Capital Punishment

A page dedicated to the history of Capital Punishment and the arguments for and against the death penalty

Many people believe the morals of the world are deteriorating. Crime, including murders, happen with regularity. Right now, as you read this, an innocent person, maybe a mother, maybe some one's son, is possibly being murdered. If you were a friend or a family member of the victim, what price would you see fit for his murderer? As a human being, what penalty do you see fit for this murderer?

Many people feel that capital punishment is the only punishment this criminal deserves. Other people view the death penalty as heartless, stating violence begets violence. What ever side you may choose on this hot topic of debate, this site has links to sites that provide many facts dealing with capital punishment. New sites will be added as I find them, so check back every now and then if you are interested in learning more.

Find your own answer to the question "Should we really use the death penalty?" Even if you do find your own answer, chances are this debate is far from over.

Links to other sites on the Web

This site covers several topics about Capital Punishment, including Race, Women, and Religion

United States Department of Justice:
You can search for documents on court cases and statutes dealing with the death penalty; you can also search for statistics and organizations dealing with Capital Punishment

Death Penalty Information and Resources:
A great source for statistics, facts, and links for death penalty opponents

Anti-Capital Punishment Resources from the ASC's Critical Criminology Division:
A proponents page on the deterant effect of the death penalty

Death Penalty Links:
A myriad of links on Capital Punishment

My paper on the topic of the death penalty

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