Politics and Political Science Links
Naturally, the website links do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the website's author...
Labour Research Links
Pippa Norris Harvard Page
Labour Research links - excellent

Socialist International

Political Studies Association LME
Labour Left briefing
Political Activism resources

Irish Labour Party Homepage

Trinity College Labour Party Homepage

Songs of Irish Labour

Manchester Centre for Labour Studies

Islington Labour Party

Labour Reform

Virtual Library: Labour history links ***
Labour History Research Tools ***
Labour in Irish History - online text
Political Economy Research Centre - papers ***
Useful Polisci sites
Online Journals

Political Database of the Americas

Research Resources for Social Science***
Left Business Observer

Leftwatch - Noam Chomsky Critic

Joe Costello's website
Prionsias De Rossa's website

Sean Butler's website

New Social Movements on the Net
NIU's Ultimate PoliSci Links**

ICPSR data archive

The Mark Thomas Comedy Product
Dublink - some Dublin links

The Institute for European Affairs, Dublin

The Pat Finucane Centre

More Political Science Links
Oireachtas homepage

UCD Politics Homepage - comprehensive page for politics resources in Ireland etc.

Inter-Parliamentary Union database - database of world parliaments

Parliaments on the web

Centre for the study of democracy - papers etc

Trinity College Political Science homepage

Irish political parties links

Social Science Citation Index

Wilfried Derksen's World Directory of Politics - *****
Whole Again Human Rights resources
ECPR Data Archives
Comparative Politics Resources
Political Science Research Methodoology

British Columbia Political Method. and Survey Research
Washington University Working Papers
PROceedings - PoliSci research online
LSU political resources
The Irish Times
The Sunday Business Post

The Sunday Times

The Irish Independent

CELT - Corpus of Electronic Texts
Limerick Political and Economic Review
Online edition of Plato's Republic
The Critical Theory Bookshelf
Moriarty Tribunal website

MidWest Against Racism
Pavee Point Travellers Centre
Crosspoint Anti-Racism Homepage

Ethics and Refugee Homepage

Keele Irish links

Dublin Corporation

Aontas - National Association of Adult Education

Focus Ireland

Homeless International

History of Ireland

Irish Charities

Dublin Inner City Partnership

International Labour Organisation


New Leader, New Labour? - essay on BLP
The Ideology and ethics of Tony Blair
Rousseau on the web
Political Game Theory

Interactive PD game page

Bibliography of identity and self - Nat's page!
EUROFERRET - useful search engine
Newshound - Northern Ireland updates***
Statewatch - for those who like to watch your backs
New Social Movements on the Net
Seyd& Whiteley - Labour membership paper***

Rick Feiock's homepage
Comparative Politics Resources
Social Science Information Gateway
Online journals

The Economist
For suggestions, additions to this page,
                          email murphyrj@tcd.ie

TCD Irish Opinion poll archive
European Political Parties - archives
Handilinks to Political Science Organizations
PoliSci Resources
Internet Resources for Political Scientists

Social Science Data Archives - Europe

World Data Center System

PFC report on Rosemary Nelson murder
PFC bibliography on the media and NI conflict
Amnesty Ireland
Gary King's homepage
Eurobarometer Internet links

Political Science Personal homepages
Ken Benoit's Homepage
Surveys and Statistical Research Centre
Gamble and Ludlam research on Conservatives
Lipow and Seyd 1995 paper - 'Political parties and the challenge to democracy: From steam-engines to techno-populism'
The Lijphart Elections Archive
JSTOR - the most useful thing on the net
Elections Ireland - Took
and Donnelly's new site
ILP Housing Report, published 27 April 1999
Times Change - Irish Political and Cultural Quarterly
Amnesty International
Bibliography of French Socialism
Robert Michels - extracts from Political Parties
Proposed Road To Freedom by
Bertrand Russell$!font>
Political Scientists - Personal Homepages
Political Science sites - Houston Libraries

IDEAS - Internet Documents in Economics Access Service
The Red Feather Dictionary of Critical Social Science - S
Pluralism and Proceduralism - Joshua Cohen (on Rawls)
Otto Ruhle's speech to the Reichstag, 25 Oct, 1918
A difficult freedom: Social Democracy's defeat to the Church in the Finnish Cultural Struggle - Book Review
Jean Barrot on Kautsky
Student essays on the net
Anglo-Irish Political Links

Infosite Ireland
Euan O' Halpin Paper, 'Partnership Programme Managers in
the Reynolds/Spring Government 1993-94: An Assessment'

Working Papers of the Robert Schuman Centre***
More links>>>
Irish politics Labour links Irish political science links Seyd and Whiteley British Labour Party links political science resources links politics data archives Irish opinion poll archive party members Irish Labour Party Labour's grassroots political science journals online Ruairi Quinn Joe Costello Dublin Central constituency songs of Irish Labour Party links Prionsias De Rossa Helena Sheehan Bernie Malone Sean Butler etc.