
Jennifer Kohler
Ph.D. Yale University
A.B. Bryn Mawr College
jjkohler at stanford dot edu
Visiting Scholars:

Yoshihito Tanaka
Ph.D. Kyoto University
yoshi at stanford dot edu

Danielle Dube
Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley
B.A. Cornell University
dhdube at stanford dot edu
Graduate Students:

Chad Whitman
B.S. Iowa State University
chad at stanford dot edu

Marguerite Desko
B.A. Drew University
mdesko at stanford dot edu

Peter Lee
B.S. Rice University
plee82 at stanford dot edu

Cara Beasley
B.S. University of California at Santa Barbara
cbeasley at stanford dot edu

Michelle Rueffer
B.S. Gettysburg College
mrueffer at stanford dot edu

Sandra Ottensman
B.S. California Institute of Technology
sottensman at stanford dot edu

Ethan Greenblatt
B.S. College of William and Mary
ejgreen at stanford dot edu

David Gross
dgross at stanford dot edu
Rotation Students:

Chris Korman
ckorman at stanford dot edu