My name is Jamie Grayan; my friends call me Baby G. I was born in Chicago
and am now 16 years old. My father was an attorney at a large firm, and
my mother worked at Gentecho. My brother Ronell and I had to take care
of ourselves until Mom and Dad got home around 7:30 or 8:00. Ronell is
five years older than I am and he could cook and do other things, but we
were not allowed to go outside and play if my parents weren't home. We
watched a lot of TV and played video games. Sometimes, we got to go over
to one of the neighbors' houses, and we could go outside and play then.
When Ronell was fourteen, he began to go outside and hang with some of
the neighborhood kids; he figured he was old enough to be outside by himself.
I went out with him sometimes, but he wasn't crazy about me hanging around.
About that same time, a few of Ronell's friends turned into gang wannabes.
They all started hanging out with this gang that called themselves the
Double Deuce. Ronell told me that the kids treated him like family; they
bought him clothes and other cool stuff our parents would not buy for us.
The gang's whole thing was watchin' each other's back. Ronell was unsure,
at first, what else they did, like how they got their money. As he became
more involved in the group, and more trusted, he figured out that they
also sold drugs and got into fights with other gangs over turf.
The Double Deuce gang adopted green and white as its colors. The green
stood for money and white for the unity of the group. The gang also adopted
gold medallions with interlocking 2's as an identifying mark when the kids
were not in their colors-especially when they were around their parents
or other adults. The idea for the interlocking 2's came from the movie,
We Goin’ to Take it our Way! The movie was about warfare in L.A. It was
cool 'cause one of the gangs in the movie also wore green and white.
When my family moved to Whiteacre Bluffs, Ronell was really upset.
He had to leave the gang behind and move into a situation where he had
no territory, no power, no nothing. Ronell (I only call him Big G in front
of the gang) was still living at home so he came with us. He told me everything
would be o.k.; he still had his connections in Chicago, our parents were
going to let him go back once a month, so he would be able to maintain
his contacts. It took Ronell awhile, but he eventually found some kids
interested in getting the Double Deuce started in Whiteacre Bluffs. Ronell
found this place called the Worldwide Pizza Palace where all the kids who
were into the street hung out. When Ronell first met them they weren't
about anything; they smoked and drank and a few of them even used drugs-but
they were pretty small-time. Ronell saw his opportunity and turned them
on to the money they could make by trafficking in drugs and the power they
could have by staking out some territory.
Ronell never really wanted me to participate in the gang. It was okay
for me to have its protection, and to hang out and have fun, but he didn't
want me to do a whole lot else. Ronell was worried about the prospect of
me getting involved in drugs. Ronell himself did not use drugs or alcohol;
he just found them a convenient way to get money from others. Ronell insisted
that Lee Sullivan, a friend of mine from Chicago whose parents had also
been relocated, and I were the ones in our families who were going to go
to college and stay out of trouble. Lee didn't like it a whole lot, s/he
really wanted to be a part of the gang. But, if Big G didn't want it to
happen, it wasn't going to happen. Ronell let us hang out, especially on
Friday night but neither Lee nor I ever got involved in any criminal stuff.
Mom and Dad didn't really know that Ronell was into the gang thing.
As far as they knew, Ronell and I just hung out with our friends. I guess
that's pretty much what we did.
Ronell was always careful to make sure no one from the Double Deuce
contacted us at home- at least no gang business was conducted when we were
home. Neither of us used any drugs, we did okay in school; so our
parents never really had a clue that the Double Deuce existed.
I enjoy school pretty well in Whitacre Bluffs, the classes are much
smaller, and the teachers much better than those I had in Chicago.
I found some friends before the Double Deuce really got started and I was
enrolled in the after school program they used to call “Light in the Window.”
That’s were I first met KJ Tyler. Unfortunately the district started
having to cut back on a lot of programs. My parents told us it was
because certain people who had lived in Whitacre Bluffs for a long time,
especially somebody named Roan Lewis, didn’t want to have to pass any new
school levies to finance building the new schools that were needed when
my mom’s company, Gentecho, and other companies moved into the town.
KJ was pretty cool. She could paint so well, she even taught
me how to do graffiti as art. Sometimes I would watch KJ play basketball
or soccer. Other times I would be around when she was talking to
some other kids about the problems she had had with her parents and the
police. She talked to Lee and me about pulling away from the gang.
One night, I think it was on September 25th or something like that, Lee
Sullivan, Bobby Jones, Rene Fontaine, Big G and several others of us were
kicking it in front of the Worldwide Pizza Palace. Big G was bragging
about some kind of territorial dispute in downtown Whitacre Bluffs and
how the Double Deuce had withstood the challengers. Big G was describing
what had happened the night before. Sometimes he said too much.
One of the Double Deuce, but not Big G, had really hurt one of the Fuchsia
Posse and some of the other kids had gotten hurt too. So far, the
police had not arrested anyone, but we knew they were looking. Around
9 pm, (I think; it was already pretty dark) Friday we were hanging out
until it was time to order pizza. That's what we do every Friday. There
were about twelve of us standing around although there had been a few more
kids around earlier. Some of the kids were skateboarding and had bumped
into a few of the people trying to get into Panache's. It was no big deal;
they apologized to anyone they actually hit. Ordinarily, they might have
done something to one of the people walking through if they felt dissed,
but everyone was kind of low-key because of the situation the night before.
There may have been a few kids harassing people who were walking by, but
all they were doing was running their mouths. No one ever approached anybody
or did anything physical, especially not K.J. Tyler. K.J didn't have a
violent streak in her. The group was beginning to get larger; it was almost
tine for everyone to go in and get what they wanted from Worldwide. We
had the music turned on and were partying outside.
You know, K.J. doesn't really belong to any gang and she doesn't hang
out with them when they are doing anything wrong. In fact, that evening
she was talking about her favorite thing, the Light in the Window Program
(LWP). The LWP had really turned K.J. around. Blake Fischer--s/he runs
the LWP--had recognized K.J.'s talent for art and had tried to help her
further it. When we were in front of Worldwide, K.J. was trying to talk
me into coming back to “Light in the Window” even though it was no longer
in school. K.J. was afraid that eventually I might end up like my older
brother. In fact, K.J. got into an argument with Big G over me. Big G thinks
the 'Light in the Window” program is a bunch of crap. He may not want me
to be in the Double Deuce, but he doesn't want me to turn against him either.
They were talking pretty loudly to each other, and waving their hands around
in the air, but neither one of them walked up on the other one or touched
the other one. There's no way it looked like a fight was going to break
out. I know Big G is kinda worried about me, but I'm grown and I know I
can make the best decisions for myself. Big G was just under a lot of pressure,
trying to keep the gang members from getting arrested in connection with
the guy who got hurt the night before.
After we had been hanging for awhile, some of the kids noticed a police
cruiser had pulled up. A few of the kids ran away, mostly those like Bobby
and Rene, who had been involved in the fight the previous night. The cop
came over and told us we had to leave or get arrested. S/he started talking
all this crap about us harassing people and intimidating them--none of
it was true. Even Rae/Ray, the Worldwide Pizza Palace's owner, came running
out and stuck up for us and told the cop that s/he was scaring all of his/her
customers away. The officer just ignored Locksdale s/he said something
about s/he didn't see anyone eating pizza and that Locksdale needed to
get the h____ out of his/her way because s/he had a job to do. The officer
then went over to K.J., Big G, and Lee and started to hassle them. S/He
told them that they had 10 move on. S/he specifically told K.). that she
had no business hanging out with these gang members and that if we all
didn't do exactly what the officer told us to do s/he would arrest us and
charge us under some kind of; I think s/he said, anti-gang loitering statute.
K.J. told the officer that she did not have to depart, that she didn't
understand why she couldn't stand around with her friends, that she was
in a public place where she was liked by the owner, and that she was not
doing anything criminal. Locksdale tried to tell the officer that K.J.
was going to order a pizza. We all heard the cop tell us to leave, but
not everyone left. The officer keyed on K.J. and Big G, but especially
K.J., right away. S/He seemed to be determined to arrest her even though
all K.J. was doing was standing around listening to Big G brag and talking
to me about starting to spend more time in a different, safer environment.
Big G told Lee and me to get out of there before we got arrested. Lee and
I left - but we were worried about Big G. The cops never really seemed
all that interested in Lee and me anyway. Big G came home later that night
after he made bail.