Ok, so this page doesn't have much going for it right now, but I'm working on it. I plan to use this site primarily as something fun for me to do every now and then when I get bored, as well as for some unfortunate class projects that I am required to do, from time to time. At any rate, this site is quite incomplete, but it will eventually get better, as I have time. In the mean time, explore what little is here.
Stupid Stuff
The Berlin Wall Project
Valentine's Day Poem
A Visitor From Thebes
Nice Pictures
CS 1010 JavaScript Assignments
mp3producer download
The Hollow Men
The Waste Land
The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock

This site is property of Shah Andre Enterprises 2000. Use of the images, descriptions, or other property used herein may be copied, downloaded, and used, but not altered in any form whatsoever without permission of Shah Andre Enterprises. Violation of these terms may subject user to being tarred, feathered, and sent to bed without supper. Bullwinkle for President, 2004.