I've just signed in on November, 22nd 1998. It is disorganised but bear with me for a while.
I am starting this page as I feel that as a responsible Malaysian citizen, I should speak out on behalf of the majority of the people's feelings about the interference of our internal political affairs by the United States.
The News Articles here are intended for people in the world to read and understand how the majority of the people of Malaysia feel and what is going on in the country as regards to Al Gore's and Albright's behaviour and also about the Reformasi Movement.
However, before I go on, I would like it to be known that I am not Anti-Americans nor am I being paid by our Government. I am only against those who insult our country without knowing the truth. I know that there are many good Americans out there who do not behave this way. My words here may be harsh but not aimed at those good Americans.
Once upon a time ago, most of us used to think that the United States were the good guys and have a lot of respect for the government but it is not the case now. It is the arrogance of the United States that has stirred up a lot of anti-United States feelings all over the world. But the United States is too proud and so righteous that they never see their own faults to see why this is happening. They only put the blame on others and not themselves !!
You only listen to one side of the story...the demonstrators and judge the government by that. Why don't you listen to the majority of the people in the streets who believe in our country's policies and support it ? It is usually the peaceful people that keeps quiet and you don't hear us. It is time we speak up !! I think it is very arrogant of the United States to behave that way. It shows that the irresponsible leaders have bad upbringing ..maybe they were never taught respect, manners or to be polite by their family. Let me make this clear though, I am not implying that all Americans are like that. I am speaking to those who think and behave like uneducated people who have no respect for others.
If your country says you care so much about human rights and want to defend that, where are you now when there are killings in Indonesia, Bosnia and other countries ??? What are you doing to help the people in plight and are dying ? Why don't you do something to help them who are genuinely in need of help ? Why do you interfere in our internal affairs that has no bloodshed and is done in a democratic way ? You only interfere when you have economic interests in that country like Kuwait. You don't care about people and so called human rights. You only want to show your power around and push people around to make them do what you like. Don't be such a hypocrite !!
It is very unfortunate that for a country which says it believes in democracy but do not respect the laws of other countries and make it their business to get the leaders they like to get into power no matter what the consequences. United States should not judge our democracy and laws which they don't fully understand. We have different histories and different backgrounds and cultures and therefore our democracy is based on that to ensure peace and order. Is that wrong ? Why can't the United States accept the differences ? Why do you have to force others to accept your ways or the way you think is right ? Do you think you are God or something ? do you think you are so righteous and never wrong ? What gives you the right to tell others what to do ?
SEJATERA MALAYSIA Puji dan syukur pada Ilahi Anugerahnya tiada terhingga Kedamaian,Kemakmuran Malaysiaku bahagia Dengan tekad untuk berjaya Berbakti pada nusa dan bangsa Kami junjung cita-cita luhur Perpaduan seluruh negeri
Seia,sekata,sehati,sejiwa Menghadapi cabaran Kami setia,kami sedia Berkorban untuk negara
Bersemarak Malaysia tercinta Kibarkan panji kebesarannya Kami rela menjaga namamu Sejahtera Malaysia
My version of "Colors of the Wind"
You think we are just ignorant people
Once upon a time, you killed and conquered
You took away the land that were not yours
You think the only people who are right
Chorus :
Come learn about our people and our history
Our democracy ways may be different Chorus
How do you know your ways are best ?
For whether we are white or colored skinned
You can force your ways upon us |
Malaysian News Center
Read the news, opinions and letters to the Editor of The Star Paper on how the true feelings of the people on the Reformasi movement as well as Al Gore's and Albright's remarks and attitude at the APEC Forum
Letters & Opinions
Understanding Malaysian Politics
Fascinating Malaysia
We are not an extremist Muslim country like some papers portray us to be. We are not like Indonesia or Iraq. Our Prime Minister is no tyrant nor dictator. We elected him.
Come see for yourself first hand and experience the truth for yourself instead of reading it from CNN or some foreign news sources that are giving out the wrong image of our country.
Malaysia is a land of beauty, peace and harmony with friendly people all around. Once you get to know Malaysia and the people, you will appreciate what we have and understand us better.
Malaysian Unofficial News Center
I wish to express my thanks to those who have supported my cause in signing and expressing their opinions in my guestbook. Keep them coming in to show the United States how we feel.
You may submit yours too either by email or in the above discussion/message board or even in the guestbook. Please refrain from using vulgar language. Be constructive instead. You can use a nickname if you want to remain anonymous in your email. Your emails will be published unless otherwise requested by you. Thank you. |
My Opinion of the Reformasi Movement |
Emails of Opinions and Articles from Visitors |
Post your message or opinions here to show your support. No membership is required. |
Forum or chat here |
Email me at : malaysian28@hotmail.com |