Chapter Links
fellow AP History students! To your right and left you will find links to Chapter Notes
that I took for my AP History Class. All of these notes qre quite indepth and very useful
for you to read. However some of the chapter notes may be a little bit long and boring,
however, near the end of the year I sort of shortened them down. So feel free to go
through my notes, even print them out for your own reference. However be sure to credit
any quotes or lines taken from the notes to the author and book they were taken from:
The American Nation:
A History of the United States
By John A. Garraty
If you use this book in your History class, then these notes will be especially useful as
well as un-time consuming. Also below I have a set of links to sites on the net that
provide you with almost the same information that these notes do. I found them quite
useful when I was preparing for the AP test and I hope they will help you. Have a great
time going through my site. Thank you for coming!
Visit Garraty's Online Website providing you with
Sample tests as well as chapter summaries to the book mentioned above. |
Visit Nash's site on the American People also powered
by Longman, the publishers of the my history textbook. This site is quite useful in
learning about society in America. |