Constitution Draft For Class War Cartel
"blessed are they who hunger and thirst after
righteousness, for they
shall be quenced..."

1. Anyone under this constitution (hereafter
reffered to as "paper")
must work to actively combat the rise of the
reactionary right, both in
their town, in America, and on our Earth.
2. In addition to fighting fascist vanguards,
those under paper must do
so with a class analysis, realizing that fascists
are the shock forces
of capital in crisis, and that the real enemy
is, and always will be
capitalism. The orientation of an individuals
anti-capitalism shall be
left up to the individual, provided they are
3. Individuals and/or crews under paper
MUST maintain a strteet level
orientation, and the willingness, ability and
intent of fighting the
enemy both ideologically and physically, on the
streets, at shows, and
wherever they manifest themselves.
I. Towards these ends, those under
paper will:
Achieve and maintain a maximum level of physical fitness
and strenth.
physically train in hand to hand and other combat skills.
gain or increase their knowledge of communication and
actively study the history of working class struggle,
both in america and the world.
actively participate in and facilitate the growth of the
MILITANT antifascist struggle.
4. Individuals shall bear PERSONAL repsonsibility
for the safety of
those in their crew and others under paper.
5. When asked, those under paper will expend
every available resource
to help other crews against physical confrontation,
and will show effort
in participating and helping with activities
of other crews.
6. Individuals under paper will not befriend,
hang out, etc with
unaffiliated persons with ill intent of mnalice
towards others who are
under paper. Our only loyalties beyond
our class anbd the future are to
each other.
1. Every member of the cartel must struggle
to help build collectivised
businesses. Those without the necessary
organizational skills will
contribute money and other resources as able.
2. Cartel businesses must be organized
collectively. If in the
begining, your project only requires the work
of one person, than you
may keep any and all profit for yourself (but
give a % to your crew or
to the cartel for antifa war chest). The
moment your project requires
that more than 1 person works, it must be collectivized.
This means
that all workers have equal ownership in, and
control over the business.
Attempt to reach consensus, but in its absense
rely on a 3/4 majority
vote for all major decisions. All workers
are paid equally according to
the number of hours worked. If you earn
100 dollars, and 1 person works
20 hours and another 10, then the first recieves
$66, and the other $33,
and so on.
1. All those under paper have the right to
assume and expect that as
they take thge backs of others against enemies,
the same will ALWAYS be
done for them.
2. Cartel members have the right to live in a
world free of fascism and
tyranny and struggle to this end by ANY MEANS
3. Those under paper have the right to borrow
against the war chests in
cases of extreme need, or for business and projects
approved by their
crew or the cartel.
4. All members have the right to have an
equal voice and experience
direct democracy within their crew and the cartel.
If consensus cannot
be reached, decisions will fall to a 3/4 majority
5. cartel members have thye right to complete
domination and control
over the street scene.
6. Cartel members may expect gainfull and
enjoyable employment outside
of the capitalist infrastructure through the
cartels business
operations. If this ins not happening,
scrape together some resources
and a plan, and MAKE it happen for yourself and