Professor Noel Cox, LLB LLM(Hons) MTheol(Hons) PhD Auckland MA Lambeth LTh Lampeter GradDipTertTchg AUT AdvCertHeraldrySociety CertTertTchg AUT HonCIL FRHistS FCIL FFASL FBS FIAAH, Barrister of the High Court of New Zealand, and of the Supreme Courts of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria
Professor of Constitutional Law, School of Law, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
This website contains the bulk of my published writing. My public law, international law, intellectual property law and legal history papers all have a place, as well as those on less 'academic' subjects. I have also included some book reviews of the majority of the fiction works of the Victorian and Edwardian author Sir Henry Rider Haggard. There are also some pages of biographical material.
I will include articles as and when I publish them in traditional format elsewhere.
Please respect the laws of copyright and do not copy any of these articles in part or in total without permission.
Links to pages which may be of interest to readers of these pages are also included.
Noel Cox
For further information you are welcome to email me at:
For academic matters only, you may contact me at:
© Noel Cox 2008