Richand Heritage Museum, Olney , Illinois
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The Heritage House
122 W. Elm
The Richland Heritage  Museum, Olney, Illinois is a non profit organization, staffed by volunteers. This community effort  resulted in the restoration of an 1870's home  which was completed  in 1991. In 1994 the museum foundation  expanded when  it restored  the local Carnegie library and opened this building for the display of local artifacts. Both museum buildings are open Sunday's  April -November or by Special appoimtment. The Heritage house is open in December for display of Christmas decorations. Tours and educational programs  have been offered for local schools. The 1870's  home inclues period furniture. The Carnegie Library building includes displays on local history, including the local oil industry in Richland County, Native American  artifacts, civtl war relics and antique radios.
The Carnegie Building
401 E. Main
Olney, Illinois, a city of 9000 residents is located in Southeastern Illinois. Noted for it's white  squirrels, Olney is also  the home of Olney Central College and has a diverse  economic base  of agriculture, the oil industry and manufacturing .
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