My homepage may not be as regularly updated and pleasing to the eye as it should be. That is due to my own technical shortcomings (or shortage of an available computer), because GeoCities and its partner Yahoo offers great services to us free small homesteaders as well as the commercial homesteaders.

Who is the editor of this homepage:
My name is Jo Lundsbakken (just call me "Joe" or "Lundz"). I was born in 1971 in a forest village in Hedmark county in Norway (and I'm bloody proud of being born a hillbilly and a redneck). 1993-98 I was educated as a teacher (what we in Norwegian call an "adjunct", i.e. an allround teacher for primary, secondary and partly highschool) at Hedmark College  - department of teacher's education in Hamar with language (Norwegian grunnfag/20 credits and English millomfag/30 credits) as my main subjects. I want to promote the study of local genealogy and love of Marvel Comics.

What can you expect to find on this homepage:

Whatever I feel like putting on the net, particularly as far as my special interests are concerned.

As far as genealogy is concerned, you can particularly expect to find information from these counties in Eastern Norway:

Districts: Hedemarken (my home district), Solør/Odalen and to a lesser degree Østerdalen

Districts: Nordre Land (North Land), Toten, Valdres

Øvre Romerike (North Romerike, particularly Eidsvoll and Nes municipalities)


This page is under construction and may be finished in 1 or 10 years - or to put it this way: a homepage is never finished, but is under eternal care of its master.

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