political  satire songs ken starr clinton humor  monica lewinsky jokes comedy scandal sex  tripp impeachment newt song
Welcome to my Web Site   
Political Satire Songs  
Done in the Tradition of Mark Russell.  
(but a tad bit more pointed).
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(At the present time, this Web Site is not for Clinton Haters or Ken Starr Fans.)
Woe to you, Bill Clinton!  
You got caught but we did not! 
So sayeth Gingrich, Hyde and Lott. 
Ha.. ha ha... ha .. ha! 
So say the Hypocrites: Gingrich, Hyde, and Lott.
The author of this site is a former Republican who is feed up with Ken Starr's tactics.  You are visitor number 
 since October 15, 1998.
Starr spelled  backwards is  r...rats!      
 Republican Clowns.    
(Sung to the tune of "Send in the Clowns.")    

Isn't it rich?   Isn't it unfair?     
All these Republicans having their affairs.    
Then punishing Bill.  Oh so punishing Bill.    

'Twas night before, impeachment's roar.    
Livingston 'fessing to 'capades of sex galore.     
Who will be next? What will be more?    

Then from the Blue, past his divorce,    
Huffington switching his hitting* without remorse.    
Family values? Where have they gone?    

Hypocrites out, Republicans sob. 
First it was Danny, then Henry, then Helen, now Bob. 
Send in the clowns! Oops, they're already here.    
* In place of "switching his hitting" one may use    
"loving the boys".     
Lyrics copyrighted 1998 by H. R. Yeager    
This Lyric may be freely used by the public in any form, ...    
after all you paid $45 million to find it all out!   

Kenneth Starr is Coming to Town!    
(Sung to the tune of "Santa Claus is    
Coming to Town")   
Oh you better watch out!   
You better not lie!   
You better not cheat I'm telling you Why!   
Ken-neth Starr is Coming to Town!   
He'll rife through your drawers*!   
He'll Subpoena your Mom!   
He'll lock you in a hotel room    
'till you talk the talk he wants!   

Oh you better not sin!   
You better not lie!   
You better not cheat I'm telling you Why!   
Ken-neth Starr is coming to Town.   

He knows where you've been sleeping.   
He knows what you've been kissing.   
He knows who you've been frisky with    
So you better stop right now!   

*"drawers" as in furniture drawers. Ken Starr    
Actually had a deputy search through Hillary's   
furniture drawers looking for documents.   

Lyrics copyrighted 1998 by H. R. Yeager   
This Lyric may be freely used by the public in any form, ...   
after all you paid $45 million to find it all out!  

  Visit these Humor Pages...  
  NEW!!  Preview the  
  Republican Slogans for 2000! 
  (just flushed with our success.)   
  The Ken Starr Jokes Page!  

 NEW!!  -- the real reason they resigned. 
  Newt patronized prostitution Ring !  
  Livingston was into S&M ! 

  Matt Drudge Gets Scooped!   
  (The most important thing I learned from   
  the Starr Report. Click and see the fun!)   

   A Personal Note  to Newt and Trent. 
  (You Chuckleheads!) 
  (Oh, go ahead click on it and peak!) 

  Sign The Guest Book  

  View The Guest Book 

  See the bottom of   
  the page for some links  
  to other satirical sites!!! 

Coming Soon...  
 * Don't Cry for Me, Miss Lewinsky.   
     ...It's true, you ruined my presidency.  
    (sung by Bill and Monica based on   
     "Don't cry for me, Argentina").  

 * I could have taped all night.  
     ... to my voyeur delight!  
    (sung by Linda based on the song   
     "I Could Have Danced All Night").  
     Song phrases copyrighted 1988 by H. R. Yeager  

* Oh where, Oh where did our   
      agenda go?  
 (sung to the tune of "Where did my  
 little lamb go?" by the Republican party   
 after going rabid over Monica Lewinsky.   
 WHO wanted tax cuts and a balanced   
 budget ANYWAY?)  

  The Anti-Ken Starr Campaign 

  Let your friends know about this Site! 
  Copy the following URL and e-mail it to them... 


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 Ken's Obsession, Night and Day!  
(Sung to the tune of Cole Porter's "Night and Day") 

Like the mind-less drone of a bee hive,  
.....as it rumbles in the tree. 
Like the off-beat toc of a Captain's clock, 
.....as it's tossed by the sea. 
Like the end-less drip of a faucet, 
.....when it's washer wears all through. 
So this voice within me keeps repeating: you, you, you! 

Night and day, You, I'm ... obsessing. 
Always you, I am watch-ing, and scru-ti-ni-zing. 
From file-gate, to White Water, 
Travel gate to the death of Foster. 
I suspect you,... Night and day. 

Day and night, You, I'm... after. 
You for sure, I could impeach, if only I were faster. 
I am cer-tain proof is there. 
Only if I could find it somewhere. 
So I search on,..... Night and day. 

While for now,... Ms. Lewinsky will do. 
I've got Oh, such an insatiable, desire to destroy you. 
And its torment won't be through, 
'Till I spend more millions investigat-ing you, 
day and night. Night and day! 

Lyrics copyrighted 1998 by H. R. Yeager 
This Lyric may be freely used by the public in any form, ... 
after all you paid $45 million to find it all out! . 

 Court for Sale!  
(Sung to the tune of Porter's  "Love for Sale") 

Court for Sale! 
Advertising my Court for Sale! 
Make me Dean of Pepperdine. 
I'll Convict him by design! 
Court for Sale. 
                       EXPLAIN this song to me... 
Who will pay? 
Who'll partake in my foul play? 
Buy my Witness, pay your Spy. 
We'll set out to snoop and pry! 
Court for Sale. 

Witness' I interrogate,....  
        ....so they sing my way! 
I know every hook to bait,....  
        ....better far than they! 
If you want the full court press, ..... 
..... I'll extort them to excess! 
Op-press!  Sup-press! 
Every kind of Du-ress! 

Who will buy..... 
..... my methods gone awry? 
Make me Dean of Pepperdine. 
I'll convict by firing line! 
Court for Sale. 

We will know who fooled around, ..... 
..... everything they did. 
Every tawdry detail found, ..... 
..... juicy things they said. 
If you want the thrill of slime, ..... 
...... I've been through the mill of slime! 
Old Slime!  New Slime! 
Everything but True Crime! 

Court for Sale! 
Advertising my court for sale! 
Make me Dean of Pepperdine. 
I'll convict with slime divine! 
Court for Sale! 
Lyrics copyrighted 1998 by H. R. Yeager   
This Lyric may be freely used by the public in any form, ...   
after all you paid $45 million to find it all out!  

Check out these Sites Too!
Dave does Satirical Songs with a left perspective.  
Republicans dare not go here!
Net Enquirer: Satire.  
All the Monica Related sites.  
CyberStones: Satire for Gen-Xers!
    Your Site Can Be Here. 
If you have a humorous site of related material, 
send me an e-mail!  
The Anti-Ken Starr Campaign 
  Want to get in touch with me? 
Like my page? Hate my page? 
Email me! halryeager.geo@yahoo.com
 This Anti-Ken Starr site owned by H. R. Yeager.
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