COMMENT:From Happy2work -do you know what CAW stands for? Canadians Against Work! that, I beleive fits you guys to a "t"
ANSWER:Well BIG BRO' is getting sick of unintelligent comments from obvious closed mind idiots. However Happy2work I have one bit of advice for you, and others like you. It is better to keep your mouth shut, and let others assume you are an unintelligent no class jerk. Rather than open your pie hole and remove all doubt. So with this in mind I will just be deleting comments from people who don't have anything intelligent to say. However if you have an opposing opinion, and can express it with some intelligence, we're all for free speach and freedom of ones opinion.


COMMENT:From Across the River -Well boys your site is for the people (good bad intellegent or off beat) If people do not have your agenda, that's fine. It just keeps it all real. If you and yours are really in to your message, they are BIGbros and can decide for themselves what they wish to beleive. I was told of this site from a UAW bro and have been watching for a short while. So don't cut off the people. Your are tring to set an example, so be tolerant and take the good with the bad.Being a leader takes more than words.
ANSWER:Well friend from across the river, you are right. I guess we took this fight a little personal, as it was our own contract we were fighting for. Therefore I guess we took it out on Happy2work, and that was uncalled for and does go against what BIG BRO' stands for. The whole purpose of this site was to allow everyone an opinion, no matter what that opinion might be. So with this in mind we extend an apology to Happy2work, and all the people out there for getting out of our zone. The last thing BIG BRO' wants to do, is become like the Monsters we are trying to fight. Sometimes it takes an outside opinion to show us the error of our ways. We will make no excuses, but keep in mind we are only human and by no means perfect. Furthermore we would like to thank our American friends and Brothers for taking an interest in our site. Also thank you Friend from acroos the river, for reopening our eyes, and reminding us of our purpose. I guess sometimes even BIG BRO'needs to be kept in check, and we will make every attempt to keep it real. ALWAYS!

COMMENT:From fedup BRO i stand 100% behind you... boss man really wants to know who you are, don't he? why doesn't he tell us who the f#^*k who he is? i'd really like to take a chunk out of that S.O.B. he's the type of asshole the union is suppose to try to protect us from... f#^*k our union.. BOSS MAN,, you're mine chicken shit....
ANSWER: Thank you for your support fedup. First of all boss man probably doesn't want to know who we are, and secondly he surely never would want to face us down. However with this in mind fedup, I have to tell you not to take what he or anyone says too personally. This could just be some jerk off that wants to cause trouble, and watch somebody go off on the wrong guy or something. In that situation there would be no winners, and we prefer to take the non-violent approach at BIG BRO'. Also I need to remind you that BIG BRO'is pro-union, so if you are behind us 100% we can't blame the union. However we can do all the things within our power to clean up the bad seeds within our union. Unfourtunatly we seem to have a lot of bad seeds within this union. Keep in mind though BIG BRO is going to shake this union tree, all the way up the ladder to the National. When we are finished those who do not take the best interests of its members first and formost, will be sorry they ever heard of BIG BRO'. We understand your frustration, and sometimes it can eat you up inside, but remember fedup, any fight or cause worth fighting for is never easy. However BIG BRO' is going to shake the tree, and see how many bad apples fall out. Then we will put our union back in the hands of its members. RIGHT WHERE IT BELONGS!


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