Photos from Mexico

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Im here in Mexico from one year studying at the UDLA, Cholula, Puebla. Here are a collection of photos from my travels and from here in Cholula.

Popo. Photos of the Volcanos and mountains of Puebla.
Popo and short history
Another view of Popo
Another view of Popo
Popo from Cholula
Iztac, the Sleeping Woman

To all of my friends and family in Melbourne, here are some photos for you all to see. I could but won't give some long speech about how great everything is blah blah, just check out a few photos for yourselves.

Friends - Photos of me with some of my friends.
My room mates from second semester 1999
More of my old room mates in one of our rooms
Jorge, Temo and Luis in our dorm
Me and Gaby in her house in Pachuca
Me and Gaby again in her house
Gabys family and some friends in her house
Some other exchange students in Rosendos
Me and a Swedish guy   NEW (15/3/2000)
Gaby and Sandra   NEW  (15/3/2000)

Saludo a todo el mundo que mira aqui. Especialmente me gustaria saludar a mis companeros de cuarto del semestre pasado. Entonces hola Hector, Lius Juan, Mate, Jorge, Temo (el zorro) y Pepe. Pues los Gordos tambien. Yo creo que estaran felices que estan aqui en el internet. Espero que disfruten mis fotos. Pondre mas cada vez que revele mis fotos. Entonces miren aqui mucho para ver si yo he puesto mas fotos. Perdon por mi Espanol y que toda las cosas esten en Ingles. Disfruten.

Teotihuacan - The famous Aztec religous centre
Piramid of the Moon taken from the Piramid of the Sun
Teotihuacan ruins
The Piramid of the Sun
Teotihuacan ruins
Me in front of the Piramid of the Sun

Zipolite - the first visit. Photos from Zipolite during October, 1999
Two native children of Zipolite
Me and some friends on the beach
Our Cabana that we stayed in
A Zipolite sunset
A view of the beach
The cove at the east end of Zipolite

Mexico City
The Plaza of three cultures
The Mexico City Zocolo with some traditional Aztec Dancers
The Palace of Beautiful Art
The Zocolo with a Mexican flag

Zipolite - The second journey Photos from February 2000
Me and Jeff in our Zipolite shirts
Children playing in the streets of Zipolite
Horses on the beach
Horses on the beach 2
A house on the beach
A nice sunset
Mark stretching for the frizbee
Me and a nice coconut
Me cruzing the beach
Me with a sweet refreshment
Chilling in a Hammock
On the beach

Cholula & Puebla. Various photos from Cholula and Puebla.
The church on the Zocolo of Cholula
A second church on the Zocolo of Cholula
The Cathedral of Puebla
View from the hill behind my house
The piramid of Cholula with church
Gaby atop the piramid
Me and a tough security guard in the streets of Cholula
Me and some friends with the security guard

Monte Alban. The old Zapoteca archeological site in the city of Oaxaca.
The piramids of Monte Alban
Some Cacti
The View from atop of the Piramid of the Sun
The Piramid of the Sun
Another view from atop of the Piramid of the Sun

Chiapas. Photos from my December 1999 trip
Me, Rubin, Tash and Sonia hitch hiking
A temple of Palanque
The Temple of the Sun, Palanque
More ruins of Palanque
Me, Reto and Gael swimming in a lake in the Mountains.
Me, Reto and Teri in a bus
A Chiapas village
Some waterfalls near Palanque
The waterfalls of Agua Azul
Agua Azul again
A Chiapas village
More waterfalls
A church in San Cristabol de las Casas

Cuetzalan - A beautiful little mountain village en Puebla State
A native baby with sisters
A baby in the market
A little boy outside the church
The Cuetzalan Church
Another view of the Church
A third view of the Church
A random cow on the way to the waterfalls
The Cuetzalan market
Me and Gaby at the waterfalls
Me at the waterfalls
The river from the waterfalls
View of the mountains
Another mountain view
Me at the Waterfalls
The waterfalls
The waterfalls again
The Cuetzalan Zocolo

New Photos
26th March

Map of Mexico. A map of Mexico in case you want to trace where i am.