My name is Lee Sullivan. I am seventeen years old. I grew up in Chicago,
in Hyde Park. I moved here with my parents when I was ten. My moms, she's
a secretary at Gentecho. My pops is a foreman in Gentecho's chemical manufacturing
plant. I hated moving from Chicago to this hick town. Whiteacre Bluffs--the
name tells you how lame this place really is.
It was only a few months before I left Chicago that I met Ronell and
Jamie Grayan, Big G and Baby G, at some company picnic. Baby G and I are
about the same age, I am just a few months older. We started to hang out;
my parents were happy for me to be with Jamie and Ronell. You see, their
mom is a big deal at Gentecho and their dad is a lawyer. Moms thought it
would be good for me to get to know them. Jamie and Ronell went to nice
schools and had good reputations, at least according to their parents.
My parents figured Jamie would be a good influence on me.
When we were still in Chicago, Jamie and I hung out at each other's
houses. Often, Jamie and Ronell would end up coming over to our house in
the evening because their parents had to work late. Moms didn't have a
problem with having Jamie over; she figured it kept me out of trouble.
At lot of times Ronell was hanging out with his friends and wouldn't be
at the house with us, although he would come in and eat. Not too long before
we left Chicago, I found out Ronell belonged to a gang known as the Double
Deuce. They called him Big G. We had gotten to be pretty good friends by
the time Gentecho announced their move. In fact, Big G took me under his
wing. He introduced me to some of the Double Deuce in Chicago. They were
so tight.
Not long after we moved to Whiteacre Bluffs in 1991, Big G started
to hang out with some kids at this place called Worldwide Pizza Palace.
At that time there was only one gang in Whiteacre Bluffs, the Fuchsia Posse.
They were a bunch of low lifes from Gateway City, where the gang started.
When the factories opened up, a bunch of people from Gateway City moved
to Whiteacre Bluffs. They came in around the same time we did. Most ended
up in Northeast, over in the apartments. The Posse considers Northeast
their turf. Sometimes you go up there and there's like, you know, like
30 or 40 people hanging out, blocking traffic, and messing with people.
There's a lot of drugs up there, people getting beat up all the time. There
was another drive-by up there a couple of weeks ago. The Posse, man, they're
idiots. They're out there recruiting little kids, man, to run their drugs
and stuff. The Posse run a lot of drugs, and are into rippin' people off.
Big G saw that the kids who hung around Worldwide Pizza Palace were scared
of the Posse and knew he could offer them some protection.
Big G told some of the Double Deuce in Chicago that Whiteacre Bluffs
had potential. Between 1992 and 1996, some members of the Double Deuce
from Chicago were back and forth between Chicago and Whiteacre Bluffs establishing
some territory and getting involved in some of the local drug trade, especially
at the University. By 1996, the Double Deuce had established enough of
a presence to start proclaiming its territory. During this whole time,
Big G still liked to hang at Worldwide Pizza. A lot of the kids from the
University went there, so it was a good place to take care of business,
if you know what I mean. The owner, Reagan Locksdale, was cool too. S/he
lets us hang out whenever we want and doesn't hassle us about anything.
We spend a lot of money there and make sure nobody from the Posse hassles
No, I am not in the Double Deuce--Big G wants me and Baby G to stay
out. He says he can take care of us just fine, and stuff with the Posse
is getting too rough. He wants us both to go to college--he's as bad as
our parents. It’s cool though, cause we still get to hang with him.
I was there the night Officer Johnson busted K.J. Tyler and Big G.
I don't care what she says about the Light in the Window program, Tyler
is still a wannabe. She used to hang out with the Posse, but they dissed
her when she was in drug rehab. She tried to hang with us for awhile but,
Big G just couldn't trust her. You know when you belong to the Double Deuce,
its all about trust and respect and rep. They're like family. They hang
together, bang together, and take care of their own. The Double Deuce don't
do what the Posse does. They don't sell drugs to kids, or tear up the neighborhood,
or hassle old people. I have seen K.J. talking to members of the Fushia
Posse and hanging out with them. I saw her a few nights earlier talking
to the Posse's leader. Big G didn't want a friend of the Posse hanging
Anyway, that night we were hanging at Worldwide Pizza like we usually
do. I'd say there were about fifteen of us, more or less. We were standing
around in the grassy area between the Panache and Worldwide Pizza. A few
of us were hanging out in the street. Some of us were on the sidewalk.
It's cool to watch the people in the cars as they go by and to talk about
some of them as they walk by. Yeah, I guess sometimes they must feel kind
of hassled, but how is some adult, in their car, with their windows rolled
up, going to be intimidated by a bunch of teenagers standin' around? It's
not like we were running up on the cars and banging on them, chasing them
down the street or anything like that.
Big G, Baby G, me, and a few others in the Double Deuce were talking
about some fighting Big G, Bobby Jones, Rene Fontaine, and a few others
had been doing the night before. The downtown area is where we hang out;
it never has been a part of the Posse's territory, and it never will be.
In the past few months, some of the Posse had been dissin our people, hassling
them, and instigating a whole bunch of mess. Big G had been telling us
for some time that the day would come the Double Deuce were going to have
to protect its territory--it finally had. The night before, Big G had seen
about five of the Posse hanging out about a block from Worldwide trying
to make some drug contacts with some of the students from the University.
Big G said he got some of the gang together, went over and surrounded them.
Big G let the Posse know they needed to go back where they came from. Man,
Big G was really excited--he called some of the gang in Chicago, told them
what was going on, and said he might need some back-up over the next few
On September 25th, the night K.J. and Big G got arrested, Big G was
standing outside Worldwide Pizza dissin the Posse, and bragging about how
the Double Deuce protected its own. K.J. comes over, with her sorry behind,
and tries to get in on the conversation. At first she was just hanging
around listening to Big G. Then she started talking to Baby G and me about
how dangerous it was to mess with the Fuchsia Posse; she was telling us
that Big G was just trying to use us and ruin our lives. She was talking
some stuff about how she had heard the Posse was planning to come back
to retaliate for the night before and how we were going to end up dead
in the street. K.J. was all into how bad the drugs were for us and that
there was another way. She kept trying to talk to us about that "Light
in the Window” crap. K.J. really started going off when some college kid
approached Big G to buy some drugs. She and Big G got into it. They started
yelling and screaming at each other. Big G said she'd better stay out of
his business and leave Baby G and me alone if she didn't want her behind
kicked too. It was getting pretty loud. People on the street were trying
to avoid us and kept looking over at Big G and K.J.
Before Big G and K.J. could really get into it, Officer Johnson comes
over. Big G saw him coming and signaled to some of the other Double Deuce,
like Bobby and Rene, to leave. They had been involved in the gang
bang the night before and Big G was afraid Officer Johnson was looking
for them. Big G, Baby G and I stuck around. Baby G and I wanted to make
sure Big G was not going to get hassled. Rae/Ray had warned us that Sgt.
Johnson was just looking for a reason to bust us--that stupid K.J., she
was only too happy to cause problems. Sgt. Johnson came over to us and
asked what we were doing. We told him that we were just hanging out like
we always did. We told him that we were going to be eating some pizza after
awhile. Sgt. Johnson told us that he wanted us to leave, that we were in
violation of some kind of law or something that said we couldn't hang out.
Reagan came out and tried to take up for us. S/He tried to explain to Sgt.
Johnson that we were her/his customers and weren't causing anyone any problems.
Sgt. Johnson basically told Reagan to shut-up or s/he could be arrested
too. Baby G and I started to leave, we knew we would just come back later
anyway. But that old stupid K.J., she just kept mouthin' off to Sgt. Johnson
about her rights and her freedom of speech. She said it was a free country,
she could be around whoever she wanted, and couldn't nobody stop her from
talking to us about getting out of the gang. She starred talking all that
stuff about LWP and working to save me and Baby G. Sgt. Johnson said no
punk was going to mouth off at him/her, got real upset with K.J. and arrested
her and Big G. Sgt. Johnson was talking about how K.J. and the Double Deuce
and all the other hoodlums from Chicago and Gateway City had destroyed
her/his precious Whiteacre Bluffs and how s/he wasn't going to stand for
it anymore.
If it hadn't been for K.J., everything would have been cool. There
were about twelve of us standing around, and a few of us were in the street,
but we weren't really doing anything to anybody. Big G was being really
loud and was talking about fighting and stuff like that. There were a few
people who were heading to that uppity restaurant who tried to avoid walking
through the group and crossed over to the other side of the street. We
weren't saying anything to them though. You know, some people just react
when they see a hunch of kids together. It wasn't like everyone there was
even apart of the Double Deuce. Only three or four of us had on colors
at the time. Nobody was really about to fight. Big G wasn't going to start
fighting with a girl, especially not K.J.--that kind of crap wouldn't do
anything for his rep. Wasn't nothing about to happen at least not until
K.J. got stuff started.