Be advised that you may or may not agree with the opinions expressed within the BIG BRO' web site. All opinions expessed inside are not necesserily those of BIG BRO', as we welcome and respect all comments and opinions of those who visit this site. Be advised some of these opinions and comments may be offensive to some, and may not be expressed by all of those people who view this site. However in the name of free speech, and freedom of ones opinion, we do not edit any opinons expressed by those who visit. Furthermore BIG BRO' would like to make it perfectly clear that we are not officially affiliated with any legal Union, be it National, Local, or other. Although BIG BRO supporters and members may hold membership within certain Unions, we are not endoresed or funded by any Union be it National, Local, or other. Although some BIG BRO' members hold membership within a legal Union, be advised no member of BIG BRO' holds an elected or appointed position within any Union, be it National, Local, or other. However BIG BRO' is a stuanch supporter of the Union way, and supports and respects Union beliefs, and/or all Union Constitutions and bylaws. However BIG BRO' may not always agree or support all Union activity, that it feels is conterproductive to good Unionism although it may be supported by its National, Local, or other body of any legal Union. With this in mind feel free to browse our site by clicking the enter link, or if you so wish not to simply click the return link to go back to where you came from. Thank you for reading this disclaimer, to avoid any misunderstandings that could arise.
In Solidarity