I was looking to west the other day with a smile on my face and began to wonder how it got to be this way when the heart beat in all creation must sound so good to the Great Spirit. I thought this must be why the winds carry so many messages and the dreams of another powerful day awaits those of us who will be chosen to see the sunrise and those who will journey with the setting sun. With the Cannupa (Sacred Pipe) we can still bond with the spirit world. The laws we and the universe live by are the laws of the universe. An arrow is coming. It has been aimed directly at each of us and it is coming with such a force that only the strongest of us will be able to stand and welcome its impact. The arrow is coming bringing with it the purity of Love and the Power of the Peace. The power is so great that the only shield we can use for protection is Truth. Mitakuye Oyasin---All My Relations
There comes a place in a person's journey to the spirit world to where a person comes to the ableza (understanding) that in the pure form of the Wakan (sacredness of all that moves and breathes) that even the smallest, simplest thought, action, or gesture has a significance that previously had not been seen or understood. To those that have been chosen to live in such a moment of ableza the importance of remembering the significance of each moment and action becomes even more acknowledged because a person never knows when such a moment comes...or by what messenger the ableza will be sent.
In honor and respect to my teacher, my kola, my oldest brother.....these words above are his and are but a few of the things my oldest brother shared with me to help me along my journey. I share them with all of you in honor of the many teachers who have made my brother such a good messenger to so many lives. Wopila Sintekle--Marvin Wayne Red Shirt...
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