**Hello all, greetings from “The Bunker” the birth place of the new breed of political animals the “Mad-Lib”. I, a.k.a. Jack Adder, co-founder of this site, am just one of those such animals. What is a “Mad-lib?” Why are we entrenched in a “Bunker”? Why do we have Mark Neumann dressed in a mock Tele-Tubbie suit? Ah, so many questions. Those answers and more will come in time, there is a method to the madness here at the “Mark Neumann is a Weenie” webpage, but first some serious stuff.***
Weeding Out The "Stupid-Vote"
In 96’ I was on a big “get out the vote” kick. Call me the eternal idealist, but at the time, I didn’t even care who voted for who. I just tried to get everyone I knew to get out there to vote. I thought it was another small way to change the world, make this great democracy a “real democracy” for everyone. Big mistake. I learned a lesson that season. Getting everyone out there voting isn’t the answer. Why? Simple, people who don’t vote don’t care. People who don’t vote, have only thought about voting long enough to come up with one or 2 stupid reasons why they don’t vote. After an informal exit poll, I found for every “intelegent voter” I recruted, I had found one without a clue, who had canceled out the vote of the smart voter. I found there are just too many people who vote for the wrong people for the wrong reasons. I fumed for days after I asked one of my “new voters” why she voted for Scott Klug over Paul Soglin, when according to everything I knew about her, good Paul would be the candidate who represented the views she was concerned about. Her answer was simple, too simple, she told me she voted for Scott Klug because he seemed like a nice guy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
This season I’m in the anti-democracy mode. I’m thinking before someone is allowed to vote they should be taken aside by one of the nice old ladies from the “League of Women Voters” and asked a series of questions . First question, “Are you stupid?”. If the person hesitates for a second, has to even think, “Am I stupid?” they are disqualified and sent to the line where they can wait, spell bound by month old tapes of Access Hollywood on big screens, until it’s their turn to gaze at a collection of shiny things, pick their favorite, then go home proudly with a sticker that says “I voted”. Only a quick definitive, “No! I’m NOT stupid.” gives you a pass and the right to continue being questioned. “How much do you know about the person you are voting for?” would be the next question . An answer like, “Just what I’ve seen on TV” or “Not much, but he seems like he is a nice guy.” should be another immediate disqualifier. Just 3 or 4 questions along these lines would surly cull the “stupid vote’ out of the democratic process and probubly the “stupid candidates” with them.
If you are reading this and are going to take that mighty black felt tip in your hand this November please, PLEASE know something about whomever you are voting for and just as much about the person you are voting against. You don’t have to be a political junkie to go to the library and ask where the League of Women Voters Candidate Guide is. It’s a helpful little pamphlet that lists the candidates views on the issues they are for or against and is a good start to becoming an informed voter. If you are an “informed voter” and you know anyone who has the potential to cast a stupid vote and there is no way to get them the facts and perhaps turn their vote into something positive, try what I plan to to this year. Vote early in the day. Throw an election day party for all the stupid voters I know. Stall them untill 15 minutes before the polls close, then anouce to the croud that I just heard on the police scanner that a semi jack-knifed and spilled hundreds of thousands of “beanie babies” all over the countryside somewhere like 30 miles from the nearest polling place... and get the hell out of the way.
~Adder out~
Just something about the man I don’t like/The Man Behind the Mask
I know this flies in the face of my earlier culling the stupid vote piece, but I have to say it. Let’s say I was suddenly struck in the head with something hard, and it knocked everything I know about parties and politics and the Senate Race out of my head. Then someone lined me up, all woozy and blurry, and said “Go vote boy!” and they did it after showing me just a couple of pictures of Russ and Mark. I just couldn’t vote for Mark Neumann.
Why? I’m constantly haunted by images of Mark, images from his own literature. I gaze in disbelief, there are no good pictures of Mark Neumann. I say to myself, “ Is this the best he can do?” I wonder if he and his people even have a clue,because they are so used to looking at him. Mark Nueman always has the same look on his face. His eyes are the same no matter where he is or what he does. I’m not afraid to say it; Mark Neumann frightens me. This will sound horrable, but it’s true; looking at the man’s eyes just gives me a creepy feeling like a “bad touch”. It’s an old saying, but the eyes are the window to the soul. Looking into Mark Neumann’s eyes tells me a lot about the man, there is nothing there of substance. Mark Neumann has the same constant expression on his face and look in his eyes. That look reminds me always of a blissed out member of a cult. Unfortunatly it seems someone has brainwashed him into thinking he belongs in the Senate preaching the ultra right gospel of God,guns, and greed.
Look into his eyes ! No heart; no soul; no depth; no sign of free thought or will. Mark’s eyes say to me “Hello, I’m a lame puppet with a mask for a face!”. And the mask has no eyes. Ahhhh! The mask has no eyes!!! I’m cutting this short because inspiration has just struck and a picture is worth a thousand words. I’ve just decided the next thing we paste Mark Numan’s face on is a carp.