A parody press release direct from RNC Headquarters.... 

Flush with Success over our  
handling of the Lewinsky Affair, 
Our strategists have been working hard  
on new campaign slogans for the 2000 elections. 

Here's an exclusive preview...... 

1.  Inquisitions 'R' US. 
     The New and Improved Spanish Inquisition.  
2. Will Impeach for Sex. 

3.  Scarlet Letters for Everyone!  

4.  The New Republican Party: 
    We're mean. We're vindictive. ....and we love it!   

5.  We Don't Need NO Stinking Issues. 
        We've got Investigations!  Besides, we've gone ga-ga over Monica.  

6. If We Can't win a Presidential Election...  
         ....We'll send Ken Starr to investigate! 

7. Bringin' Stonin' & Stake Burnin' Back to Salem! 

8.  A Special Prosecutor for Every Democrat! 
      So what if it's wasteful government spending and violates one of our great 
      Republican Commandments, we're in control and we're not accountable to anyone. 

9.  KEN STARR for Supreme Court Chief Justice! 
     Put God back into the government and   
     make Christian Fundamentalism the mandatory religion of the U.S.A.!  

10.  Republicans Don't Get Prosecuted! 
          (Because a majority of Prosecutors are Republicans.  Ha Ha Ha-Ha Ha Ha!) 

11.  Proud Supporters of Matt Drudge and FOX News. 

12.  If You Love Inquisitions, Join Us! 
13. Innovators of Sham Sex Lawsuits  
      Taking Opposition Research to New Depths.  

Member of the  
We Will Remember in 2000 Ring 
Watch out Republicans!
Join the We Will Remember in 2000 Ring! 
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A Personal Note to Newt & Trent.  
(You Chuckle-heads!)
Drudge Scooped 
by the 
EggDurd Report
Banned Material.  Ken Starr Jokes 
Net Enquirer: Satire.
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