One wave changes the shoreline;
imperceptively perhaps, but changed nonetheless.
E. Lewis, l976


Having written a good many essays concerning politics, education, law enforcement/justice, and general societal observations, I decided I had to do something with them.

Although a few have been published in various papers and online journals, there have not been enough to become recognized. So, I thought it time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak.

First, there are many, many biased editors/publishers feeding us the information we receive as 'accurate' reporting. And, of course, as more and more of us are finding out, the media, whether printed or over the airways, often find it difficult to leave out their personal feelings and thoughts when reporting the news.

Second, a few publishers have made quite positive comments about my work and my thoughts. Added to this is the fact I easily hold people's attention when talking about the things I write about. These two have caused me to believe I do have thoughts which interest people and cause them to think.

Third, even if my site doesn’t get a visitor, or no repeat visitors, at least I will have tried. And, as the old saying goes, it is much better to have tried. I would rather try and fail than spend the rest of my life wondering - “What if...?

Therefore, besides writing articles for submission, I thought it was time to compile my essays into a book and publish it myself online.

I have titled the book “Out of the Darkness” as this is how I feel after becoming more knowledgeable in the actions of the government of this nation and the negative behaviors of politicians. Their lack of integrity and ability to manipulate the thoughts of others is appalling, not to mention the fact their moral values lumped together would not fill a thimble.

Organization may change, just as I have spent hours doing today, but, as it is right now, I am entering essays close to the order I wrote them beginning from near the end of 1995 to the present and beyond (as they are written).

There will be four parts to the book, covering the topics of politics, education, law enforcement/justice, and general societal observations, as mentioned above.

The first link below, The Millennium, will take you to the beginning. And, believe it or not, it is not important to me as to whether you agree or disagree with me. What is important is having the thoughts of another person to consider.

The Millennium - Intro to Out of the Darkness

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