List of Officers
President, Pat Farmer, Phone: 301-776-4645
Immediate Past Chapter President/Second Vice President/
Legislation Officer, Bill Ferguson
First Vice President/Membership Officer, Mark Silverstein
Secretary, Helen Hass, Phone: 301-776-7636
Treasurer, Bob Ridgway
Service Officer, Cris Marchiori
Current Federal Employee/POC, Joe Huerta
Public Relations Officer, Sara Walser
Program Officer, Jacqueline Roberson
Newsletter Editor, Barbara Hemming
Past President/ NARFE Net Coordinator, Clarence E. Blackstock
Newsletter Distribution, Phyllis & Giles Mills
R.S.V.P. Lunch, Arlene Weiss, Phone: 301-598-2831
Meets monthly, except July and August, with programs of local interest and updates on Federal and State legislation: 1:00 p.m. first Wednesday of the months of September, November, January, March and May at the Laurel Community Center; first Wednesday 11:30 a.m. the months of October, December, February, April & June at a local restaurant.
May 12 (Tuesday) ~ Since our Chapter President will be attending the State Federation Convention in Ocean City, our May meeting has been changed to Tuesday, May 12, with something "new" - an outing to the Laurel Museum followed by lunch at the The Olive Garden in Laurel. We will meet at 10:00 am. at the Laurel Museum (817 Main Street, Laurel) for a tour of the Museum's latest exhibit, "Shake, Rattle 'n' Roll: Laurel in the 1950s." After the tour we meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. at The Olive Garden Restaurant, 14650 Baltimore Avenue, in Laurel. Lunch will be served at noon.
The menu will include bread sticks, salad, beverage, vanilla ice cream and a choice of Spaghetti and Meatballs, Lasagna Classico, Eggplant Parmigiana, Fettuccini Alfredo, or Ravioli di Portobello. Menu selection can be made at the restaurant. The cost of the lunch is $16.00 per person. Please send your checks by May 4, payable to NARFE Chapter 422, to Arlene Weiss, 3221 S. Leisure World Blvd., Apt 1A, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Her phone number is 301-598-2831. Members will need to provide their own transportation from the Museum to the restaurant. However, if you need transportation there, please contact Pat Farmer who may be able to arrange a ride for you.
June 3 (Wednesday) We will hold our last luncheon-meeting prior to the summer recess at 11:30 a.m. at the lower level Main Street Sports Grill (formerly Oliver's), 531 Main Street in Laurel. The menu which is being developed will consist of cold salads and the cost of the luncheon will be posted at the next webpage update. Guest speakers will be Delegates Barbara Frush, Joseline Pena-Melnyk and Ben Barnes. Senator Jim Rosapepe has also been invited.
The Chapter does not meet during the months of July and August. Mark your calendar now for the September 2nd meeting. See you in September !
Questions about Chapter 422, please contact
The President, Pat Farmer, Phone: 301-776-4645
Contact the Webmaster at
NARFE Chapter 422 of Laurel, Maryland invites all active and retired Federal employees to visit our chapter meetings any time. We try to provide a comfortable and private atmosphere for our meetings and for socialization with fellow NARFE members.
NARFE sponsors and supports legislation and government regulations beneficial to present and future Federal retirees.
NARFE also provides help with retirement benefits administered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Our programs are varied and of interest to all active and retired Federal employees, both Civil Service (CSRS) and FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System). The programs include discussions on: Health Issues, Changes in Federal Health Care Plans, Long Term Care, Taxes, Financial Planning, and talks by Local/State/Federal officials, such as the Maryland U.S. Senators and House of Representatives, Maryland State Senators and Delegates, who represents our chapter members.
Our chapter emphasizes the importance of keeping the members advised of national and state legislation that may affect their retirement annuities. A "Hotline" legislative report is available to the members detailing the current legislative issues, both Federal and State.
Can influence legislation by lobbying local representatives.
Receive the latest information on retirement issues, taxes, financial planning,
and health benefits.
Elect delegates who then vote regarding NARFE leadership and policies.
Enjoy fellowship with other Federal retirees and current employees.
Support NARFE’s goals through local, state and national projects.
Receive monthly Chapter Newsletter which keeps members abreast of items regarding their benefits.
Receive monthly "The Retirement Life Magazine" written especially for
National Active and Retired Federal Employees.
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