice cream, candy and chocolate, baked goods, cake and brownie mixes and anything that requires vanilla flavor. Please remember to check your ingredients before buying, since ingredients like propylene glycol (a derivative of anti-freeze) are cheaper than real vanilla to produce, many food manufacturers would rather serve you chemicals to increase their profits. It all started with the 'Twinkie Corpse' in Vietnam. Click HERE for additional information.
Question #28 Keeping this in mind, was Jesus raised by "Christians"? Answer No, he wasn't. Jesus was raised in his early years by Jews, but was taught by Mary's people, the Essenes, or Children of Light. Authors of many of the Dead Scrolls, the Essenes lived between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D.. They lived the Law of the Lord, praying to Angels everyday, eating only vegetables and raw foods (no meat), and abolished slavery in all forms, routinely practiced ancient forms of prophecy and natural healing, and wrote a separate accounting of the word and laws of God at the same time the Hebrew scribes were penning their version of the Bible. In a time when the average mortality was in the twenties, Essene elders often lived past the age of 120.
Question #29 Answer George Bush Jr. of course. His father (and ex-president) was a young pilot that had to bail out over the pacific. This is how the marijuana plant saved his life:
Question #30 Answer Over half a million.
Question #31 Answer New Jersey at just over six percent.
Question #32 "The people that cast their votes decide nothing; the people that count the votes decide everything?" Answer Josef Stalin
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