Latter-day Saint Links


Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple


My name is Christopher Lowe, I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when I was 17 years old. I had many friends in High School who were members and their influence is part of what led me to investigate the Church. I remember in October of 1989, I saw a commercial for The Book of Mormon on television. I wrote the phone number down but waited a few days to call. Less than a week later two senior Sister Missionaries visited to give me a copy of The Book of Mormon. I half heartedly agreed to listen to the discussions. The next time I went to school, a teacher asked me to visit her after school. She told me that that phone call was the best thing I had ever done in my life. Little did I know she was right. I had the discussions fairly quick.

I was baptized in January 1990 by Forrest Meeks, a friend of mine. At age 19, I decided to go on a Mission. I remember the day I made the desicion I was in a car accident. It didn't stop me. I was called to serve in the West Virginia Charleston Mission. I served from 1992 to 1994. It was an awesome yet difficult experience. I never thought that serving a Mission would be difficult. I was very wrong. I had a very hard time adjusting to it. It took me about a year before I really got into the swing of it. I still to this day have withdrawals from my Mission. I see a really nice neighborhood, and then have a strong urge to go tracting.

Since my Mission I have served as a Counselor in the Sunday School, Stake Missionary, Webelos Scout Leader and Primary Teacher.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true! I know that The Book of Mormon along with the Bible can bring you closer to Heavenly Father. I know that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God, he restored the keys of the Gospel. I know that we can live together as families forever. The Church is true and I invite you to read the Book of Mormon and pray with humbleness and humility then you too can know that these things I speak of are true.


Below are links to sites related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Very few of the sites listed are Official Sites. I take no responsibility for their content. An asterisk (*) denotes an official Church site.


The Fresno California Temple


General Church

The Official Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints site*

The Book of Mormon Information Page

Free Book of Mormon

LDS Church News*

LDS Elders Quorum Resource Page

LDS Hymns

LDS Music Resources

Mormon Youth Chorus

Southern California LDS Information, cool site!!

Temple Square . Com

The Book of Mormon at the Electronic Text Center

The LDS Meeting House Locator, now there's no excuse to miss Church!

The New-Jerusalem Site for Latter-day Saints

Arizona Mormon Single Adults

LDS Single Adults Sites

LDS Index

LDS World


The Oakland California Temple


LDS Temples

Southern California LDS Temples

Nick Literski's Latter-day Saint Temple Homepage

The Fresno California Temple, yes, Fresno, lovely Fresno.

Nauvoo Temple Tour

Columbia South Carolina Temple

Kirtland Temple Historic Center, RLDS Church

Deseret Book Temple Site

Temples: A Virtual Tour

Oakland Temple Hill



Missionary Sites

LDS Missions, Mission Alumni pages

The Inmission Project, for current Missionaries

Mission.Net, Mission Alumni pages

Missionary Folklore, all kinds of fun stories!

West Virginia Charleston Mission, my personal favorite!


The San Diego California Temple


LDS Media

Deseret Book Company

Deseret News

KSL TV & Radio

LDS Church News*

The Salt Lake Tribune

The Latter-day Messenger, a monthly newspaper covering Northern California


Los Angeles California Temple


Colleges & Universities

Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah*

Brigham Young University, Laie, Hawaii*

Dixie College, St. George, Utah

LDS Business College, Salt Lake City, Utah*

Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho*

Southern Virginia College, Buena Vista, Virginia

Utah State University, Logan, Utah

LDSSA of Utah State, Logan, Utah

Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah


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