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Motor Tyres seen in the picture are not for Car driving .
These are for Firing purpose of Dead Bodies kept one
upon another those killed brutally by the
Indian Occupation Forces in Assam.
Assam is situated between the parallels
of 24088" and 27010" North longitude and 89042"
and 96010" East latitude. Assam is bounded by Bhutan and
Arunachal in the north; Nagaland and Manipur in the east;
Bangladesh , Meghalaya , Tripura and Mizoram in the south and
India in the west. The land of Assam consists of valleys and
hills and mighty rivers like the Brahmaputra and Barak. Assam has
a geographical area of 78,529 square kilometers.
The fertile land of Assam is enormously
sufficient to produce abundant quantity of agro-products. Tea,
rice, pulses, oilseed, jute etc. are rich cash crops. Assam is
also rich in mineral resources like oil, coal, limestone natural
gas etc. The wild life sanctuaries like Manas, Kaziranga,
Pabitara etc, are the home of endangered species like one-horned
The society of Assam with the total
population of 25 millions can be categorized into three parts: 1.
The Assamese society developed through the historical
assimilation of different human races in the course of habitation
in the same area from unknown times.
2. The indigenous tribal society who
preserves their own identity till now, staying outside the
periphery of the historical assimilation of different human
The peoples who are historically
assimilated from different human races and those peoples who
stayed outside the assimilation are the indigenous inhabitants of
3. The foreigners migrated from the
Indian sub-continent after 1947 for different reasons.
The pain and sorrow of Assam
The 25 million peoples of Assam are the
descendents of those forerunners who migrated into Assam in
different historical times in separate groups of different human
races. Amongst them are the Austrics (the Karbis), the Mongoloids
( the Kirats), the Caucasians (the Aryans) and the Drabirs (the
Kaibartas and Banias). Here the society is painted with the
history of assimilation and union and the tradition of different
social-cultural factors. Assam, presently under the occupation of
Indian rule, was independent from the ancient times. The peoples
have been attaining in struggle in different crucial historical
moments against foreign invader to keep alive their independent
entity. They defended their independence successfully resisting
the invasions of the mighty Mughals seventeen times. However,
consequent to the Yandaboo Treaty signed between Man (Burma now
Myanmar) and British on 24 February 1826, Assam ultimately became
a British colony. After that the peoples engaged in struggle
against the British to restore the lost independence. At that
time the 'liberation struggle of Assam' was united with the
Indian freedom struggle under the principle of 'line of united
struggle'. Assam should have established an independent state,
just after the British left the South Asian continent, like the
establishment of independent countries such as India, Pakistan
and Myanmar. However, the British- created leadership of
independent India turned Assam into a colony of India through
intrigue and conspiracy. So Assam became dependent again. From
then the ruling class of India started indirect colonial
exploitation with the help of foreign multinational corporations
over and above their direct ruthless colonial exploitation. Now
the people of Assam has become enfoebled, being seized by these
two tired exploitations. All the industries, industrial products
and the markets came under the control of the colonial ruling
class. As a result, the strategy of annihilation of nation began.
Services, industries and the markets are packed with foreigners
deceiving the indigenous people. They have encouraged illegal
migration of millions of Indian and non-Indian foreigners into
Assam and rehabilitated them. This has turned the people of Assam
into street-beggars and minority in their own country. They have
fabricated a portion of the foreigners as the representative of
indigenous people of Assam enthroning them at Delhi and Dispur as
'Member of Parliament' and 'Member of Legislative Assembly'. The
ruling class has handicapped the languages, society and culture
of Assam with the help of service-expecting education system and
other publicity media. They have made the self-dependent
productive power of general peasantry standstill, keeping the
agriculture process in underdeveloped condition and the flood
problem alive sans providing any permanent solution to it. They
have made acute the unemployment problem of the educated,
semi-educated and non-educated. Corruption, black marketing and
depravity have utterly disgraced the social life of Assam. This
has become a threat to our national identity. These are the pain
and sorrow of the society of Assam. Above all, the Indian ruling
class is executing the strategy of "divide and destroy"
by instigating group conflicts.
The non violent struggles of the
Assamese peoples to emancipate themselves from the above
mentioned colonial problems have faced the steam-roller of
undemocratic repression and torture of India in the name of
slogans like 'united India', 'we are all Indians', and the law
and constitution of India. The peoples of Assam have been
suffering from the distress of mind due to the ruthless
repression and torture of the Indian State. The peoples having
been deprived of fundamental human and legal rights have lost
their confidence totally in the non-violent struggle. As a
result, another historical moment has arrived in front of the
dependent indigenous people of Assam - in this moment the only
alternative way for salvation of the peoples of Assam is the way
of 'armed national liberation struggle'. So the 'UNITED LIBERATION FRONT OF ASOM' (ULFA), the vanguard of national liberation struggle in
Assam, was formed on 7th April 1979 to bear the historic
responsibility of spearheading the armed democratic struggle with
the ultimate aim of establishing an independent socialist
sovereign Assam.
Some General Information about
Area of Assam 78
Assam |
Year |
Units |
Population |
1991 |
25 846 Millions |
Population growth per annum % |
1981-91 |
2.2 2.1 |
Urbanisation % |
1991 |
11.1 26 |
Infant mortality per '000
births |
1991 |
81 80 |
Literacy rate % |
1991 |
52.9 52 |
Net State Domestic Product
(SDP) Rs.crore |
1991-92 |
9,562 489,277 |
Per cap. State Domestic Product
Rupees |
1991-92 |
4,230 5,781 |
Growth in Real per cap. SDP %
p.a. |
1980-92 |
4.3 3.0 |
Share of agriculture in SDP % |
1988-89 |
42 34 |
Share of industry in SDP % |
1988-89 |
22 26 |
Share of services in SDP % |
1988-89 |
35 40 |
Foodgrain production ' 000 tns. |
1990-93 |
3,423 173,140 |
Per capita foodgrain production
kgs. |
1990-93 |
149 201 |
Yield of foodgrains kgs/hectare |
1990-93 |
1,252 1,388 |
Number of factories numbers |
1989-90 |
1,585 107,992 |
Value of output from
manufacturing Rs.crore |
1989-90 |
2,981 230,659 |
Value added from manufacturing
Rs.crore |
1989-90 |
749 43,373 |
Consumption of commercial
energy '000 ton |
1992-93 |
1,905 200,321 |
Power generation GWH |
1992-93 |
1,070 300,989 |
Power consumption GWH |
1992-93 |
2,040 279,824 |
Railway route length / '000 kms. |
1992-93 |
31.45 19.01 |
Road length / '000 kms. |
1987-88 |
820 544 |
Number of bank offices numbers
Mar |
1994 |
1,226 61,852 |
Bank offices per lakh
population numbers Mar |
1994 |
5.1 6.9 |
Per capita bank deposits Rupees
Mar |
1994 |
1,280 3,562 |
Deployment of India Occupation Forces
in the Seven Sister Region of Southeast Asia:
Command Calcutta (William Fort):
(a) 4th Corps Tezour (Assam) (b) 33rd
Corps Rangapahar (Dimapur) 4th Corps (a) 2nd Mountain Division
Dinjan (Dibrugarh) (b) 21st Mountain Division Rangia (Kampur) (c)
5th Mountain Division Tenga Valley (Arunachal) 33rd Corps (a) 8th
Mountain Division Imphal (Manipur) (b) 57th Mountain Division
Nasimpur (Silchar)
Air base:
1. Nadua (Dibrugarh District) 2. Raraya
(Jorhat) 3. Garoimari (Sonitpur) Areas and others deployment 1.
101 area (Shillong) 2. 51 Sub-area (Narengi) 3. Sub-area (Jorhat)
(A). The Head Quarter of Assam Regiment
situated at Shilong (B). The counter-insurgency Training School
situated at Varengti (Mizoram)
Para Military
1.Assam rifles (HQ) Shillong) 2.CRPF
Group HQ(Gauhati and Rangapahar) 3. Border Security Force
(Regional HQ, Panbari)
In March 1992, there were 65,605
kilometers of road maintained by the PWD.
There were 2,033 kilometers of national
highway in 1990. There were 352,874 motor vehicles in the state
in 1994-95.
The route kilometer of railways in
1994-95 was 2,362 kilometers.
Civil Aviation
Daily scheduled flights connect the
principal towns with the rest of India. There are airports at
Guwahati, Tezpur, Jorhat, North Lakhimpur, Silchar and Dibrugarh.
Water transport is important in Lower
Assam, the main waterway being Brahamaputra river.
In 1991, 52.89% of the population was
literate (61.89% of men and 43.03% of women).
In 1995-96 there were 30,140 primary/
junior basic schools with 3,816,603 students, 7,237 middle /
senior basic schools with 1,304,504 students , and 3,980 high /
higher secondary schools with 618,146 students.
There were 245 colleges for general
education, 6 medical colleges (including dental and Ayurvedic), 3
engineering, 1 agricultural, 22 teacher-training colleges and a
fisheries college. There were five universities: Assam
Agricultural University, Jorhat; Dibrugarh University with 86
colleges and 55,982 students; Gauhati University with 128
colleges and 80,363 students (92-93), and two central
universities at Silchar and Tezpur.
In 1994-95 there were 147 hospitals
(13,103 beds), 656 primary health centers and 335 dispensaries.
to the 1991 census,
Religion |
Population |
Hindus numbered |
15,047,293 |
Muslims |
6,373,204 |
Christians |
744,367 |
Buddhist |
64,008 |
Jains |
20,645 |
Sikhs |
21,910 |

Published By-
Publicity Department, ULFA . |