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CAPRiM Ltd. The UK's right-wing blacklist

12Mar99 - The MI5 connection

While we know about Winder, Hardy and Saxon-Tate as directors of CAPRim, I think I have discovered a more important player - Dame Stella Rimington, Director-General of the Security Service (MI5/MI6) from 1992-96, and now a director of Marks & Spencer.

On 17 February 1999, Rimington delivered a lecture on "Managing Secrecy" to would-be civil servants at St. Hilda's college Oxford.  She was introduced as having been an "archivist in Worcester" and referred a lot to the European Court of Human Rights as having given MI5 permission to intrude in certain aspects of people's lives, if there were threats to national security.

After the lecture, I asked CAPRimington what the implication would be for CAPRiM, given the tens of thousands of people affected by black-listing system and prevented from finding work.  Her reply was vague, "I can't say..." etc., but... the important thing si: SHE DIDN'T DENY A SINGLE WORD OF MY ALLEGATION!

The House of Commons Library contains many press clippings about the Economic League/Caprim.  The government is well aware of the black-listing phenomenon, so perhaps it is time to confront the prime-minister and those around him with the facts and demand that CAPRiM files be released.  My own hope is that the information held on us is so inaccurate, misleading and outdated that we would be allowed to sue CAPRiM for our lost jobs, pensions and, of course, the terrible distress we have been caused; for me, over ten years of unemployment and homelessness.

The freedom of information act should have been passed last October, but it didn't happen.  Nevertheless, the Government is committed to passing it during the lifetime of this parliament, and so I end this message on a note of hope.

Caroline Wise - Oxford based victim of CAPRiM - contact her via

Enforcing the hierarchy

Some people think its okay to make money by vetting employees who have left-wing or environmental political persuasions. Any trusted business that wants to ensure that they are not about to interview an 'activist' or anyone who has successfully organised employee solidarity can vet names with Caprim. The company keeps data on individuals with left-wing sympathies, particularly if they have worked in a sensitive job such as in large-scale manufacturing industry, politics, the military or the media. Their activities are politically sensitive so they operate under a shroud of secrecy; they will not do business with casual callers. Their stock-in-trade is political personnel files for the business world.

Tell me more...

After a number of articles exposing vetting at The Economic League in The Guardian newspaper, on April 23rd 1993 they published a report that the Economic League had been closed down. But there was no mention of what happened to its tens of thousands of files. Well we can guess... two months later Caprim was formed.
Two former members of staff of The Economic League, Jack Winder and Stan Hardy, started Caprim. Their stated activities are: corporate political risk management, corporate asset protection risk management and corporate personnel risk management.
The former Economic League and the present Caprim Ltd. maintain that they do not keep any personal data on computer for the administration of commercial vetting procedures. But they have admitted they do carry out vetting so one can only assume that any personal records they hold are held on some kind of paper filing or card index system.

Whilst CAPRiM continue to keep their activities as secret as possible they criticise other groups, such as Corporate Watch, that compile public information about directors of unethical businesses.

Article in Labour Research Magazine

Detailing Caprim's involvement with the management in Burnsalls strike. Labour Research magazine. Available from The Labour Research Department, 78 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8HF. Telephone 0171 928 3649.

Excerpt from CAPRiM Literature c. 1994

Living Marxism, Alternative Green, Ethical Consumer, Earth First!, Multinational Monitor, Militant, Morning Star, Trade Union News, New Internationalist, Engineering Gazette, Labour Research Department Fact Service.

The Mastheads [above] overleaf represent a cross-section of organisations which seek to weaken a company's ability to manage its affairs profitably. While some are idealistic, many are inherently opposed to free enterprise. They all threaten a company's independence. Companies need to know what these organisations are saying and planning. CAPRiM provides this information. And assesses the strength of the threat. And advises on appropriate action. That is one of the ways in which we help you to:-

Reduce Your Risks

Protect Your Profits

CAPRiM helps its clients by checking the bona fides of anyone a company is concerned about, whether external or members of staff. A simple CV check is often sufficient - and economical.

Three of the company's directors on 23/9/97:

Hardy, Stanley McIlheron, DOB 17/9/44
26 Hempland Lane, Heworth, York, North Yorkshire YO3 0AX

Winder, Jack, DOB 30/7/34 [Chairman and Joint Managing Director]
31 Throckmorton Road, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 6QB.

Saxon Tate, Sir Henry, DOB 28/11/31
26 Cleaver Square, London SE11 4EA

Contact details for CAPRiM Ltd.

and Registered Office address

PO Box 3208,
18 Church Green East,
Worcestershire. B98 8BW.

Tel 01527 596764

Fax 01527 596763

Registered in England no. 2792569

There is another organisation called Caprim which the Redditch lot should not be confused with:

Centro Argentino de Primates
Casilla de Correo 145
3400 Corrientes

They are an Argentinian organisation who publish research information on monkeys!
