North Olmsted
High School
Mock Trial Team
City of Whiteacre Bluffs
K.J. Tyler
Members of the team:
The Case:
Case Capsule 
Main Characters 
Case Summary 

Summaries of Witness Statements
Explanation of the Use of Witness Statements and Exhibits 
Sgt. Kelsey Johnson 
Roan Lewis 
Lee Sullivan 
Blake Fischer 
Jamie Grayan, a.k.a. Baby "G" 
Reagan Locksdale 

Exhibit 1 - Whiteacre Bluffs City Ordinance 9-4-015 
Exhibit 2 - Map of Napa Valley Drive 
Exhibit 3 - Gang Medallion 

Court Order and Pleadings
Preliminary Hearing Order 
Prosecution Brief 
Defense Brief 

Constitutional Amendments and Case Law
Constitution of the United States, Amendments I and XIV 
Roberts V. Jaycees 
City of Dallas V. Stanglin 
Sawyer v. Sandstrom 
City of Chicago V. Youkhana, et al 
Courtroom Layout 

Competition Terms 
Ohio Mock Trial Competition Schedule 
Highlights of Changes in 1998-99 Ohio Mock Trial Rules 
Competition Instructions
I. Competition Structure 
ir. Competition Day Logistics 
III. Eligibility for Competition 
IV. Team Membership and Roles 
V. Legal Advisors 
VI. Trial Rules and Procedures 
VII. Judging and Scoring Guidelines 
VrII. Debriefing and Announcement of Outstanding
Attorney and Witness Awards 
Modified Rules of Evidence and Procedure
I. Scope of these rules 
II. Relevancy 
III. Witness Examination 
IV. Hearsay 
V. Opinion Testimony 
VI. Physical Evidence 
VII. Invention of Facts and Extrapolation 
VIII. Additional Rules of Evidence 
IX. Procedural Rules 

Competition Forms
1999 Team Registration Form 
1999 Official Mock Trial Tearn Roster 
1999 Mock Trial Evaluation Form 
1999 Official Mock Trial Scoresheet 
Official Mock Trial Scoresheet Guidelines 
1999 Mock Trial Teacher Complaint Form 
1999 Ohio Mock Trial Team Drop Form 
1999 Ohio Mock Trial Competition Official Score Sheet 
1999 Ohio Mock Trial Score Sheet Directions 
Stay tuned...this site will be updated periodically
last updated:
Nov. 24 1998
e-mail me