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Report of the Seminar

The report of the seminar is below (Check out goodwill messages to the participants)

Bamidele A Ojo(NDLF)


Arriving at the seminar on sustaining democratic governance in Nigeria, organized by the Nigeria Democratic Leadership Forum (NDLF), one can certainly feel the energy in the air and the prevailing sense that it is time, for a few good men and women to come together and take action toward nurturing and promoting a new set of leadership capable of providing the requisite change for the better in Nigeria. The presentation started off with a general introduction and a session on the NDLF and its goals. This was followed by a discussion of the Nigerian constitution and the problems facing the current political experiment. For many , the seminar was an opportunity to find out more about the Forum and to ask some basic question on how to achieve its lofty goals. For others , it provided an opportunity to find out if , the Forum , can work with other Nigerian groups with similar goals, in order to consolidate rather than duplicate. These and many questions were answered . The session also focused extensively on the forum's agenda for recruiting a new set of leadership and how it hope to deal with the existing political groups and local power brokers in Nigeria, so as to be able to provide its candidates the best chance of winning. While the details of the proceedings will be sent to members of the Forum, a succinct report on the main ideas and agenda of the Forum is presented below. At the meeting, a time frame was established, to allow for effective evaluation.

This group of Nigerians came together to address the problems facing the current political experiment in Nigeria. It seek primarily to support and sustain participatory democracy but it is also cognizant of the fact that the potential for such an agenda is dependent on an effective process of nation building. The attention must therefore shift to the question of the Nigerian nation. In my presentation at the Atlanta dialogue, I proposed what I called a simplistic guide to sustaining the Nigerian democratic experiment**, that Nigeria must establish its raison d'etre. There is a need to articulate the purpose of Nigeria and what it should mean to an average citizen. Every country need to ascertain its sense of being, if it is to survive. In a simple language, Nigeria should be seen as representing the interest of all. But the degree of success is dependent on the level of leadership's commitment to nurturing the Nigerian state as a vehicle for promoting the interest of all and for the benefit of all. And this should be recognized and felt by all Nigerians. The raison d'etre should be developed and articulated by the leadership and it should be sustained through constitutional guidance in order to encourage probity, responsible and accountable governance. This rather populist approach to governance in the interest of all Nigerians should help to develop public trust in government which in turn will help consolidate the Nigerian democracy. Leaders must nurture people's belief in their government(and therefore the Nigerian state). The degree of believability will increase when matched by policy implementation, initiatives and real changes in the life of average Nigerians. It is therefore a very simple approach: we need to develop a bench mark in our body politics, which should be the starting point for our nation.

It is with this in mind , that the idea for the forum was nurtured. The Forum proposed a three point approach to achieving these lofty goals, namely:
-to recruit and nurture a new set of leadership to promote these agenda by actively participating in politics in Nigeria.
-to develop a set of blue print to address the socio-political and economic malaise inflicting the Nigerian nation and
-to engage in the political education of the Nigerian electorate, so as to become informed of their rights and responsibilities as well as the obligations of their leaders.

It has become an inescapable reality that, the best way to change and stem the tide of continuing dance of death toward the abyss in Nigeria, is to be actively engaged in politics and to do so in a manner that guarantee a high probability of success. This can be done by organizing Nigerians who want to make a difference into an effective group working together rather than as individuals , which might result in failure , frustration and political annihilation in the hands of corrupt politicians in Nigeria. The Forum will encourage its membership to seek political office or appointment at all levels with the hope of promoting its goals through their active involvement. The candidates will be supported and backed by the Forum's resources which will not only include membership expertise but the organizations' logistics, funding, etc. Members will be invited and encouraged to present their political interest profile and a political portfolio will be developed by the appropriate committee of the forum on each candidate and determine the potential for success based on data gathered by the organization. The support for each candidate will be determined in accordance with a set of rules that will be specifically designed for that purpose. The Forum will also attract progressives who have been stifled in the current political process and encourage them to embrace our goals. The support of the Forum can only be sustained through the effective policy implementation by the candidates.
Accepting the support of the forum is a contractual agreement between the candidate and the organization. While there is a recognition of the constitutional obligation of the candidates , the forum will initiate an annual evaluation of the candidates to determine the extent of policy implementation. If the forum recognizes that a particular candidate is failing in its obligation, the forum will make the candidate aware of its findings and recommend appropriate action and a failure to do this will lead to a public denouncement of the candidate. In fact, the forum will be that candidate's "worst nightmare" because it will use all its resource to make the public aware of the candidate's deficiencies. For example, if candidate A present an interest profile to seek an election as a governor in state A. The candidate will present a complete set of information on the politics of that particular state including who is who in the state party apparatus , the funding required and his or her vision for that state. The electoral committee of the forum will confirm and evaluate information on the state in question and make recommendation to the executive committee , on the degree of success in that particular state. The decision to support a candidate is the beginning of the process. The next will be getting the candidate elected and to develop appropriate policy for that particular state. What ever the policy initiative, it will be people-centered and derived from the covenant of the forum. The candidate must accept the covenant of the forum, which is the organization's detail policy initiatives. Candidate A, in accordance with our policy position may be expected within the first 24 months, to provide 50-70% constant electricity supply, 50-60% portable drinking water and 70-80% of the state road in good condition with drainage, etc. While the candidate will be expected to submit a "state of their position" report at a pre-agreed time table, the forum will also carry out unannounced evaluation in accordance to the rules of the forum. The objective is to closely monitor each candidate and gradually begin to nurture responsible and accountable leadership.

Policy Initiatives:
The second approach is to develop policy initiatives that will address major areas of the Nigerian society. One of the central focus of the Forum is to put these initiatives together as a covenant that all members of the organization will embrace and if elected will implement as policies. To achieve this goal, committees of the organization have been given a time period within which to come up with specific agenda that will respond to Nigerian societal needs. Among the committees are those on:
-agriculture and natural resource committee: This committee will develop an agriculture policy aimed at revitalizing the Nigerian economy. It will focus on food production and distribution while proposing both long and short term policy initiatives. We need the return of the groundnut pyramid and increased cocoa production backed by a viable agro-based industrial sector
-appropriation committee: This committee will focus on Nigerian budgetary issues and develop a policy position that will address the problems of contract, banking taxation and financial markets.
-civil military relations: This is an important committee that will develop a proposal for promoting civil-military relationship. It will also address Nigerian defense issues and the democratization of the military. A sub-committee will be responsible for Nigerian security situation and policing. There is a dire need to reform Nigerian law enforcement by increasing police competence and skills as well as upgrading our correctional facilities.
-constitutional and legal affairs: This committee will focus on all constitutional and legal questions and it will develop a policy position on the sharia, devolution of power, resource allocation , dual citizenship, among others.
-education reform: This committee will examine the Nigerian educational system and propose necessary initiatives geared toward effective reforms and increasing standard. This committee will also address questions surrounding research and development, learned societies and research academy.
-committee on ethics: This is one of the most important organ of the forum because it will be the watch dog of the membership and all those affiliated with the organization. It will develop a code of conduct for our members and make sure that they consistently adhere to the central principle of "service for all in the interest of all and the benefits of all Nigerians". The committee will enforce standards and make recommendation for any abuse of membership obligation.
There are other committees on cultural and social policy, economic revitalization, foreign affairs, health and welfare, membership, mineral resources and allocation, minority , religion and women affairs, science and technology, conflict resolution, trade and industry and transport and communications.

Political education:
One of the most important goal of the forum , is to engage in a political education of the Nigerian electorate. The Nigerian electorate have their own share of the blame for the current problems in Nigeria. They are inactive and acquiesce to manipulation and exploitation in the hand of their leaders. No reform and definitely no change can take place in Nigeria, if we do not change the mind set of the average Nigerian citizen. The forum seek to inform and enlighten the Nigerian electorate about their rights and obligations under the new political experiment. They will also be informed of the responsibilities and duties of their elected officials. The agenda is very simple and it involves sending all our members to their local government. Within the next 24 months, a series of town hall meetings and Saturday gatherings will be organized in all the local governments , with the main purpose of providing these information to the Nigerian citizens. We will raise fund for this specific program and it will involve light entertainment and open dialogue between our members and their communities. The forum do not seek to endorse a political party but embraces all organizations that is focused on promoting and protecting the interest of all Nigerians.

Many questions were raised at this seminar and the answers to them are as follows:
How will the NDLF operate in Nigeria?: We will seek to create an environment in which we will be seen as predominantly dedicated to serving the interest of all Nigerians. We will not endorse any political party because , they represent in many ways sectional or ethnic interests. We are an organization of Nigerians, whose sole interest is the PEOPLE. We invite membership from all political groupings. And the sole uniting factor is our dedication to promoting the interest of all for the benefit of all Nigerians. We reject all ethnicist, fundamentalist, religion, regional and sexist agenda. We will support our candidates in all part of the country and promote their electoral success as members of any of the political parties. We will engage in the real politik on the ground in order to facilitate the success of our candidates as a final step toward gaining the appropriate political advantage to be able to implement our agenda and achieve our goals.
Connection to Nigeria: We have received interest from many Nigerians in Nigeria and we will launch the Forum in Nigeria in the year 2001 after its registration. Given the nature of our activities, we will maintain chapters in many part of the country as well.
Relationship with other organizations: There are many other Nigerian organizations with similar agenda and the Forum is ready to work with any of these groups but it will never be compromised nor allow itself to be taken advantage off. We will dialogue with any group and operate on a pre- accepted guidelines that will enhance the success of any collaboration.
Dual citizenship: Since many of our members currently reside outside the country and have in many cases acquired citizenship of countries where they reside, the constitutional provision concerning dual citizenship need to be addressed. If we want these Nigerians to make a difference and to contribute their quota to their motherland , they must be able to seek elective offices in Nigeria. The provision of the 1999 Constitution under section 28 recognized citizenship by birth which cannot be denied ,even upon acquisition of another citizenship. This is the basis of the dual citizenship. But for example, under chapter 6(I)(a), election into the office of the president (section 137(I)(e) and election into the office of the governor ,Chapter 6(II)(a), section 182, a person can be disqualified for election into those office, subject to section 28 and if he has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of a country other than Nigeria. Given the afore mentioned, it is possible that political opponents can raised this issue against any of our members seeking political office. A precedence has been set, wherein a person seeking the governorship has been challenged under the same provision but in which the person so challenged successfully defended himself and contested the last election and won as a governor. After a lengthy debate, the conclusion reached at the seminar, is that , we should present a case against such a provision before the house committee(Nigeria House of Representative) currently considering amendment to the constitution. And also to review the case of the governor, who successfully challenge the provision and if necessary test challenge the provision as soon as we are so equipped to do so.

Funding: This is the most important question raised at the seminar. How will the NDLF be able to achieve its stated goals. This organization, within the next six month, will begin a fund raising campaign toward the implementation of its objectives. We have asked members to volunteer as fund raiser in their regions and we will be moving from one region to the other, with hope of raising necessary fund for the implementation of our goals. If all Nigerians abroad can donate at least a dollar ($1) each, we will have enough to begin this challenge to the mediocre leadership in Nigeria. We invite all Nigerian to donate toward this cause. It is an important step toward taking back our country. We also invite every Nigerian to visit our web site to find out about our membership and how they can join any of our committees or how they can volunteer their expertise or help to raise funds for our activities. We will be in your neighborhood soon and we are calling on all of you to join this great venture, to rededicate our resources for the benefit of all Nigerians.
Finally, This was a welcome seminar and we will be organizing another one within the next six month( it may be in your neighborhood). We will continue to solicit support and participation from all Nigerians. We cannot afford to ignore the wanton destruction of our nation. It belong to you and I and especially, we cannot afford to loose the heritage of our children. We owe it to ourselves and to them to give it all we can. Make no mistake about this, things will not change in Nigeria , if we do nothing about it, the hope for a change will constantly be postponed as it has always been , these past forty years. It is time for us to prove that this generation is capable of providing the necessary and disciplined leadership that Nigeria deserve and should have. We are calling for a few good people. Just a few good men and women, to join us in this crusade. God bless you all. God bless Nigeria.


*Details of the proceedings will be sent to members.
**Email your address, to receive a copy.(mailto:mosbam@noln.com)


Notice :Agenda Setting Seminar

Nigeria Democratic Leadership Forum
Seminar On
Sustaining Democracy In Nigeria

Date: October 28th, 2000
Venue: Rutherford Rm. Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Teaneck. Nj 07666

The Nigeria Democratic Leadership Forum(NDLF) invite Nigerians interested in making a difference to its seminar on sustaining democratic governance in Nigeria. This seminar is an important step toward formulating a road-map in bringing together dedicated group of individuals, operating under a set of premise for engaging in a socio-political and economic transformation of the Nigerian nation, for a better Nigeria for all Nigerians. Faced with the problems of establishing a mechanism for encouraging people-centered policy, dedicated service and the promotion of the interest of all Nigerians for the benefit of all Nigerians, the NDLF has come to an undeniable realization that:
- In order to engage in the requisite change in Nigeria and to successfully promote competence and probity in Nigeria politics, there is a need for an organized approach.
- In order to thwart the current destructive political trend in Nigeria, all progressively thinking Nigerians abroad and at home should find means of influencing or participating in, the political process.

In essence, we can no longer seat on the sideline and be relegated to simply gasping in disgust and painful and unheeded commentary, as the current leadership continue to recreate the usual dance toward socio-political and economic decay which is characteristic of our national life. If the people could come out in Belgrade to support democracy, the least we could do, is to create a mechanism for effective participation in Nigerian politics as a means for sustaining our democratic experiment. We can therefore do so by:
: (a) developing a set of guidelines for attaining such an objective and
(b) supporting candidates willing to carry out our policy initiatives for effective and responsible governance in Nigeria.
The NDLF is therefore recruiting Nigerians ready to :
- seek elective office in the next election and
-willing to volunteer their expertise to help those willing to seek elective office to achieve their objectives.
The NDLF will also organize and develop goals and put forth blueprints for enhancing all major sectors of the Nigeria polity. These blueprints will be grounded in an effective political education of the Nigerian electorate, in order to make them understand their rights and obligations in the new political experiment and the responsibilities of their elected leaders. The NDLF will raise fund to support the education program within the next two years. And it will be carried out at the local government levels by members of the forum.
This is an opportunity for all Nigerians home and abroad to contribute to the well being of our nation. You can learn more about our activities by visiting our site at http://www.geocities.com/ndlf. You can register to be a part of this groundswelling movement to change the politics in Nigeria. This is a people-centered effort and anybody with less or alternate agenda is unwelcome.
We have all come to the conclusion that , it is time to liberate our country from all its malaise and its ineffective and irresponsible leadership.To register, simply apply for membership, by send a short biography including contact address and information to NDLF, Box 282. Teaneck, Nj 07666. USA. You can also visit our site and contact the nearest member or register to participate in the seminar by sending Bamidele A Ojo an email at mosbam@noln.com.

The Seminar:
Transportation & Hotel Information.
For those of you willing to car pool, please contact Bamidele A Ojo as soon as possible and we will put you in contact with the member near you.
Hotels: Marriott Glenpoite Hotel. Teaneck, Nj. (201)836-0600
Hilton , Hasbrouck Height. Nj (201)288-6100 ( special seminar rate: $89/night: Code: Seminar/Council for African affairs)
Nearest Airport: Newark International Airport.
Direction to FDU: check out site: http://www.fdu.edu.
From the South: I-95 to Teaneck
From West: I-80 east to Teaneck. Or Rt 4 east to Teaneck.
From the East: rt 4 west to Teaneck

We look forward to seeing you all on October 28th. 2000.
For additional information, please contact:
Bamidele A Ojo
NDLF Box 282. Teaneck. Nj 07666. USA