The Song "Court for Sale" ........  
celebrates the following odd, but surely purely coincidental, events:  

* Billionaire Clinton-Hater Richard M. Scaife funded the American Spectator Magazine, which conducted a multi-year project (the "Arkansas Project") to dig dirt on Clinton in Arkansas. The famous trooper-gate story was produced from this effort.  

* The same Mr. Scaife funds legal foundations which work on Paula Jones' lawsuit.  

* The same Mr. Scaife funded the new Deanship at Pepperdine University for Ken Starr, which is being kept open indefinitely for Mr. Starr.  

* It is now alleged, and now subject to an FBI investigation, that money from Mr. Scaife was funneled to Ken Starr's key White Water "witness", David Hale, through the "Arkansas Project."  

In the coming months, more interesting links will become apparent, involving Linda Tripp, Lucianne Goldberg, Ken Starr's law partners, and Ken Starr. Stay tuned....... 

   * ABC News Article   -- This article discusses R. M. Scaife and his funding of Trooper-gate. 
The next five web pages initially show the word "(none)" at the top of the page.  Wait a few more seconds and the articles will show up. 
    * Salon Magazine Article , Part 1  -- This article discusses Scaife and the funneling of 
    * Salon Magazine Article , Part 2   -- money to Starr's key Whitewater witness, David Hale 

    * Salon Magazine Article , Part 3 

    * Salon Magazine Article , Part 4 

    * Salon Magazine Article , Part 5  

    * New York Times Article (12/98) - This article describes the involvement of the foot soldiers. 

    * Newsweek article (2/99)           --  This article provides further details on the foot soldiers.

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