Welcome to this page on diplomacy and foreign affairs!

Tired of the usual scholarly analysis of foreign policy issues?

Well, why not take a look at these texts on the European Left, Pinochet, Yugoslavia, International Finance and other burning issues?

My purpose in this site will be to offer some texts of my own on international politics (I've been following this business for some 20 years).

I'll try to be INDEPENDENT of mainstream official line(s), which usually reflect the interests of dominant circles in business, state and academia, thus being unable to offer what public opinion demands, but usually fails to get - objective assessment of issues.

You'll find here texts on the European Left, Yugoslavia, Pinochet's arrest, etc. - mainly, on hot issues of today!


Iraq under attack

"Wall Street"

Yugoslavia and NATO

The collapse of the Left

Letter to Noam Chomsky


Pinochet's arrest (most popular with visitors, until now)

Pinochet: dictator or closet democrat?

The Pinochet update

Pinochet and Apartheid

New articles will be regularly published (site started October, 6; last update February 5, 1999).

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