These pages contain issues and collectibles I feel deeply about.
Take a trip through my heart as I make stops at:
Collectibles And Politics Make Me "unbearable"!
A Small Goodbye To A Life Long Friend
Conservatively Speaking
Political Ponders
Thoughts From A Post War Baby Boomer
Boyds Dollstones and Bearstones
Boyds Porcelain Dolls
Boyds Folkstones and Plush,
Found On The Chat Boards
Cherished Teddies
Beanie Babies
My Saved Mail
WEBTV Friendly List Of Links
A Closing Thought.
Hopefully, by
the time I am finished
you and I will both know why I am

"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone
and a day to love someone
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."

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Unofficial Rush Limbaugh Fans Net Ring
Net Ring owned by unbearable's page