The cwc PWG is dedicated to supporting our class brothers and sisters who are locked inside the belly of the beast. As anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, socialist, and general anti-fascist, we recognize that prisons serve ONLY as our political masters medium for controlling revolutionary ideas, and warehousing minorities and the white poor, to be used as cheap labor in one of the many PRISON FACTORIES. Worried about NAFTA? You would do better to worry about the slave labor industry inside the United Snakes of Amerikkka's prison system, where inmates (most of whom are held only for "economic" crimes, or "crimes against PROPERTY" ) are forced to sell their labor at pennies on your wage dollar, in exchange for toiletries, phone credit and stamps to maintain contact with their families, etc.

The PWG will work towards exposing campaigns of repression within the prison system, supporting international and domestic class war prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and above all, SUPPORTING NON/ANTI-RACIST SKINHEADS within the prison system. This support will come in the way of correspondance, outside updates, free skinhead literature, and free subs to political literature. Say what you'd like, but WHAT OTHER skinheads or skinhead groups do you know that will REALLY support their class? Not many, and that's because most of the people who cry "No Politics" the loudest are nothing more than middle class suburban rebels, with nothing to loose and everything to gain.

The PWG makes no demands of prisoners it supports. We don't ask anyone to change their way of thinking, join cwc, or anything else. As long as you're an anti-racist skin in prison, we will send you skinhead zines, maintain correspondance with you, and send you anything else you maybe interested in that we can get our hands on.

If you know of anyone who you think we should be put in touch with, please feel free to drop us a line at the address for cwc on the main page. Also, if you publish a zine, want to write articles for the PWG newsletter, or want to send ANYTHING else, do the same, and we'll make sure it finds its way to a prisoner who will be more than happy to recieve it. Don't throw it away, send it to us.

They'll NEVER get us all!