What is ACHE?
Allied Citizens for Healthcare Equity (ACHE) is an association of health
insurance subscribers, HMO members as well as physicians, providers,
and others committed to reforming Managed Care Organizations (MCO's),
and making them more responsive to consumer needs. ACHE is a
501c4 organization, governed by a board of directors from across
the state of Montana. It is composed of legislators, physicians
and business owners. The executive director, Susan Good, is a
former legislator and has successfully lobbied healthcare reform
issues for ten years. ACHE's office is in Helena, Montana.
Contact ACHE at:
Box 282 |
Helena, MT 59624 |
1-888-366-ACHE |
(406) 442-6629 |
Fax: (406) 442-6623 |
ache_montana@yahoo.com |
Homepage] | [E-Mail us] | [Tell us
about your experience with an HMO] | [Questions
for your HMO] | [How ACHE works]
| [Take our survey] | [Facts
about managed care you should know] | [Links
to other important sites] | [How to
contact the MT Insurance Commissioner] | [How
you can help] | [ACHE in the news]
| [Suggestions and questions about
our website] | [A message from
ACHE's Executive Director] | [Upcoming
events] | [2001 Legislative Session] |