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Last updated May 2, 2001
Asgard -
home of the Mighty Asgardians
Asgardian links
Plain & common folks: In defense of hillbillies
and rednecks
The mythical Asgard still lives in a forest village in Eastern Norway.
Today we are a hillbilly
tribe. In earlier millenia we were worshipped by Nordic vikings, and even
earlier, in the hyborian age, Conan
the Cimmerian grew up south of Asgard. We used to be ruled by Odin,
and the omnipotent All-Father and his son the
Mighty Thor defended the realm eternal with their strength and wisdom.
Asgardian links: the Asgardian business Aasen Handel
the Lundsbakken clan
any member of the Lundsbakken clan, wherever they were born and live, are entitled to wear the title Asgardian Roar Lundsbakken
Plain & common folks:
In defense of hillbillies and rednecks
Let's be bloody proud we were born
rednecks and hillbillies
and don't let no liberal and no politically correct middle class dogooder
tell us we shouldn't be proud.
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