Presidential Elections

Election Guidelines

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1788 1892
1792 1896
1796 1900
1800 1904
1804 1908
1808 1912
1812 1916
1816 1920
1820 1924
1824 1928
1828 1932
1832 1936
1836 1940
1840 1944
1844 1948
1848 1952
1852 1956
1856 1960
1860 1964
1864 1968
1868 1972
1872 1976
1876 1980
1880 1984
1884 1988
1888 1992


To the left is a list of the Presidential Elections between 1788-1996. Please feel free to click on any link and learn more about the election. Each election is displayed in a particular format comprised of: Electoral Votes of all Candidates, Popular Votes of all Candidates, Major Campaign Issues, Major Accomplishments of the Elected President, and if any, Election Problems. After reviewing each election you must be able to answer the following questions: (keep them for reference)

402.gif (1007 bytes) Was his presidency during good or bad times?
402.gif (1007 bytes) Did he use a creative approach to problems?
402.gif (1007 bytes) Was he a master of events?
402.gif (1007 bytes) Did he use his prerogatives to advance the public welfare?
402.gif (1007 bytes) Did he choose good people?
402.gif (1007 bytes) Did he safeguard interests?
402.gif (1007 bytes) Did he affect the future in a significant way?

If going through each links seems difficult in any possible way, feel free to download the entire file of election notes starting from the Election of 1788 to the Election of 1996.
Note: This file can only be used in Microsoft Word '97