Klaus Pfister - 11/17/00 18:02:48 My Email:kp550@Yahoo.com | Comments: Hey Mark Russell! I can hardly wait to see what you can do with the dorky democrats and their never ending "Vote count" by selected Florida Democrat Counties! They'll be counting 'till hell freezes over;... but it dont mean S..t! We the "Will of the people" have had it with the Arrogance, Condesension ond incessant meddling by the democrats in the Electoral Process of this Nation;... we,ve been "Gored" to death!! |
- 11/17/00 17:54:21 | Comments: |
Clinton - 10/21/00 01:49:23 | Comments: Your site sucks. |
Pete - 10/21/00 01:40:04 Your Favorite Song: Dixie | Comments: Socialist liberal twaddle, drivel and blather, all of it! |
- 05/20/00 19:28:54 My Email:QVETCH Your Favorite Song: DOWN IN THE GUTTER WITH NEWT | Comments: |
Colby - 05/19/00 23:45:41 My URL:http://yahoo.com My Email:cdcolby21@hotmail.com Your Favorite Song: row your boat | Comments: GREAT |
cbbruun - 05/12/00 12:18:16 My URL:http://expage.com/page/benitogiuliani My Email:benitogiuliani@nyhangover.com | Comments: Fantastic website. Let's teach the Republicans a lesson in Democracy by beating the daylights out of them in November. |
Geri Gaut - 04/26/00 12:48:06 My Email:ggaut26223@aol.com Your Favorite Song: Amazing Grace | Comments: Wendy, BizzyBeeze is beautiful! Haven't gone over too much yet, but what I see I like. You have put much time and effort into making a very informative website that holds ones interest and attention. Will pass it on to my cyberfriends! Congrats on a job well done.........Geri |
MIKE - 03/12/00 03:55:33 My Email:SLT17834@YAHOO.COM Your Favorite Song: BAWITABA | Comments: THATS COOL |
Amanda - 03/02/00 23:38:59 | Comments: thankyou for this helpful site. it enabled me to complete my major english paper on political satire. |
Boutros - 02/26/00 01:14:25 | Comments: |
chris - 02/17/00 14:56:24 My URL:http://yahoo.com My Email:stud@hotmail.com | Comments: |
Paul & Frances Capel - 01/20/00 06:01:00 My Email:PCapel@AOL.com Your Favorite Song: Bill & Hillary or Billary | Comments: Mark, We love your specials on our local PBS stations and the comments about our current administration. Keep of the good work and let us know of any tour infromation in the Washington/Baltimore Area. |
S.S.GREEN - 01/10/00 18:37:36 Your Favorite Song: KENNETH STARR IS COMING TO TOWN | Comments: Short yet halariuos. |
jessi - 10/25/99 02:18:51 My Email:searsj@citrine.indstate.edu | Comments: |
Will Griffin - 09/15/99 03:47:25 My URL:http://www.willgriffin.com/kenstarr.htm My Email:griffgrp@bellsouth.net | Comments: Your page was sent to me via an e-mail list from its founder who has visited my site, listed above. Loved your site, had a good laugh! I've got some pretty good ones myself, but because of what I'm doing and with whom, I need to guard propriety. If you visit http://www.willgriffin.com/hughes.htm, you'll understand. When it becomes appropriate, I might give a few submissions to you of my humble samplings of my 'comedic candor'. It may soon be press anyway, considering what I said, to whom, under what c nditions and what is occurring. And some of this, makes it the even funnier!!! |
kongnamul - 09/13/99 13:05:55 My URL:http://http://members.tripod.co.kr/ok40/index.htm Your Favorite Song: imagine | Comments: i am korean. i dont know english. sorry. |
Dr C - 09/05/99 17:02:18 Your Favorite Song: Any | Comments: Great site |
John Lamb - 08/07/99 22:46:43 My Email:charlemagne7@worldnet.att.net Your Favorite Song: Twinkle, Twinkle little Starr | Comments: Finally, a site that really understands the truth. Loved it, and passed it on to my liberal friends. |
clinton sucks - 07/03/99 07:57:11 My Email:clintonsucks@aol.suc Your Favorite Song: clinton sucks and swallows all republicans | Comments: democrats are the epitimy of ignorance you like typo's thought i would add a few |
- 05/17/99 04:34:38 | Comments: |
B. Knutson - 04/23/99 00:04:24 My Email:pollack@obwan.net Your Favorite Song: season of the witch | Comments: When is your new program on PBS miss you want to see your show. |
B. Knutson - 04/22/99 23:59:47 My Email:pollack@obwan.net Your Favorite Song: season of the witch | Comments: |
Paul Ranogajec - 04/07/99 22:40:50 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nd/paulran My Email:Ranogajec.1@nd.edu | Comments: Good job. Some very funny stuff here. |
Lynn - 03/13/99 14:47:55 My URL:/CapitolHill/Parliament/2411 | Comments: I like your site. I did not vote for Clinton but was outraged at the way his privacy was violated. Please visit me sometime soon |
Nikko Guerrero - 03/10/99 15:09:09 | Comments: |
Brett - 02/22/99 23:43:18 My Email:Deckape98@aol.com Your Favorite Song: Highway to Heaven | Comments: Your site has helped me to complete my english paper. thank-you |
Nejala Janiola - 02/22/99 02:52:36 My Email:shortansweet@hotmail.com Your Favorite Song: baa baa black sheep | Comments: the songs are good, keep it up... |
Eric Law - 02/18/99 00:54:03 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/wxmannow My Email:weatherman_90@hotmail.com Your Favorite Song: all of them | Comments: Very excellent web site!!!! |
Eric Law - 02/18/99 00:53:29 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/wxmannow My Email:weatherman_90@hotmail.com Your Favorite Song: Hold On To The Nights | Comments: Very excellent web site!!!! |
Newt - 02/10/99 22:18:46 My Email:newt@from_georgia.com Your Favorite Song: Republican Clowns | Comments: Your site is great! You know, Larry Flynt would have never caught me if I had used cash instead of my credit cards. |
Pioneer Grrrl - 01/22/99 19:02:37 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PioneerGrrrl/demgrrrl My Email:U_ORLOWSKI@venus.twu.edu Your Favorite Song: All of them | Comments: Just writing to congratulate you on the awesome page. Like many other citizens, I am outraged by the GOP's war on democracy. Please feel free to stop by and say hi. I'm on the Anti-Ken Starr webring. |
JulieAnn Smith - 01/05/99 22:47:17 Your Favorite Song: TBD | Comments: This is a GREAT page, you Gifted Master, You! |
Dominique - 01/03/99 09:56:18 My Email:Dominiqueluv@webtv.net Your Favorite Song: ALL OF THEM | Comments: GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!! LOVE ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!! I ALSO LOVED YOUR MESSAGE TO DE LAY!!!!!!!! I AGREE WITH YOU 100% |
shoeFLICKER135 - 12/25/98 01:13:44 My Email:shoeFLICKER135@yahoo.com | Comments: A job well done!!!!!!! |
QuickSand - 12/24/98 19:34:26 Your Favorite Song: All were funny, despite how misguided your political views. | Comments: What, no posts from anyone who liked your page? Glad they impeached him, now lets hope they convict him. After all, crime is crime! |
Test Message - 12/21/98 02:45:26 | Comments: Test Message |
test message - 12/20/98 07:44:51 | Comments: test message |
- 12/20/98 07:20:26 | Comments: |
Anonomous - 12/20/98 07:00:30 Your Favorite Song: Court For Sale | Comments: |