The Class War Store

This is where you can buy any number of skinhead, Oi!, punk, ska, rockabilly, and revolutionary music, books, video, clothes, (lots more stuff from our record label and other projects coming soon!) and other gear you could possibly imagine.

Most of the stuff you'll see on this site is stuff that Class War Crew/Antifa Cartel directly manufactures, or distros for friends of ours.  Below that, you'll find links to CDNow, and, where you can buy just about any type of music, videos, or books, on nearly any subject!  A percentage of the sale will go to the Class War Crew War Chest, so "consume, consume, consume!

Send WELL CONCEALED cash, or a check or money order made out to "CASH" to:
Class War Industries P.O Box 8174 - Columbus, Ohio  43201 - USA

Note:  If you'de like us to distro something for you, email us!

Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT1 - $17.00
Left Corner Print Item #CWT 2- $15.00
Patch Item #CWPT1 - $8.00

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Smash Fascism & Racism

Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT3 - $17.00

Left Corner Print Item #CWT2 - $15.00
Poster Item #CWP1 - $8.00

Emma Goldman Mugshot!
Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT4 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP2 - $8.00

Lynched Klansman w/ Antifa Boot on Left sleeve
Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT5 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP3 - $8.00
Patch Item #CWPT2- $3.00

Crucified By Capitalism
Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT 6- $17.00
Left Corner Print Item #CWT7 - $15.00 (w/ Antifa Boot on sleeve - + $2)
Poster Item #CWP4 - $8.00
Patch Item #CWPT3 - $3.00

Autonomen Antifa
Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT8 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP5 - $8.00
Patch Item #CWPT - $3.00

*THE* Oi Polloi t-shirt!
Piping down the left side, with badge above and text on chest
Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CW9 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP6 - $8.00
Oi Polloi (Gaelic Font only) back patch Item #CWPT4 - $3.00

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Full Chest Print Item #CWT10 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP7 - $8.00
Patch Item #CWPT5 - $3.00

crassb2.gif (8352 bytes)

Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT11 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP8 - $8.00
Patch Item #CWPT - $3.00

Redskins.gif (18731 bytes)

Full Chest Print T-shirt Item #CWT12 - $17.00
Poster Item #CWP9 - $8.00
Patch Item #CWPT6 - $3.00

redblackstar.gif (2248 bytes)

Left Corner Print Item #CWT13 - $10.00
Patch Item #CWPT7 - $3.00

dare.gif (4540 bytes)

Full Chest Print Item #CWT14 - $15.00
Patch Item #CWPT8 - $3.00


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Album Title

Song Title