Matt Watts has a considerable presence on the Internet for someone who loathes computers. He has written an e-mail to Strongbad and enjoys hijacking any ABC.net.au forum. Matt is also single-handedly responsible for shutting down the Natasha Stott-Despoja public discussion board from her fan site back in 1999 :)
Matt grew up in Sydney, Australia, and has recently moved to Canberra for work. He has never, ever been in a Turkish prison - never.
Matt Watts Stats:
Age: unknownWeight: 100kgs
Height: 6 foot 1 inch or so
Hair colour: brown, with occasional blonde or grey streaks
Facial hair: Intermittent
Smokes: cigars, when feeling bombastic
Favourite beverage: merlot or scotch
Most drunk beverage: VB or coke
Average standard alcoholic drinks per week: 72
Drinking holes defined as his "local": 5 at any one time, subject to change throughout the night
Favourite drinking place: Observer Hotel, 69 George St The Rocks
Times removed from pub due to his behaviour: once - I lightly tapped a bouncer at the Orient across the head with a paper Olympic torch because he called a bunch of us guys "ladies" - but I got back in with the aid of Mr Kieran Eadie JP who, I might add, reminded of me of this event.
Times removed from pub due to friends' behaviour: countless
Times not allowed into pub: 3 on the same night (was carrying bottle of wine), plus 1
Fisticuffs: never Political hero: Abraham Lincoln
Political mentor: none at present
Political philosophy: Libertarian
Philosophical mentor: D.M. Jacobs
Political party: Liberal Party of Australia
Political wishlist: Liberal Democratic Party
Birthplace: Sydney
Favourite place: The Rocks, Sydney
Years as public servant: 6.5
Years in Canberra: 2.5 and counting
Favourite food: pasta, kebabs, burgers, nachos, sausages, caesar salad, pizza, Guinness
Star sign: Leo
Loves: questioning and challenging (and the Ombudsman's Office)
Hates: ignorance and/or blind faith
Hobbies: reading, movies, arrogant grace, socialising in pubs and bars, walking, art, and not the driving of cars
Memberships: Amnesty International, Freemasons, University & Schools Club, Liberal Party of Australia, Australian Institute of Administrative Law, Community & Public Sector Union, Institute of Public Administration Australia, St George Leagues Club, Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, Easts Leagues Club, Benjamin Club, Canberra Labor Club
There are other Matt Wattseseseses on the Internet, but this one was probably on the world wide web first. Here are some links to other Matt (or Matthew) Wattseseses...es:A visual artist in Victoria, formerly of the UK...
A NATO Captain in Bosnia and Herzegovina...
A Dr Watts from the University of East Anglia...
A stock car racer from the US...
And... a comedian from the UK!
So jump on board for something different, in the name of truth, a bit of ego, and a 4am kebab.
This site © Matt Watts 2004-6.matt_watts@bigpond.com.au
This site was last updated 17 April 2006.
This site does not necessarily reflect the view/s of any organisation/s and/or individual/s with which Matt Watts is associated.