My Thoughts Can you believe what happened? Lots of people are talking about the newly elected Jesse "The Mind" Ventura. Many of you, as I do, may remember him better as "The Body". Some of you may remember him in the action movie "Predator" or you may remember him as the singer or maybe you heard of him as the mayor of Brooklyn Park, city of Minnesota, or still others may remember him as the Wrestler. However you remember him, one thing is for sure, you do know him. That's how someone gets elected. It appears you dont need experience or the knowledge to govern a Sate. It will be interesting to see how the next 4 years turn out for Minnesota. I dont know of any other Governor in the union, who can execute a flying scissors kick. Will he be able to pull this of or will this be just another chapter in Jesses book, that Im sure someone will write. Who knows, maybe it will be released just in time as he accepts the oath of ..I wont even go there.
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Some Links to more Jesse Ventura Stuff
Ventura's web-site
Jesse Ventura web page ...Reform
party home page ...WWF home page