September Chapter Meeting

         Wednesday, September 25 , 2002

Optional Pre-dinner Presentation:  5:00 p.m.

Registration:  5:30 p.m.

Dinner & Program:  6:00 p.m.



Marriott Courtyard, 5151 Journal Center Blvd NE



London Broil - topped with marsala mushroom sauce, served with whipped potatoes and fresh seasonal vegetables.

*Vegetarian meals available: request at time of RSVP



 $20; receipt available upon request



Call 828-6323 by 4 p.m., Monday, September 23, 2002 . (Note attendance at “Albuquerque Chapter” meeting and whether you plan to attend the NMGRT presentation)



Jack Harrington, V P, Business Affairs

Eclipse Aviation

Mr. Harrington will provide an overview, production plans, and marketing strategy for the Eclipse 500.  The Eclipse 500 is designed to carry six passengers about 1,500 miles at more than 400 miles per hour.  The plane is touted as the first jet under $1million and manufacturers of the Eclipse 500 are determined to prove their new entry-level business jet is the “little airplane that could” revolutionize air travel.



Bill Cavin, BC Professional Services, Inc.

NMGRT – New Developments Affecting R&D and Professional Services Companies.



2002-2003 Chapter Officers:


National Director

Lynn Fitzpatrick,



Bill Cavin ,



Donna Heinz,



Jo Cunningham,



Steve Avery,


Vice President, Education

Doug Thomas,

345-5591, x 3079

Vice President, off site

Christopher Fresquez, 


Vice President, Membership

Roosevelt Burden,


Vice President, Programs

Lillian Retallack,


Certification Chair

Chad Twitchell,     


Director at large (programs)

Rhonda Dukes,


Director at large (education)

Brian Leen,


Director at large (membership)

Maj. Holly Mangum,

Newsletter Editor

Martrice Bordlemay,






Jack Harrington brings to Eclipse extensive experience in aviation insurance, litigation and governmental affairs.  Prior to joining Eclipse, Harrington had been in private practice as an aviation lawyer since 1986, during which time he developed a noteworthy list of clients including aircraft and parts manufacturers and aviation industry trade associations.


His aviation insurance experience is complemented by broad experience in general casualty, and product liability insurance defense matters.


Harrington is a member of the Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association, the Aviation Insurance Association, the National Business Aviation Association, the National Transportation Safety Board Bar Association, and the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), of which he is a director.


He serves as a Director of the Experimental Aircraft Association, and the EAA Warbirds of America, and is a Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Safety Counselor.  He holds a commercial pilot certificate with airplane single-engine land and sea, multiengine and instrument airplane ratings.





Our 2002-3 program year is quickly taking shape.  Your board of directors is enthusiastic and eager to provide the programs you want, and our primary goal for this year is to increase meeting attendance.  This means we must provide programs that you want to attend.  Within the next few days, you will be hearing from a board member.  Please give us your candid thoughts on how we can enhance our programs and see you at the meetings.


We also hope to involve more members in the planning and execution of our Chapter’s programs.  Board members will appoint chairmen to assist with their primary duties, and we will have special chairmen for unique missions, such as Certification and Graalman.


At the National level, our own Gary Zura, NCMA’s President-Elect, will be shepherding some exciting changes.  One of the more important of these is an enhanced certification program that will be accredited by the university community and will include commercial contracting.  Back home, Chad Twitchell of Sandia will be chairing a study group, and we hope to have some of the first holders of the new certifications. 


If you have not been active recently, I encourage you to rekindle your relationship with NCMA and its many fine people, as I did a few years back.  Start by attending the next meeting.  To volunteer your talents, contact any board member – it’s easy and rewarding.

Bill Cavin, Albuquerque chapter president





As we prepare to attend our dinner meetings and special learning events this fiscal year, I want to share with all of you what has been happening and will probably happen.


First of all: we will be having the normal dinner meetings, and other members of the Board of Directors will be sharing the plans for speakers and events.


We  will be offering educational opportunities in addition to our always-popular dinner speakers.   The first will be presented by our President, Bill Cavin, before the registration and visiting time at the September meeting.  Chad Twitchell will present a timely topic prior to the October meeting.  Our basic plan includes offering an hour of professional education earlier in the afternoon than in the past, in order to give participants the opportunity for meeting and sharing with others before dinner.


I want to recommend to all of you the upcoming all-day event which is presented by the Zia Chapter, titled "Nuts, Bolts and Beyond II: A Contracting Symposium". If you have not received the information yet, send me a message and I will be glad to forward it to you. They are putting on a really informative and professional event on October 10th, and there should be something for everyone.  The Albuquerque Chapter will host a similar event in February 2003.


Now, what about the normal headquarters-sponsored seminars? Things are changing in the professional world, and our association is making plans to be more-responsive to the membership. The following is a copy of a memo I sent out to the boards of our chapter and Zia Chapter, and as of this writing no more is known. When we learn more details I will be definitely sharing with you, our members.


(Through the end of last fiscal year,) the Fast Track/Fast Response seminars basically took the same format as the NES, so in effect we had two seminars to provide to our membership during the program year.


A decision has been made to call all the seminars NES, but they will be expanded to include as many as four per year (12-month year). They will cover different functional areas of contracting, and chapters can choose to put on all four in one year, or select two per year, or whatever.


There will not be a HQ-contracted text any more - we will be using a published textbook, probably from a current course being conducted at various institutions of higher learning. The traditional paper version of the overhead to make notes on will probably still be used, but we in the chapters may be asked to download a master copy and print out for our members. That is still up in the air.


We will probably see many of the same names of presenters that we already know - that aspect won't change very much, and we will likely continue to interact with them on a case-by-case basis and make whatever arrangements are in the best interests of both parties.


We will likely see some formal discussion of the new program in one or both of the news messages that come from HQ, then possibly a more-extensive discussion in the September or October issue of CM Magazine.


That is what I know for now. Pricing, costs, support, etc., will probably be sent to us as the program gets more firm. As more information becomes available, and as our plan for the year is firmed-up, I will be sharing my thoughts and plans with you. For the time being, we have an exciting year ahead of us, and I hope many of you, if not all, will take advantage of the programs available to you.





The new NES Seminar Series will launch its first seminar this October. The first topic will be "Project

Management in the Contracting Process." This one-day course will present the essential aspects of

successful project management. Everyone involved in the buying and selling of goods and services, in

both the public and private sectors, needs to better understand how to effectively manage their scope of

work, budget, schedule, and resources to ensure customer satisfaction. Key topics of discussion will

include: vocabulary, teamwork, cycles, and the management elements/best practices.


Every seminar attendee will receive a copy of's best-selling book on project management,

Visualizing Project Management, 2nd edition, by Mooz, Forsberg, and Cotterman (Wiley, 2001).  This

highly interactive seminar features numerous exercises, case studies, and lecture-discussions.

The learning objectives for this course are as follows:

-Understand why project management skills are valuable for contract managers;

-Know what are the four essentials for every project;

-Understand the importance of having a common project vocabulary to improve; communications  

 between buyer and seller and their respective team members;

-Learn the best practices of building and sustaining teamwork on projects and their related contracts;  and

-Understand the project cycle and how to accelerate delivery.

Doug Thomas,  vp education



Welcome to new members:

Maria Armijo                                Marvin Frazier                              Laurian Ott

  Sandia National Labs                        27 CONS (Cannon AFB)                                      Blackhawk Management Corp   

Hans Augustus                            Stephen Frochen                         Daniel Stafford                           

  27 CONS (Cannon  AFB)                              27 CONS (Cannon AFB)                            Sandia National Labs                     

Mary Drobot                                Victoria Grimm                    Chad Twitchell

  US Fish & Wildlife Service                   Applied Research Associates                   Sandia National Labs

Samuel Felix                                Brian Murray

  Sandia National Labs                         The Proteus Corp



Happy Anniversary to:                 Lillian Retallack         20 yrs

George Daly             10 yrs

Deborah Dennis          5 yrs

Clifford Meier              5 yrs


The Albuquerque chapter would like to recognize our chapter members who have recently renewed their memberships.  Thanks for your continued support!


Thomas Courtin        Jackson & Tull

Sheehan James        Goodrich Corp

Janice Jillson            MCT Industries

Dennis Jontz            Eastham Johnson Monnheimer & J

Pamela Klein             Honeywell Inc

John Norwood          Voss Scientific

David O’Leary           27 CONS

Michael Pierotti         Los Alamos Nat’l Lab

Kenneth Walters       IT Corp

Moises Zamora         Los Alamos  Nat’l Lab


DON'T FORGET TO RENEW:  We would like to encourage members to renew their memberships.  If you already have, thanks for your continued  support of the chapter!

Holly Mangum, Membership








If you haven’t been to recently, it’s worth a few minutes of browsing time.  You will need your member ID number to access the members-only portion of the site – and I know we all have those pesky little membership cards handy!  To get your member number, call any chapter officer, we’ll be happy to look it up for you.