Insights to an empire??

Memos To and From Mark

**This site and others within this page is satire. Nothing is real. It's all a big joke. No one from Neumann or Mr. Feingold's campaign is endorsing our site.**

October Memo:

From: “Campaign Manager”

To: Mark

Marketing team just sent us the results from the 18-24 Demo Test group. Group was asked to use one phrase or adjective to describe how they perceive your “image”. Below are the most popular responses:

* “Lame-ass”

* “Has eyes like the guy who wanted to touch me in the bus station bathroom. Hey wait!!!...”

* “Tight ass"

* "Skull Head"

October Memo: Reply

To: Campaign Manager

From: Mark

After giving the 18-24 Demo Memo some thought. I have come up with some ideas to make my “Image” seem “hipper” and more “light hearted”. I’m not sure how to handle the “bus station” comments, except to just stay away from bus station bathrooms from now on.

* In my ads punctuate each sentence with an arm pit fart.

* At the end of my ads pretend to shoot the viewer with an imaginary gun, then wink and blow on my finger like a smoking gun.

* Make myself look funny and “cool” by always referring to Russ Fiengold as “Mr. Not so Fine Gold” or make him look like a sissy by calling him “Mr. Fine Goldielocks” or make him look like a bad guy, (in smooth James Bond way) by calling him “Mr. Fiengoldfinger”.

* Begin my ads by saying, “Hey I’m Marky, love machine and Virgo.”

* Get a clip on eyebrow ring from the mall

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