***The voters of Wisconsin made the right choice and re-elected Russ Feingold as thier state senator! Congratulations Russ! Thanks to all for the feedback we have recieved about our site. I'd like to think that we've changed some minds. Hopefully Mark Neumann will run for another public office, and we can do this again soon. This page will remain up, as it seems some people still have things to say. (See below) It has been great journey and a great man has been elected. Remember...Mark Neumann is a Weenie, and now he's a loser too.**
**We at the "Mark Neumann Just Plain Scares us Committee" would like to say that this page does not represent the ideas of Senator Russ Feingold, or any of those people associated with Russ Feingold. This site and the pages within this site are purely political satire. The vehicle that looks like the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile came from the Oscar Mayer Official Website, and is no doubt a registered trademark of Oscar Mayer. Oscar Mayer does not endorse our site. We're not being bought by anyone.**
**Here's a letter we've recieved from one of our fans...**The Sore Losers Hall of Shame!
Subj: Date: 11/4/98 8:57:05 PM EST From: aggprod@tdsnet.com (Marty & Liz) To: kidcyke@aol.com
Hey little, impressionable mind. Your hatred for an individual who has offered a lot to this state and our country is shameful. Did you hear the Republicans wish to feed your mom Alpo for dinner. Your so easy. The fanatic liberal left will be exposed. Get your head out of the sand and pull up your pants. I would debate you any time on the issues but you only stand for symbolism and no substance. By the way when is the next cult gathering for billy clinton?
In All Seriousness...
**"Mark Links isn't gone! It's just below this section. Don't worry. It has been suggested that Neumann supporters learn the cold hard truth, so I put this section on top. If you want the comedy, it continues below. Enjoy!**
Neumann and McCarthy Birds of a Feather
No Truth to Neumann
Feingold Re-election in Peril
Feingold 98'Don't be a weenie, vote for a Winner!
Mark Links
© 1997 kidcyke@aol.com
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