In this year's case. K.J Tyler, a young adult, is charged under a municipal anti-gang loitering ordinance after being arrested while talking with a group of youth that included at least one known gang member. At the time of her arrest, K.J. was engaged in a heated discussion with the leader of a local gang and refused to obey a police officer's order to disperse

This is a criminal case in municipal court in which the City prosecutes K.J. Tyler for loitering Defendant Tyler denies the loitering charge and maintains that her arrest was unlawful because the ordinance abridges freedom of association under the First Amendment


Witnesses for the Prosecution
Sergeant Kelsey Johnson, Sergeant in the Whiteacre Bluffs Police Department
Roan Lewis, Owner and Manager of the Panache Cafe
Lee Sullivan, Seventeen-year-old Student

Witnesses for the Defendant
Blake Fischer, Head of the Light in the Window Program
Jamie Grayan. Student, Whiteacre Bluffs High School
Reagan Locksdale, Owner of the Worldwide Pizza Palace