In the fight for equal rights for Adult Adoptees - we hear from many voices -Adult Adoptees whose rights are being sought - Adoptive Parents - both for and against - and Adoption Professionals - those that are currently working in the adoption field and those who claim to speak for all involved in the preservation of Adoption.
Many of these people claim to speak for birthmothers - many claim to have full knowledge of promises made to birthmothers at the time of the relinquishment of their children. We say NO - you do not speak for us.
Birthmothers have stood shoulder to shoulder with adult adoptees - lobbying in the state capitols, writing letters and standing up to be heard - given the opportunity or the invitation.
Yet time and time again - the media has turned to adoption professionals & the likes of the NCFA - to speak for birthmothers, to tell the story of birthmothers, and the promises that they were made years ago. They claim not to know how to reach real birthmothers.
Tuesday November 17, 1998 was the first step in changing the media's dilemma. On this date the National Council of Birthmothers was established, with the first regional meeting held on Friday November 20, 1998.
No longer will we wait for an invitation or permission of another organization to hear our voices. No longer will we allow another organization to speak for us. Birthmothers will speak for themselves.
Questions or Inquiries - Contact:
Terri Leber - Co-Founder
National Council of Birthmothers, PO Box 99769, Seattle, WA 98199-0769
*NOTE: At this time, ONLY the Application to "Print Out & Mail" is Available. The ONLINE Application will be available in 1999. Thank You for your patience!
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