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Neumann: Soft-money King

For immediate release
October, 30th 1998
Contact: Mike Wittenwyler
Middleton– Mike Wittenwyler, campaign manager for U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, commented today on the latest Republican Party soft money, phony-issue ad.
"On the same day that Congressman Neumann levels a baseless attack on
Senator Feingold’s clean record of campaigning," said Wittenwyler, "we are
greeted with the latest in a series of coordinated attack ads from the
Republican Party, funded by unregulated soft money.  It was reported last
weekend that the Republican Party has poured $3 million worth of these ads
into this state already  - and recently tried to purchase almost a
half-million dollars worth of ads in Minneapolis alone.  Apparently the
irony is lost on the Congressman."
"With their latest ‘issue advocacy’ ad, which is a campaign ad all but in
name, the Republican Party continues their sad attempt to misrepresent the
truth," Wittenwyler continued.  "The only thing ‘extreme’ about the ad is
its extreme attempt to stretch the truth.  Clearly Senator Feingold believes
those who fire guns near schools and those who sell drugs should go to jail.
Unlike Congressman Neumann, Senator Feingold believes that local authorities
are best equipped to make those decisions.  The Congressman’s plan would
extend the power of federal law enforcement officials and encroach on local
"In another effort to play off people’s emotions by hitting a hot button,
the Republicans are making a sensationalistic charge regarding material on
the Internet," Wittenwyler said.  "Senator Feingold would rather give
parents the power to control access to material on the Internet.  The
Congressman prefers government control of speech."
"And I seriously doubt anyone questions which candidate Senator Kohl will
support in this election," Wittenwyler concluded.  "He will not support the
real extremist, the Congressman, who despite his TV makeover, cannot escape
his record.  We hope that the People of Wisconsin will not allow these slick
ads paid for with soft money obscure the truth about who is extreme."
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