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This Show Case Presentation, is a Tone Setting Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Alternative World Hood Welcome Willing Bootstrap Principality Self-Enhancement Value System, Fundamental Mapping, Enthusiasm, Reassembly-Application Watch, Indigenous Leadership Cure Care Initiative, Damage Control Unanimity Convention and Catch-Up Oversea Drive.






Global Pan Chamorro Policy Internship Empowerment Narrative on Advanced Collective American Potential with Managed Alternative World Hood Self-Enhancement Applications for Alternative American Damage Control Equity Mapping, Responsible Management and Global Cure Leadership.







Subsequent To This Global Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Tribal Elders Continuing Oversea Provisional Charitable Conglomerated Chief Intern Facilitator Act for Alternative World Hood Non-Violent Self-Enhancement Outreach, Cure-Diplomacy, Children-to-Leadership Expeditionary- Observatory-Laboratory Affairs, Advocacy, National Equity Redevelopment Watch and Application, You are now, engaged in a process of witness to a Man-Affamaulek American Co-National Incident, adopted as An Emerging Collaborated Living Symphony with Continuing Integrated Personal Charitable Choices of The Collective Overseas Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Welcome Willing Outreach with The Very Personal Acts on Given Realities, Empowerment of Principalities and Universalities of an Alternative World Hood Redeveloped by The Provisional Pan Chamorro Oversea Leadership Presence, Intents And Opportunities in Support of The Home Grown Children-to-Leadership Self-Enhancement Passion as Specifics, in Exile under God.




Established, to feature the principality awareness that each individual incumbent Pan Chamorro, is governed with undisturbed-undiminished-never lost majestic sovereignty from God to him and all the incumbent others as reciprocating collective oneness; to the State of Commonwealth and Economic Zone; to all counterparts; to the watch; to the mission affairs; as well as, to the very traditionally and historically tested inherent charity with fundamentalism, all comfortable absolutely as indigenous contributions, to ultimately show case Alertness, Historically Corrected Realities and Proprietary Presence.


As supported by Global Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago American Theme Park and mapped by The Distribution of The Alternative World Hood Potential Blessings, The Global Pan Chamorro Self-Enhancement and Affairs Redevelopment Bank and Trust Bond Market / The Departmentalization of the individual prospectus governing the show casing of Alternative World Hood Pan Chamorro Children-to-Leadership, Self-Enhancement, Self-Governance Enthusiasm Syllabus, Up-Dating, Management of Damage Control and Growth Affairs, Where All Self-Enhancing Redevelopment, Remains with The Benevolent Support of Project Go-Look and Listen.


It’s been suggested for discovery, that Our Omnipotent and Gracious God for His Purpose created man and the universe for man, to salute with the Magnificence of It All, His Glory. In this the End, is approached when our continuing imperfection and failings polished with our humble personal choice, are charged in a more perfect union self-enhancement, to adjust towards His Image and Likeness in faith.


Our lives are collectively given for The Process; our tasking is our personal responsibility with free will; and our mission, is to accountably deliver as a work in progress. Good luck and God Bless All Welcome Willing!











Herein is a proprietary self-enhancing adjustment imperative with an Alternative World Hood Collective Redevelopment IPO narrative potential; while this is all a proclamation in all of a choice of presence, to reassemble a unanimity with resurgence from a real and present host-full self rule residual at a season of urgency for that defined survival absolute and separate sovereignty specific from God and while in exile; and as a promised potential in nearness, yet a confirmed deficit – the expected responsible participation and accountable contribution of Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago in a real want of an established more perfect union of a relationship-like in a collective, but separate sovereign states with governance for all..; man-affamaulek, do pride fully behold!


The Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Sovereign Federated States Provisional Non-Violent Global Overseas Charge, Leadership Affairs And Adjusted Alternative World Hood Self-Enhancement Catch-Up, Redevelopment Presence; and Now Offered, Is The Very Oversea Watch Assembly Narrative Application.





Global Pan Chamorro Advanced Provisional Oversea Goodwill Show Cased Alternative World Hood Community-Wide Human Services, Self Enhancement Cure Advocacy, Organized Redevelopment-Volunteerism and Non-Violent Executive Support / Network Application Corps Field Command’s Presentation of:

PAN CHAMORRO MARIANAS ARCHIPELAGO FEDERATED STATE Advanced Provisional Oversea Goodwill Show Cased Alternative World Hood Community-Wide Human Services, Self Enhancement Cure Advocacy, Organized Redevelopment-Volunteerism and Non-Violent Executive Support / Application Network Corps FLAGS













Tri-Seal -1






Tri-Seal -2














































THE PAN CHAMORRO MARIANAS ARCHIPELAGO INVITATIONAL ALTERNATIVE WORLD HOOD DIPLOMATIC CORPS, is an overseas redeveloping non-violent National Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Host Ship Conglomerate Component Proclamation with proprietary Overseas Ynetnon Man-Ungko yan Man-Affamaulek Provisional Children-to-Leadership Assembly Facility IPO, Watch, Federated State Combine Constituency Empowerment Act and Celebration in Exile under God.


The Autonomous Alternative / Overseas Elders, Sons And Daughters Welcome Willing Children To Leadership Expeditionary Observatory Laboratory Definitive Authority Under God Showcase, measures to excel via mix/fix catch-up projects for nation rebuilding, co-national relationship redevelopment / self enhancement and cure mission... It exhibits a specific Autonomous Indigenous Authority to be feted, show cased, historically corrected, recognized and vetted as that absolute sovereign state format.


It additionally cultures continued charitable adjustment outreach act for Alternative World Hood survivability with complete unquestionable proclamation and uninterrupted national self-initiative presence-value-essence-reality-leadership maturity, protection, advocacy, regional self-rule cure, care manner together with that most comprehensively evident full "Children-to-Leadership”, Charge and Affairs of all proprietary Paradise Commonwealth and Diplomacy.


Subsequently therefore; in this same stanza as a presentation for discovery, is a marking-some sinfully ignored historical administrative growth deficit event-an apparent self separation, from a worthily-laudably-passionate redevelopment want specific only otherwise herewith, to be applied. Experience this as a polite invitation, to graciously visit the human spirit with His Omnipotence and His Providence under collective stress; but with an opportunity in a situational living specific, in a charitable potential separation and in a feted, but managed resourceful-accountable personal charge, invitation, choice, path and advanced overseas interactive presence, now.


In real time the cultured Children-To-Leadership unanimity, self-enhancing / self-respecting and emancipating national consciousness rebirth, revisited authority-power and majesty, through measured overseas collective contributions in Alternative World Hood survival sensitivity all now, stands in comfort as this overseas enthusiasm application’s appropriate given peridium, perhaps paradigmatically so, in exile and under God.


This punctuation, would umbrella the Emerging Pan Chamorro Overseas Sun Society’s Alternative World Hood Industrialized Global Initiative Internship, a “Still living want and work-in-progress” whose marked season, has made apparent protocol osmosis.

Damage control and self enhancement demonstratively universal, comprehensively vetted and decisively show cased now, would engage the enthusiasm that develops wholesomeness, proprietary paradise equity, regional host ship / unity element; a people’s commonwealth principality reversion initiative as a Living Absolute Sovereign State’s Catch-Up Affairs Statement, is the every Commonwealth Self-Adjustment Cure Narrative; and hopefully all, emerges as the very Application for A More Perfect Union.




AFFAMAULEK: Arrival to that state or degree of relationship that is crowned in reciprocity by jewels of established goodwill, love, faithfulness, mutual respect, trust, well-being, comfort, fitness, trust and the like.

AMERIKNESIAN: A challenged American Islander collected in heighten American Spirit, Host-full, Curator-ship and in jovially celebrating sensitivity.

AMERIKNESIAN DOCTRINE: An American re-developmental base-line axiom with an attitude for curative preservation and for engaging select positive taskostraphi-mix / i.e., Manontole’s Ameriknesian Doctrine, “In every instant liberty with any form of taxation, would decrease freedom’s essence, measure and significance". “Success is a reasonable expectation." “The eleventh (11th) finger is accessible." and “Accept well; act well; feel well; ... see well; do well; be well; and stay well."

MAN-AFFAMAULEK: The established mutual admiration society of “The jelling” AFFAMAULEK LIKES as AFFAMAULEK is defined above.

MAN-AFFAMAULEK NATIONAL PRAYER WITH EXPRESSION OR IN SILENCE: Grand Us Lives and Dreams with Lasting Universal Upward and Forward / Good and Plenty In All ... Dear Father, The Originator of All - Visible and Invisible as We, Task Our Significant Inter-acting Choices with God, with Country and with Family.

TAOTAOMONA: First inhabitants as indigenous lot with proprietary essence.



The Pan Chamorro Marinas Archipelago Co-National Commonwealth (PCMACC) Alternative World Hood Provisional Overseas Authority Under God for paradise recovery, for self-enhancement leadership maturity placement and for national redevelopment industrialization with given social parity, definitive reciprocity of a maturity-responsive adjusted United States – Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago inclusive relationship imperative presence, one that is towards a more perfect and immediate union; proprietary paradise equity – resources – commonwealth destination adjustment; total reversal for repossession, control and management of same as the redirected host full / indigenous application mission– act, in exile with collectivity and growth under God.






The Chief Regional Plenipotentiary

Field Point Executive Facilitator in Exile - at Large

Manuel Pereda Sablan (Christian)

Manontole Gabrit Tei (Tribal)



(S/N INVACARE CRE #4067032): San Diego, CA 92101


This fresh caviar absolute, as such vetted autonomous indigenous unilateral self enhancing overseas leadership outreach initiative that, engages a competitive Alternative World Hood show casing of interstate sovereignty interactive affairs, to draw application specific from all this, and to offer a potent polite people-positive-political-project process with “HafaAdai, Man-Affamaulek Diplomacy,” that in our likeness, are:

·       an awaken collective indigenous overseas leadership initiative, survival viability specific and an interactive, yet assertively managed interstate enhancing sensitivity, enthusiasm and proclamation;

·       a mega calling of unilateral alternative world hood social/cultural / economic-political leadership adjustment;

·       a “here and now redevelopment affairs damage control catch-up opportunity initiative;”

·       a charge;

·       a charitably living overseas unity show cased Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago proprietary self governance adjusted "IPO Invitational" narrative;

·       a survival internship redevelopment initiative;

·       a leadership self enhancing rescue mode; and

·       a cure specific service outreach presentation at a critically sensitive interstate human interactive moment.



The Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Overseas Self Enhancement Charge Affairs, starts as a presence with your attention, interest and review ultimately culminating as your specific opportunity, currency, temperament and enthusiasm in potentials with and from God that would precipitate to a cultured Alternative World Hood Full of Grace.





Keys in Review


The over a century historical strokes given by the designated Administrating Power, The United States via The U.S. Congress and via the U.S. celebrated exclusive treaties impacting the Affairs, the Just Entitlement, and the Collective Commonwealth Potency in The Pan Chamorro-sovereign definitive region host ship, reflects a reluctance of same Administration in this established relationship, to hold that something in fact, is so operatively wrong.


There seem to be no viewed evidence in the established historic relationship with deliberate responsibility, accountability, due equity or promising growth and development awareness, towards the ultimate indigenous self-enhancement and self-reliance maturity, offered as to be framed human rights, to readjust a cultured destination of journey, but with out abatement, blindly flow as if the only expected measure as destination of this given union, is to be no more than that expected forthcoming for a possession.


Let us just express it as a statement short and simple-so operatively stinking wrong.


Given to editorial entities and/or the UN Fourth Committee on Decolonization by contemporary Chamorro Advocates, as well as, featured commercial-mix contributors are looming as excerpts from dueling testimonies.







I Nasion Chamoru (The Chamoru Nation)

Julian Aguon, Chamoru Rights Advocate

PO Box 8725

Tamuning, Guam 96931 

Seventh Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on

Indigenous Issues – April 2008 – New York, NY 

Item # 6

Topic: Pacific

Presenter: Julian Aguon 

Collective Intervention of the Chamoru Nation and Affiliated Indigenous Chamoru Organizations; Society for Threatened Peoples International (ECOSOC); CORE (ECOSOC); Western Shoshone Defense Project; Flying Eagle Woman Fund (ECOSOC); Mohawk Nation at Kahmawake; Cultural Development and Research Institute; Famoksaiyan; Organization of People for Indigenous Rights; Colonized Chamoru Coalition; Chamoru Landowners Association; Chamoru Language Teachers Association; Guahan Indigenous Collective; Hurao, Inc.; Landowners United; Chamoru Veterans Association; Fuetsan Famaloan 

Ati addeng-miyo your Excellencies.  My name is Julian Aguon and I appear before you with the full support and blessings of my elders. I address you on behalf of the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam, an endangered people now being rushed toward full-blown extinction.

In 2008, the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam brace ourselves for a storm of U.S. militarization so enormous in scope, so volatile in nature, so irreversible in consequence.  U.S. military realignment in the Asia-Pacific region seeks to homeport sixty percent of its Pacific Fleet in and around our ancient archipelago.  With no input from the indigenous Chamoru people and over our deepening dissent, the US plans to flood Guam, its Colony in Perpetuity, with upwards of 50,000 people, which includes the 8,000 U.S. Marines and their 9,000 dependents being ousted by Okinawa and an outside labor force estimated upwards of 20,000 workers on construction contracts.  In addition, six nuclear submarines will be added to the three already stationed in Guam as well as a monstrous Global Strike Force, a strike and intelligence surveillance reconnaissance hub at Andersen Air Force Base.

This buildup only complements the impressive Air Force and Navy show of force occupying 1/3 of our 212 square mile island already.  This massive military expansionism exacts devastating consequences on my people, who make up only 37% of the 170,000 people living in Guam and who already suffer the signature maladies of a colonial condition.

The military buildup of Guam endangers our fundamental and inalienable human right to self-determination, the exercise of which our Administering Power, the United States, has strategically denied us—in glaring betrayal of its international obligations under the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, UN General Assembly Resolution 1514, to name but some.

The unilateral decision to hyper-militarize our homeland is the latest in a long line of covenant breaches on the part of our Administering Power to guide Guam toward self-governance.  It was made totally without consulting the indigenous Chamoru people.  No public education campaign regarding the social, cultural, and political consequences of this hyper-militarization has been seriously undertaken or even contemplated. 

Of the 10.3 billion dollars settled upon by the U.S. and Japan for the transfer of U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam, nothing has been said as to whether or not this money will be used to improve our flailing infrastructure.  Recently, the largest joint military exercise in recent history conducted what were casually called war games off Guam waters.  22,000 US military personnel, 30 ships, and 280 aircraft partook in "Valiant Shield."  That weekend, water was cut off to a number of local villages on the Navy water line.  The local people of those villages went some thirty days without running water. Across the military-constructed fence, the tap flowed freely for the U.S. military population.  The suggestion of late is that Guam is expected to foot the bill of this re-occupation. Meetings with defense officials have proved empty.  Military officers we have met with inform us only of their inability to commit to anything.  In effect, they repeat that they have no working plans to spend money on civilian projects.  Dollars tied to this transfer have been allocated to development only within the bases.  Money for education in the territory will again be allocated to schools for children of U.S. military personnel and not ours.  Meanwhile, virtually every public sector in Guam is being threatened with privatization.

There is talk of plans to condemn more of our land to accommodate its accelerated military needs. In contrast, there is no talk of plans to clean up radioactive contaminations  (strontium, in particular) of Guam from toxins leftover from the U.S.’ World War II activities and its intense nuclear bombing campaign of the Marshall Islands only 1200 miles from Guam.  Indeed, the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam suffer extraordinarily high rates of cancer and dementia-related illness due to the U.S.’ widespread toxic contamination of Guam.  For example, Chamorus suffer from nasopharynx cancer at a rate 1,999% higher than the U.S. average (per 100,000).  To boot, Guam has 19 Superfund sites, most of which are associated with U.S. military base activities as in the case of Andersen Air Force Base and the former Naval Air Station.  Nineteen sites is a significant number in consideration of the island’s small size of 212 square meters.

There is also no word on whether or not the U.S. plans to pay war reparations due to us since it forgave Japan its World War II war crimes committed against the Chamorus.

Like an awful re-run of World War II, when the U.S. unilaterally forgave Japan its horrific war crimes on our people, the US is back at the table negotiating away our human rights including our right to self-determination.  Beyond the B-2 bombers in our skies, the ships playing war games in our waters, the added weapons of mass destruction, and the contamination that has robbed us of so many loved ones by way of our extraordinarily high rates of cancers and dementia-related illnesses, there is a growing desperation back home.  A desperate lethargy in the wind.  A realization that if the UN remains unable to slow the manic speed of US militarization, Chamorus as a people will pass.

In 2005 and 2006, we appeared before the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee, alerting the UN organ of these two frightening facts:  1) it was recently discovered that the U.S. Department of Interior purposefully killed a presidential directive handed down in 1975, which ordered that Guam be given a commonwealth status no less favorable than the one the U.S. was negotiating with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands at that time; and 2) a campaign of the Guam Chamber of Commerce (primarily consisting of U.S. Statesiders) to privatize every one of Guam's public resources (the island's only water provider, only power provider, only local telephone provider, public schools, and its only port, on an island that imports 85-90% of its food and where private monopolies of public goods would truly make us captive to the forces of the market) is undermining our ancient indigenous civilization with violent speed.  Eating us whole.

Not much has changed since we last were here in New York.  Our power provider has been privatized, our telecommunications sold.  Our only water provider and one port are under relentless attack.  The meager, questionable victories we have had to stay this mass privatization are only the result of indigenous Chamoru grassroots activists who, on their own—with no financial, institutional, or strategic support—holding both their hands up, holding the line as best they can. At great personal cost.

Your Excellencies:  Know this—the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam are neither informed nor unified around this military buildup despite dominant media representations. For all intents and purposes, there is no free press in Guam.  Local media only makes noise of the re-occupation, not sense of it. The Pacific Daily News—the American subsidiary newspaper that dominates the discourse—has cut off the oxygen supply to indigenous resistance movement.  Rather than debating this buildup's enormous sociopolitical, environmental and cultural consequences, it has framed the conversation around how best to ask the U.S. (politely) for de facto consideration of our concerns.  Without appearing un-American.

We are not Americans.  We are Chamorus.  We are heirs to a matrilineal, indigenous civilization born two thousand years before Jesus.  And we are being disappeared. Off your radar.

All this, and only two years until the end of the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.  And no midterm review by the Special Committee on Decolonization.  No designation of any expert to track Guam’s progress, or lack thereof, toward progressing off the UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.  Not one UN visiting mission to Guam.  

It is a sad commentary that the Administering Power year after year abstains or votes against UN resolutions addressing the “Question of Guam” and resolutions reflecting the work of the UN on decolonization including the resolution on the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism and the very recent Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  With this non-support by Guam’s Administering Power, it is no wonder that the list of the Non-Self-Governing Territories under the administration of the United States has turned half a century old with little progress.  

We Chamorus come to New York year after year, appealing to the UN decolonization committee to follow through with its mandate. Indeed, the UN has collected almost thirty years of our testimony, with nothing to show for it. I represent today the third generation of Chamoru activists to appear before the UN, desperately trying to safeguard our inalienable, still unrealized, human right to self-determination.  

The failure of the U.S. to honor its international obligations to Guam and her native people, the non-responsiveness of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization to our rapid deterioration, and the overall non-performance of relevant U.S. and UN Decolonization organs and officials combine to carry our small chance of survival to its final coffin. 

All this combines to elevate the human rights situation in Guam as a matter not only of decolonization, but ethnic cleansing.  

Indeed, when future generations look upon these days, they might label Guam not merely a U.S. colony, but rather, a UN colony. 

To date the Forum has deferred to the Special Committee.   The time has come for the Forum to take the lead.   To this end we request the Forum take the following action: 

  1. Sponsor an expert seminar in conjunction with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Special Committee on Decolonization to examine the impact of the UN decolonization process regarding the indigenous peoples of the NSGTs—now and previously listed on the UN list of NSGTs.  This seminar must be under the auspices of the Forum due to existing problems with the Secretariat of the Special Committee.  We request that Independent Expert Carlyle G. Corbin be included in the seminar as well as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples.


  1. Utilize the Inter-Agency Support Group to begin to implement the Program of Implementation (POI) with UN Agencies, UNDP, UNEP and other agencies and specialized bodies as directed by the General Assembly; and


  1. Communicate its concern for the human rights of indigenous peoples and all peoples in the NSGTs to the UN Human Rights Council and request that the Council designate a Special Rapporteur on the Situation of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories.


In Solidarity and Urgency,

The Chamoru Nation and Indigenous Chamoru Organizations of Guam, with support of the above-listed organizations. 








v     Two military bases on Guam, Andersen Air Force Base (AAFB) and Big Navy, occupies one-third of the land mass on the island of Guam and the potential exists for the U.S. Department of Defense of taking back land that was decommissioned by the military in the 1990s[1][1]

v     Plans to increase offensive capability:

o       Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Strike Capability” at AAFB involve stationing 12 KC-135 tankers, 4 unmanned Global Hawk surveillance aircraft, and rotating 48 F-22 and F-15E fighters, and six B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers

o       Greater naval presence, expansion of wharf storage facilities


v     Increased military exercises in the Pacific[2][2],[3][3]

o       Operation Valiant Shield took place over several days in the Pacific. Called a “massive armada” by the Navy, the war games, which will now become a biannual event comprised 20,000 personnel, 28 ships and 290 aircraft.


v     Influx of military personnel.

o       2008 to 2012- scheduled transfer of 8,000 U.S. Marines from Okinawa that will significantly add to the current Guam population of approximately 160,000 people

o       2014—35,000 estimated population including servicemen, their dependents, and US Department of Defense workers and other staff[4][4]


It was recently reported that, as part of the downsizing of American forces in South Korea (12,500 to be withdrawn by 2008), at least one Army battalion may join these 8,000 Marines.[5][5]


The influxes in Guam may also bring with them an increase in the military presence and use of the Northern Marianas islands, most notably Tinian.[6][6] The United States military already controls nearly 18,000 square meters of the island (nearly 2/3) through leases with the government of the CNMI, and has used it regularly for small training exercises. According to Governor Fitial, the Department of Defense has already informed him that the 8,000 Marines coming from Okinawa (due to space shortage on Guam) will be doing their live-fire and jungle warfare training on Tinian.[7][7]


These troop movements out of “contested” bases in South Korea and Okinawa into politically “uncontested” ones, in the American colonies/territories in the Pacific (Guam, CNMI, Hawai’i ) is being accompanied by a slow but certain re-introduction of American troops into The Philippines. In October of this year, 1,000 Filipino soldiers from the Marines, Navy and Air Force and 2,000 of their American counterparts will hold bilateral/cooperative amphibious exercise in the northern Philippines.[8][8]


Despite guarantees that the United States Military in Guam will not seek to expand or extend beyond its existing footprint, the military is already making plans for the taking of civilian lands. The lands most in danger of being seized are ironically enough lands around the Finegayan area which first were taken from Chamorros following World War II, and then returned several years ago.[9][9]




v     Health/Environmental Impacts

o       Contamination of drinking water: Andersen Air Force Base sits atop the sole source aquifer that provides drinking water to ¾ of the population

o       The new landfill in Dandan, that is scheduled to open in time when the AAFB landfill closes, will most likely contaminate the cleanest water source on the island[10][10]

o       Tons of hazardous materials (eg. TCE, PCBs) pose a risk to human and environmental health; high rates of cancer, diabetes, and renal disease in the population[11][11]

o       Loss of biodiversity due to introduction of foreign species into the fragile island ecosystem from incoming personnel, planes, and ships


v     Cultural/Social/Political Impacts

o       Militarization infringes on the human rights to self-determination of the indigenous people, the Chamorros.  The U.S.A, as the administering power and the major creator of the United Nations in 1946, is legally and morally responsible under international law to respect and comply with the United Nations Charter General Assembly resolutions to decolonize Guam by the year 2010[12][12]

o       There is little to no discussion of how these military buildups, and the substantial population increases they bring with them, will affect the political landscape of all of the Marianas Islands? For example, in Tinian there are less than a thousand eligible voters at present, what will the political impact be if hundreds of perhaps thousands of military personnel are stationed there?

o       Increased militarization increases the targeting of our island home by potential adversaries of the U.S.A and places our people in danger of annihilation and genocide[13][13]

o       Loss of language due to banning of the Chamorro language before World War II has greatly influenced rapid loss of culture

o       Proposed educational curriculum to teach military history to lessen the resistance to increased militarization, when no strong curriculum exists to teach Chamorro language and culture[14][14]

o       Rapid displacement and development of the indigenous peoples as second-class citizens in their homeland—increase incidence of families selling lands in order to pay for property taxes and living expenses


v     Economic Impacts

o       Increased cost of living due to significant increase in population.

o       Military personnel stationed on Guam receive Overseas Housing Allowances (OHA) for living off-base, which range from $1700 - $5,000 depending on their rank and marital status, far higher than the monthly housing budget of the majority of Guam residents. This purchasing power combined with the increased terms of rotation (3 years) is already leading to a flurry of military purchasing of properties, which has been steadily driving real estate prices up since 20003.[15][15]

o       Corporate carpetbaggers such as Home Depot are already setting up shop on Guam in order to take advantage of the anticipated military construction boom. The lack of a managed economy on Guam in instances such as this ensures that the majority of the economic benefits from this military increase will be horded by off-island businesses and corporations, at the expense of local businesses which don’t have the benefit of multi-national capital.

o       Burden of improving and expanding infrastructure that will benefit all, civilians and military, is borne by local residents; water rates are expected to increase 40% to pay for a recent $103 million revenue bond to improve the water system[16][16] Recent statements from the Department of Defense indicate that decreases in the quality of life (in particular in terms of infrastructure) outside of military fences as a result of increased military presence in Guam will not be the financial concern or responsibility of the Department of Defense or the Federal Government.[17][17]

o       Privatization/militarization agenda of politically well-connected leaders of the Guam Chamber of Commerce[18][18] will create greater hardships on a population in which 23% are below the federally-defined poverty level[19][19]


v     How can I help?

o       Find out more information about how increased militarization in the Pacific region is connected US economic policy towards China[20][20],[21][21]

o       Keep up to date with increased militarization in the Asia/Pacific region using regional news sources and internet sites such as:


o       Show international solidarity by signing the Peace and Justice Petition for Guam and the Asia/Pacific region at:

o       Support local production of goods in order to increase US economic self-sufficiency and decrease trade imbalance with China

o       Spread the concern. Find a place for these issues in your daily conversations with family, friends, mayors, political leaders on-island as well as off-island.





Activist and Author Speaks Out Against US Troop Deployment to Guam at UN

By Julian Aguon

Guam political and human rights activist Julian Aguon will speak to the UN General Assembly in opposition to the Bush Administrations latest move to deploy tens of thousands of US military personnel to Guam as part of Pentagon's new hedge strategy aimed at containing China.

Earlier this year, the Department of Defense announced its agreement with Koizumi's Japan to transfer to its tiny territory of Guam the 8,000 US Marines being ousted by Okinawa. Since the announcement, the estimated number of US troops and their dependents set to flood the 212 square mile island, which has endured 500 years of colonization, is 35,000.

Julian Aguon, author of the new book The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation says that while the world watches, South Koreans are defending their homes from bulldozers and Okinawans fighting on land and sea to stop the development of yet another base. But on Guam the Chamoru people remain the ghosts of this Pacific Theatre tragedy.

His book details how current US military realignment schemes threaten to destroy any hope for decolonization of the non-self-governing territory.

He will appeal to the UN body to pass a resolution condemning the transfer as the most vulgar breach of contract on the part of the US as the Administering Power charged with the responsibility to ensure the native Chamoru population of Guam exercise self-determination. Though since 1946 the US has been charged to aid the native population exercise self-determination, it has strategically denied every attempt at Chamoru sovereignty in the last half century.

Aguon plans to direct diplomatic attention also to a mass privatization campaign of the Guam Chamber of Commerce (consisting primarily of US mainlanders) to privatize every one of Guam's public resources, i.e. the island's only water provider, only power provider, only local telephone provider, public schools, and its only port, on an island that imports 85-90% of its food and where private monopolies of public goods would truly make the island captive to the "forces of the market."

At 24, Aguon is fast-becoming a respected speaker throughout the Asia-Pacific region on issues of indigenous rights, self-determination, and cultural preservation in an era of corporate globalization. He has recently returned from Okinawa where he spoke before an international audience of human rights workers in the region on solidarity politics. After New York, he will leave for Korea at the invitation of the Hankyoreh Media Corporation to speak at its international symposium on "Peace, Development, and Solidarity among East Asian Cities."

The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation
By Julian Aguon
Edition: First; Specifications: Softcover, 6 x 9, 124 pages;
November 2006, Price: $13.95;
ISBN: 9784902837110

The Fire This Time is one of the books in the blue ocean press 'The Club of 1898' Consciousness Studies - The Club of 1898 are areas affected by the 1898 Treaty of Paris that granted possession of Spanish colonies to the United States: The Philippine Islands, Guahan (Guam), Puerto Rico, and Cuba. These studies reveal similarities and differences in political and cultural consciousness between these countries and territories. At this time, blue ocean press has published four books that belong to this series:

Guahan (Guam): Just Left of the Setting Sun, and The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation

Cuba: Cuba is a State of Mind (The Spiritual Traveler Vol. I), Post-Revolutionary Cuban Spanish: A Glossary of Social, Political, and Common Terms (Glosario de términos socio-políticos y autóctonos de actualidad (español-inglés))

Background on Guam

Guam is the southernmost island of the Marianas Island Chain, in Micronesia. The native people of Guam call themselves and their language Chamoru. Colonized by Spain for more than three hundred years, awarded to the U.S. after Spain's defeat in 1898 as part of the Treaty of Paris (along with Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippine Islands), taken by Japan in the second world war only to be re-taken by the US at its close, Guam is one of the few remaining non-self-governing territories (colonies) of the world, and is subject to administration by the Office of Insular Affairs in the US Department of Interior.




“Over the last twenty years, the UN Fourth Committee on Decolonization has heard testimonies from former Guam Senator Hope Alvarez Cristobal, Sabina Perez, and many other indigenous world leaders. Their testimonies demonstrate the connection between racial ideologies and institutional discrimination resulting from American militarism. The history of American imperialism is deeply connected to a long history of exclusion, manifesting it in forms of violence both physical and social. We, the people of Guam, recognize that race continues to define the boundaries of the nation and the constituents of a militarized territory. Why are the American people in the Mariana’s denied the right to vote? Why are there American bases in Guam if the people lack political voting rights? What role has race played in the political relationship between the United States and their Chamoru territories? How can the United States ignore the United Nations Declaration for decolonization and the inalienable right of self determination for indigenous people?

“We the citizens for justice and peace on Guam voice our concern to the joint military exercises amid three aircraft carriers in the Pacific. We oppose the scheduled transfer of more then 7000 US Marines, and the increasing military presence post-September 11, 2001. We strongly believe that increased militarization on Guam is a violation of the human rights to self determination of the indigenous people. The United States is legally responsible under international law to protect the people of the island and the culture of the Chamorro people and that the intensified militarization of Guam and the Asia/Pacific region is a polarizing force that has put our people in grave danger rather than provide stability.”

The history of U.S militarism demonstrates the continued importance of race in determining national and international relations. The native and settle people of Guam have endured racial nationalism or exclusion based on continuous and discontinuous understandings of native Pacific Islanders. Social tensions rooted in the history of racism and struggle for minorities to attain “full citizenship.” Senator Cristobal and Sabina Perez have noted the complex ways that citizenship has been curtailed through the resurgence of U.S militarism.

The legacies of a racialized military occupation in Guam continue to inform a widely accepted belief in difference between the citizen and non-citizen. The colorblind framework of the United States as a ‘nation of immigrants’ ignores the complex differences in the histories and cultures of indigenous Micronesian people, especially in Guam. Military discourses conceal the xenophobic immigration policies and manifestations of U.S racial ideologies. As Chamorro scholars and policy makers pursue new ways of addressing racial problems of exclusion and citizenship, the question of self determination in Guam remains unanswered. If we, the people of Guam and the Northern Mariana’s Islands are to survive expanding U.S militarism,

The Fourth Committee must give top priority to the fulfillment of our inalienable right to self-determination, as affirmed by General Resolutions 1514 and 1541, and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Fourth Committee must immediately enact the process of decolonization for Guåhan in lieu of the severe, irreversible impacts of US militarization. This process must include a fully funded and far-reaching education campaign informing all Chamorus from Guåhan of our right to self-determination and decolonization options. The Fourth Committee must thoroughly investigate the administering power’s non-compliance with its treaty obligations under the Charter of the United Nations to promote economic, social, and cultural well-being on Guåhan. The Fourth Committee must send UN representatives to the island within the next six months to asses the implications of US militarization plans on the decolonization of Guåhan, and the human rights implications of the cumulative impacts of the US military’s presence on our island. The Fourth Committee must contact Guåhan leaders and delegates who have presented testimony before this body, and UN funding must be allocated immediately to advance this study. We cannot rely on faulty impact studies conducted by the US, which are used to justify their actions rather than truly assess their impacts on our island. Finally, the Fourth Committee must comply with the recommendations of other UN agencies, especially the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, which recently requested an expert seminar be held to examine the impact of the UN decolonization process on indigenous peoples of the Non Self-Governing Territories.

This committee must prioritize collaboration with Chamoru organizations and experts, such as I Nasion Chamoru, Famoksaiyan, Fuetsan Famalao’an and all those who have provided testimony in the past two decades.”





Northern Mariana Mayor concerned about impacts of military expansion

March 12, 2009 by kyle 

Northern Mariana Mayor Miffed at Military

500-page plan wasn’t shared with Mayor Valentin Taisakan

By Emmanuel T. Erediano

SAIPAN, CNMI (Mariana Variety, March 12, 2009 )-Northern Islands Mayor Valentin I. Taisakan is disappointed with the U.S. armed forces for not sharing with his office information regarding the military’s plans for the Northern Islands.

Retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Edward J. Lynch, program manager of the Mariana Islands Range Complex, visited the Northern Islands Mayor’s Office last month to discuss this issue with Taisakan.

The mayor’s office was given the draft environmental impact statement for the Mariana Islands Range Complex, and Taisakan has until March 16 to comment.

But Taisakan said the deadline does not give them ample time to review the 500-page document..

“Nonetheless, it is important that we present our concerns on these issues with hope that they will be given serious consideration,” the mayor said in his letter to Lynch.

Taisakan said he is concerned about the target range on Farallon de Medinilla, harmful or deadly materials, toxic waste and local fishermen deprived of their livelihood source.

[PIR editor's note: Hawaii's Kahoolawe island off Maui served as a military target for decades until, under growing pressure, the island was returned to the state and to native Hawaiians for rehabilitation. While segments of the island have been cleared of live munitions at great cost to the military, the island might never be safe for habitation.]

Lynch, during the briefing last Feb. 23, assured the mayor’s office of the minimal effect of the military exercises on the marine resources.

But Taisakan said it is not clear whether the area to be covered by the military activities will extend up to 10 miles, including the existing three miles from the shore, or there will be another 10 miles.

Although he recognized the need for expansion, Taisakan reminded the military of the Covenant provision stating that such expansion “shall not exceed 206 acres.”

Taisakan is also opposed to any use of any machinery, equipment, tools and weaponry that deal with chemical or any materials harmful and deadly to the people and environment.

He noted that Farallon de Mendinilla is one of the best areas to fish and the expansion of military exercises there may restrict or limit fishing activities.

Taisakan also expressed concern about the possibility that more fish may become toxic.

He said some fish species turned toxic after World War II and it was believed that unexploded ammonization sunken ships and other hazardous materials used in the war were the cause.

Marianas Variety:






Guam fishermen say no to Marianas monument

Thursday, 23 October 2008 00:00 By Mar-Vic Cagurangan - Variety News Staff


HAGATNA — The Guam Fisherman’s Co-Op rallies behind the CNMI government in opposing the White House’s proposed Mariana Trench Marine National Monument, saying the plan will equally hurt this island’s fishing industry.

At Tuesday night’s meeting, members of the fishermen’s group voted unanimously to support the CNMI government’s petition against the Bush administration’s plan to turn the waters surrounding the commonwealth’s three northernmost islands as a federal marine reserve.

Fisherman’s Co-Op president Manny Duenas urged Guam officials to join the CNMI government in its efforts to block the federal plan.

“We don’t want any more federalization of the Marianas. What we have in place works. The federal plan will affect the tradition that we have been practicing for over 4,000 years,” Duenas said yesterday.

He said the proposed monument extends to the southern side of Guam waters, which are rich in seamount resources.

“The deeper part of the Marianas Trench is covered by Guam waters. The monument will exclude 50 percent of the marine resources in the southern seamount,” Duenas said.

The Fisherman’s Co-Op, which has about 150 members, is the lifeline for many island fishermen, who catch marine products for family sustenance and commercial trade.

Duenas said about 15 to 20 fishermen who cover the southern seamount produce about 50,000 tons of fish a year.

“The fishermen in that area use most of their catch for family consumption, and the excess are sold to local markets. We don’t plunder our marines resources. We use them for sustenance and to keep the community alive,’ Duenas said.

Sen. James Espaldon, R-Tamuning, plans to introduce a resolution expressing Guam’s support for the CNMI government’s stand against the White House  plan.

“I represent the voice of our people who are against this proposed monument. What’s worse is that this is being done through an executive order instead of congressional legislation, without any input from us,” said Espaldon, chairman of the Legislative Natural Resources Committee. “They’re claiming our lands and the seas around us. How come island residents don’t have a say on this issue? Is this part of the militarization plan? They are militarizing our lands; do they want to militarize the seas as well?”



Guest editorial
Militarization of Guam meets few protests
Paul Leary
Monday, July 7th 2008

Although Guam is located far away from the Virgin Islands, it is often paired with us in the minds of the federal government. Both are unincorporated territories of the United States. Unlike other such U.S. islands as Samoa and the Northern Marianas, we do not seek to evade the implications of that status.

Samoa, for instance, rejects American citizenship in hopes of retaining such traditional cultural practices as land ownership and local political representation based on chiefly titles.

The Northern Marianas argues that the commonwealth status it gained in 1976 is a bilateral agreement that cannot be changed unilaterally by Washington, including such features as restriction of land ownership to native inhabitants.

Ironically, unlike Samoans, the Northern Marianas' citizens are also U.S. citizens. However. to maintain their claim of non-territorial status, the Marianas do not have a delegate to the U.S. Congress, as do all the other insular areas, including the non-citizens of Samoa. Go figure!

As for our neighbor, Puerto Rico, one of its major political parties - the Popular Democrats - claims, like the Marianas, that the "commonwealth" ( estado libre asociado ) attained in 1954 confers a measure of self government that goes beyond that of a mere territory. While they have not succeeded in making that argument in Washington , they continue to win both local elections and - narrowly - status referenda.

So it seems that the USVI and Guam, while not necessarily happy with all that unincorporated territory means, accept the fact that that this is what we are. Reflecting that agreement, Congress often pairs us, as it did when it conferred both the right to elect a congressional delegate and to draft our own constitutions in the 1970s.

But while both Guam and the Virgin Islands have many legal similarities in the American system, they are profoundly different in several ways, including the presence of the U.S. military on their soil. In the V.I., the only time we see large numbers of people in uniform is when the Navy calls. Their visits are both brief and welcome, as the crews spend freely and boost the economy. But we do not have any significant military bases or permanent personnel.

In contrast, about one third of Guam is owned by the military. It provides facilities for some of the most important American installations in the Pacific, housing thousands of Air Force and Navy personnel and their families. And this is about to increase dramatically.

Since World War II the Japanese island of Okinawa has been the home of a major U.S. Marine base. Conquered after a bloody battle in 1945, Okinawa's inhabitants were never very happy with the continued American presence. There were disturbing incidents of abuse of Okinawan civilians and a sense that the Americans continued to act as conquerors, not as guests.

Mass demonstrations were regularly mounted, especially after a particularly nasty event, such as a rape. The Japanese government was embarrassed by the situation, but it was a price it was willing to pay for the strategic alliance it had forged with the United States. Now all that will begin to change.

The U.S. is spending $15 billion to turn Guam into its new Pacific fortress. By 2014, around 8,000 Marines will move there from Okinawa. The relocation will remove the irritant that Okinawa represents to U.S.-Japanese relations. In recognition of this, Japan will contribute $6 billion to facilitate the move. The Pentagon also believes that Guam, as a U.S. territory, will be a more stable environment as it addresses such strategic issues as the rise of China and the North Korean nuclear threat.

The population of Guam is roughly the same as the Virgin Islands. The addition of so many military families is bound to have a major impact. The same issues that caused strain in Okinawa cannot be expected to disappear. You might expect a local outcry against this intrusion. After all, think of Vieques and the way that Navy exercises there ignited major protests in Puerto Rico, leading to the closure of both the Vieques facility and the neighboring Roosevelt Roads base. But that does not seem to be the case for Guam

Robert Underwood was a former Congressional Delegate from Guam, a candidate for governor of that island, and presently the head of the university. He is known for championing the rights of the indigenous Chamorros and for supporting changes to territorial status that would provide them with greater protection. He is in a good position to assess local reaction.In an email message, he indicated that there is no significant local reaction opposing the increased military presence. The main response appears to be focused on the economic benefits it will bring.

Why is this? Perhaps the reason is rooted in Guam's history during the Second World War. It was occupied by Japan from December 10, 1941 until American forces returned on July 21, 1944. The last phase of the Japanese occupation was particularly brutal, and the battle to regain control a vicious one.

Ever since, Guamanians have felt a deep gratitude for the American military.

It remains to be seen if that gratitude will continue in the face of the expansion under way.






To: Governor's Office

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )


Subject: Present Pan Chamorro Contribution in the Great and Sovereign State of California, to Enhanced Alternative World Hood Spirit, Redevelopment Support and Awareness.

Hafa Adai Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,

Humbly sparing no love and goodwill from The Overseas Pan Chamorro Alternative World Hood Collective Self-Enhancement Initiative – fore front of e-Embassy capitalization, allow me the honor, to be graciously granted an appointment for me, to meet your presence as an opportunity to initiate, to update awareness and safe guard our Collective Alternative World Hood Diplomatic contribution and destination such as now our present co-national interest, activity, responsibility and accountable intent here, in the Great and Sovereign State of California with you the Host Absolute.

Kindly accept our humble beginning, our URL /, our yet only gateway to a bold calling.

Advice via e-mail,, shall be our marked Alternative World Hood blessing awaited in honor and grace,

Sincerely yours in exile,

Manontole Gabrit Tei (Tribal)

Manuel Pereda Sablan (Christian)



In this Pan Taotaomona Elders-Sons-Daughters-Children to Leadership Centurion-like Plenipotentiary Project Expose, product of overseas soft Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Self Enhancing Self Governance Survival Affairs Recapitalization there, is this hard to hide given residual where from the totality of present U.S. Congress colonial-like U.S. Administrating Power statement, many in the mix, would fall purposefully sad as any part of a growth specific agenda; and scarily starched-likely void of absolutely established “For Pan Chamorro Regional Self-Governance, Indigenous Proprietary Affairs Education - Destination – Advocacy, Protection, Host Ship Recovery, Support, Cure, Presence and Ultimate Resurgence,” to suggest self enhancement recapitalization for indigenous oneness with maturity and development.


This provisional Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Autonomous Overseas Chamorro Taotaomona / Man-AffamaulekCo-National More Perfect Union Commonwealth Self Governance Collective” Redevelopment Initiative and Potential, is accordingly show cased as:

  • Comprehensively in a pure ultimate anatomical presence in any aspired Alternative World Hood – an established destiny, has been inaugurated, earned and accounted since the early historical world interactions of its inhabitants, dreamers, forgers and celebrated circumnavigators;

·       A part Alternative World Hood self enhancing regional host ship given and absolute;

·       A correlating definitive and respective equal, but separate state sovereignty commonwealth inventory, protocol, responsibility and accountability with charitable trust - goodwill – human right narrative – menu specifics;

·       A real and present plenipotentiary affairs unilateral mapping initiative that empowers Diplomatic Corps Charge and Redevelopment;

·       An internship for overseas presence and self-enhancement with a “more polished perfect union initiative advocacy specific,” only to be now richly embedded with Pan Chamorro contributed values with state sovereignty commonwealth, presence and sensitivity;

·       With fixed inter-state protocol, protecting with all parts dual nationality application;

·       With the real and present maturity, cure, growth, management placement; and

·       With protected reciprocating World Hood Proprietary Majesty Statement, ever proactive a celebration in collectivity recognized and established; as damage control imperatives, curing the continuingly chronic effacement of the now sensitive, most delicate and alarmingly deteriorating Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago indigenous unity, propriety host ship affairs, natural growth, paradise commonwealth equity-destination, potency, and maturity .


The obvious and yet inescapable endearment in my humbled nature, is that I, will start with even unrefined baby steps; before I would summon any acquired curing measure and mad dash that without apologizes I, would do and bare evidence in the tasking, is not much to the point of keeping everything akin until pretty much, a state of forestry develops; and strategically right after entry of the said venue’s project port, freshness and maturity, would just patiently acquire lack of dominance, in a spotted stated-distance from the definitive start and mix.


To be found beyond this point, are more restart and remix that just feel…. they, continue to find a presence and a familiarity; just hold that spade despite my attempt, to exercise literary forgiveness; and the project process is too cool to fall second to any that would resemble the immediate representative Pan Chamorro mal-experiences imperatively where this initiative, prays to adjust however humbling, the tool is at hand.


When are all collective leadership concerned, to show awareness, sensitivity and transparency; that it is absolutely bad with this chronic flow of over-a-century indigenous mal-experiences, to continually allow a marked dominance of a regrettable advancing in the pending effacement of Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Unity path, mechanics, potential for self-enhanced redevelopment, for cure with growth and for goodwill statement not as yet, the same, to be factored politely as a horror…., as one potentially hurtful and undeserved Pan Chamorro pending genocide?


This overseas diplomatic initiative as a framed Alternative World Hood contribution, presents the adjusted welcome willing Pan Chamorro overseas elders, sons, daughters and children, a fresh, Vital And Strategic Self Enhancement Redevelopment Act And IPO, to assert co–national yet, under-developed reality and presence with established Autonomous Alternative World Hood Regional State Sovereignty Commonwealth Leadership, that celebrates embedded overseas care with focused co-national and proprietary plenipotentiary survival, human right, values, sensitivity and outreach service; and collectively in the absolute world hood player Dom potential, to equally assert in comfort as in all, the obvious catch–up e-Embassy Show Case Application, charge, resource, management, placement, resolve, collective destination and goodwill in exile under God.


Comfortable reality as temperament would suggest, “It’s been only a political – social post-typhoon;” and accordingly, the human's spirit as God-sent time tested Pan Chamorro Discipline, measures up to the engaged enthusiasm.


Hence this show case IPO, the alternative “Other Man-Affamaulek Americans” host ship potential, undisturbed with sovereignty under God, is ultimately here now as another historic and extended charitable contribution; and with their Collective Proprietary Regional Alternative World Hood Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago Taotaomona Strategic Human Right Empowerment, from Indigenous industrialization with hypothecation of paradise resources rescued, co – national commonwealth affairs and overseas initiatives, are all front and center for survival and for complete self rescue.


This overseas charitable leadership outreach on Pan Chamorro Taotaomona Paradise Host Ship And Equity Affairs, is protected with proprietary World Hood participatory indigenous self enhancement application - reciprocity – advocacy – damage control and cure celebration in licensed self governance initiatives with-in civilized World Hood community attributes of interactive and mature states; and ultimately for alternative co-national commonwealth self redevelopment destinations, based on specifically this measure, The Given Undisturbed Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago State Sovereign Commonwealth, a poignant base line.


Any more a theme park-wide perfect union relationship, as well as, a non–violent favorite nation World Hood parity as reciprocating catch-up adjustment, or an assertive application with internship acts, can only be improved with God, with peacekeeping, with uncommonly watchful viability and with no less, the ultimate "Knock - knock" seasoned post typhoon Hafa Adai discipline of this diplomacy.


This is collectively about a more than worthwhile state of comprehensive relationship rehabilitation review; this is at a minimum about Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago / Pan Micronesian select autonomous assertive World Hood Pacific Self Enhancement Charitable Overseas Out Reach destinations for alternative federated strategic protection – advocacy – redevelopment - cure – maturity – growth – collective pronouncement, presentation and show case sensitivity gone however alarmingly sad; and about all as measured Administrative Acts and leadership performance alarming on survival issues, be they all of extreme importance in unmapped intent needing rescue from one significantly protracted “Stock in the mud” set of real - present – tragic - chronic and yet still, unjustifiably fluid an open historic relationship protocol; and still, a representative yield with zero indigenous self reliant assisted growth to just that measure, of other than only a near plundering neglect in performance and productivity.


Accountability after over a century of pattern full rather suspect, divisive and colonizing U.S. Congress relationship initiatives, leaves now near abomination, negligible a show case in measured performance and significance; lingering deficit such as, to suggest… no make that, to apparently aiding and abating an orchestrated net effacement of the otherwise, Very Delicate Collective Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago Regional State Sovereign Commonwealth Celebration and Assertive Plenipotentiary Destination as an Alternative World Hood Player Deserving Entity and as a Proprietary Unit Application Specific with co – national Presence; marginalizing the indigenous people’s paradise equity from God; ignoring chronically their proprietary affairs, their most common expected aspiration, claim and exercise for fundamental self enhancement, maturity, growth and destination, all relative to proprietary self government – host entitlement – favorite nation support – redevelopment parity and reciprocity as living and survival interactive application.


Among the many alternative leadership opportunity cuts of this brilliant diamond, are rescue, damage control, care, adjustment, rededication, self enhancement, cure, maturing, recycled benevolence, mapped expeditionary - observatory - laboratory leadership internship, strategic growth and redevelopment initiatives, enthusiasm, repossession assertiveness of integrated indigenous paradise equity for indigenous recapitalization, management and hypothecation / benevolence / destination and application display of Pan Chamorro proprietary leadership viability, values, sensitivity with time tested post typhoon discipline and proficiency; yet dutifully presenting again an overseas salutation, assertiveness, indigenous sensitivity, immediate application, presence and Hafa-Adai.












impact Statement



This is forwarded only as, an on-going shop-discourse of a scripted positive project process basket measure about, The Anatomy of The Indigenous Enthusiasm / Man-Affamaulek under God, a not for immediate general consumption presentation, yet with already a looming, a strategically maturing endemic and appropriate discovery, an appreciation, a relevance, as well as, an applicability with specificity of curing uniqueness, of a study, of a presentation, of an application and of a strategic presence

Co-national Reality

Aside from being every bid American, the Pan Marianas Archipelago Taotaomona Chamorros, a people lot undivided that lost never their original sovereign status and as one uniquely significant people of a given region in a now World Hood Absolute with opportunity to self-enhance, to excel and to be comfortable with the co-national reality, makes this essence a factorial immediate, as well as, that this celebration is both real and absolute with presence worth protecting, applying and sharing.

Structured Creative Co-National Galactic World Hood Self-Enhancing IPO, Proposition And

Proclamation: The alternative non-violent Ameriknesian Paradise Diana Essence rendering where again, every application or tasking that deals with diplomacy, follows as closely as possible the values found, promoted, respected and protected in



A unilateral specifically indigenous alternative world hood participatory leadership initiative application and an indigenous specifically unilateral Pan Marianas Archipelago Overseas Pan Chamorro Elders - Executive / Welcome Willing Children To Leadership Alternative World Hood Show Case for heighten strategic awareness, historical correctness, industrial and political measure, that therefore come as an expeditionary - observatory - laboratory internship, a contribution however unilaterally, as a self enhancement – redevelopment and a self governance potential IPO in focused out reach, care, attention, damage control, adjustment, comfort, survival application and cure response initiative, lovingly and honorably beg an established collective Pan Chamorro Man-Affamaulek Hafa - Adai and appropriate presence.

And as an opening IPO, this shall be an immediate living alternative world hood absolute working relationship self – rescue initiative, within a regional Pan Marianas Archipelago collective indigenous Pan Chamorro People’s prerogatives, contribution, provisional application and affairs.


Additionally our accountability statement, with our commonwealth discharge in specific Paradise Strategic Air-Land- Water – under and above, is the seamless representative and definitive management responsibility, destination, support, transition, exchange, system mapping facility, control, cure, self enhancement, growth, maturity and interlocutory care adjustment, as a collective summation with application in God’s Universe.


Accordingly, the reestablished show case that validates with unanimity as always a given, whereas the Pan Chamorro Taotaomona Host Ship Collectively, that shall remain a comfort, is undisturbed – real – present – front and center, despite any and all unfortunate, tragic yet popular historic sets of divisive lapses, other’s selfish creativity, happenstances and interpretations.


A protected leadership growth assessment, places in perpetuity at best, a perceived current U.S. Congress unilaterally generated cohabitation interactive and administrative relationship protocol to a state of sustained critical mass looming of definitive attempted endless colonization for selfish intent with associated abominations, abuses and neglects, to include divisively the systematic indigenous Pan Chamorro effacement and the fast trekking of the same people’s genocide potential.


The alarm and chronic regional anxiety, are deeply in need of immediate proprietary self-reversing rescue, attention, damage control, adjustment, redevelopment, rehabilitation, cure, maturity and growth, to self exact a Pan Chamorro Man -Affamaulek unilateral separation from chronic historically induced administrative abuses, sickening hurts, and freehandedness sadly, licensed by previous U. S. Congress Acts and exclusive U.S. Treaties all without any significant, complete and/or proprietary Pan Chamorro review, input and/or presence.


A Sustained Survival Initiative, becomes from void, an element, a redeveloped fundamental and a strategic cure; yet collectively rich this very resourcefulness , however unilateral, gives rebirth to proprietary political – social - economic purposes of science, industry and indigenous enthusiasm, with An Ongoing Overseas Pan Marianas Chamorro – Taotaomona Proprietary Petition Set and again, with appropriate charitable outreaching redeveloped Cures, Self Enhancing – Self Governing Applications under still God's Omnipotence and Universe; AGAIN WHY?



Like commonly after a typically post typhoon shock and awe, our Loving and Omnipotent God with only goodness, mercy and grace, redirects us Pan Marianas Chamorro - Taotaomona with Man - Affamaulek traditional essence and discipline, to welcome, to engage with enthusiasm and to establish presence.


Free people, to put in World Hood awareness, via Proprietary Acts and Resolves show casing this overseas self-enhancing redevelopment waypoint center, with Pan Marianas Chamorro Alternative World Hood Children to Leadership / Welcome Willing unmistakable Hafa Adai, shall become our adjusted social - political – survival statement; and another yet post typhoon new want and cry.






Of “stock-in-the mud” leadership insensitivity, established delinquency, neglect, abuse and chronic challenges that are still an entrenched remote set of prevailing-some divisive colonizer’s exported administrative menu rich with empowering reads and exercises, to make administrating power’s collective disruptive dosage convenience of a pattern full callous attention, care and micromanagement.


A review would offers:

Post World War Two damage – loss claims, attention, care - entitlement and satisfaction, are slowly loosing steam;

yet pattern full - hurtfully selfish mores that decentralize the now very fluid Pan Chamorro indigenous unit, leadership presence, fitness, opportunity and potential are somewhat troubling signs of the time;


most recently attempted stealth immigration dilution process factoring as a soft industry, coupled in expansion with intense regional militarization, is promoted as made incidentally fashionable for unseasonal, but needed economic infusion;

and because it, is feared to be collectively risky, with still a systematic Pan Chamorro effacement potential at best, required sets of fundamental host ship adjustment and cure, first have to find maturity and presence, to contribute definitive acceptance, regional comfort, stability, goodwill and measured benefits in lieu of confusion.

Current Pan Chamorro indigenous social and political opportunities with delicate elemental national leadership resource, cure and self enhancement mapping, are further complicated by lack of parity in accommodating - emplaced and structured support resources at least equal in nature or substance to those, surrendered to other now favorite nations, enthusiasm and leadership.


Initiatives from the United States and the United Nations, to effectively initiate measures of fundamental growth like national aspiration or designed destination, damage control or self enhancing redevelopment, to prevent, to curatively respond, or to separate from both looming treats of world hood marginalizing isolationism and of incidental but disastrous genocide, are more an established absence .


Self enhancing self governance invitational initiative and placement internship, as we are charged with the magnificence of it all under God’s Fatherhood, Goodness, Mercy, Grace And Omnipotence, are inevitably indigenous proprietary wants of need, a show case of imperatives in world hood poetic justice.














Psalm 98 in part

“5 make music to the LORD with the harp,
with the harp and the sound of singing,

 6 with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn—
shout for joy before the LORD, the King.

 7 Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.


8 Let the rivers clap their hands, Let the mountains sing together for joy;

9 let them sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples with equity.”













In an American instant from indigenous situational need, aspiration and tactically otherwise a unique regional people�s overseas expeditionary - observatory - laboratory with �last ditch adjustments, � to attempt within a bad tasting unilaterally imposed protocol, all Americans, do allow me please, to establish a new alternative world hood awareness call of a Welcome Willing - Children To Leadership self enhancing redevelopment, growth in cure rescuing, and maturing joint potential interests of one still very sick regional, social and political relationship, in hopes of an ultimate survival yet gracious mega gravitation and break through, to a more perfect union intent and potential.


This juncture manifests emerging Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago self enhancing world hood survival focus that, recapitulates self-rescue at critical mass, without yet a collective rebirth, redevelopment, maturity, watchful damage control and cure.


Pan Chamorro overseas welcome willing participatory odyssey in rebirth, renders the challenge as a post typhoon opportunity � a maturity destination � a healthier commonwealth distribution � a proprietary living contribution where all, shall be an alternative world hood collective intent and proprietary purpose beyond agenda , to bring validation as both a presence and a cure.


An Emerging Alternative World Hood Under God Regional Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Survival Leadership Internship, As Overseas Initiative and IPO With Show Cased Emphatic Adjustment Destination, Mapping and Presentation of Designed Self � Rescuing Redevelopment, Damage Control Application, Cures, Maturity and Growth, To Answer With Enthusiasm A Strategic Real and Present Alternative World Hood Self Governance Curtin Call of �Shock and Owe.�


We can not be quick enough, in stipulating that what we have to cure in an anemically managed regional world hood �relationship for a better union,� is an alarmingly acute national emergency � specifically a pictorial redundancy of unnourished Chamorro host ship support, growth concern and potential.


Its overseas Welcome Willing Children To Leadership Application and its overseas provisional catalytic Pan Chamorro self-redevelopment indulgence all with God�s Grace and Omnipotence still, must closer approach A Presence To Self Induced Survival Growth Potential, rich with adjusted - proprietary indigenous rights, time tested realities, humbling reasonable destination, and which are all now, to be Show Cased For Presentation as, engaged overseas initiatives front and center.


An over some one hundred year historic United States indifference, is an alarmingly acute Pan Chamorro national redevelopment care � maturity and growth emergency.


Rights And Cure - Distribution deficit, resulting from hurtful methodically sad, disregard full and isolating foreign treaties where no Chamorro of interest, was a �party of incident,� is a classic unconscionable pictorial lingering and redundancy presence.


And most popular among the stealth - like behavioral administrative dosage lot, is a specifically imported - designed and controlled systematically colonizing �smoke and mirror� administrative product, to keep unnourished a delicate proprietary Chamorro regional exclusiveness of host ship given, presence and human right- the potential of the ever present original Pan Chamorro unit� s sovereignty exercise, support and growth concern.


MTX -Advance Axiom: �Every magnificent aspect of one�s definitive life in the universe of God�s creation as a given, is rich with cohabitating host ship opportunity to contribute in freewill with responsibility and accountability towards collective, fundamental, regional self enhancement, advocacy, proprietary rights and /or initiative application.


Every Pan Chamorro individual with contribution, can embrace the fundamental opportunity, to self-enhance as a new born child, the magnificence of same, that a Pan Chamorro Welcome Willing Children To Leadership Growth Presence, renders unto the very life.


The very Pan Chamorro World Hood Convergence as a celebration from God, we embrace humbly, but magnified as a trust, a choice, an engagement, a responsibility and an accountability in specifics that with the Welcome Willing � Children to Leadership discipline, are truly personal, comfortable, real and present in His Universe amidst His creation, from His Omnipotence with love, mercy, good, grace and for His Intended Glory and Pleasure.�


Mapping the attention, enthusiasm and application of welcome willing player-seekers in a relationship gone mismanaged and far from� a more perfect union�:


  • God the Designer of this Universe is Omnipotent with love � mercy and grace for all who know and glorify His Presence.
  • Before the United States, the United Nations and/or the challenging historically misgiving mal-intents, abuses and other neglectful happenstances were even an idea from any in this God�s Universe, the Pan Chamorro Region-Affairs-Presence-Host Ship Interactions, existed as an invisible, undisturbed, undiminished and proprietary Chamorro concern, experience and charged blessing in a region specific.


Acute relationship damage control, adjustment and cure now, even as an instant overseas Pan Chamorro unilateral valued tasking, are not only imperative strategic leadership initiatives, but they are also, most hurtfully clear as decisively urgent redevelopments in a long prayed for awareness, attention, leadership, advocacy, survival and growth-path celebration maturity IN PREVAILING REGIONAL PROTOCOLS FOR BOTH HISTORIC INDIGENOUS HOST SHIP CUSTOM AND TRADITION.



The Empowering Differential: The Hopes of Regional Heritage Show Casing Pavilion Foundation.

To have somewhat failed initially in life, can as a stanza, present an opportunity to yet redevelop; with preamble conditioning perhaps, the cure may await�; every breath brings a distinct self-enhancing welcome.

To: My soul � my clan

We all can celebrate our clan�s maturing sensitivity, opportunity, responsibility and accountability, as personally specific just as I have begun by the Grace of God in self-enhancing empowerment(to cure hurts, lockout, bitterness, absence and emptiness - Yes, please with this instance I, beg from all, for each your complete forgiveness� beginning!), at each of our given time and choice; let�s as a redeveloped positive proposition allow our living for full embrace and destination of this our only given potential; and for the young to aspire in an alternative world hood to lead by protecting our sharing of what, shall be our every collective contribution for God�s Honor and Glory in memoriam of Dear Ana � Amelia, first daughter and this clan�s Matriarch Absolute, Diana.


There is not an apparent foreseeable representative leadership seeding for continued growth mapping and tie-in.

Developing in series, venues for celebration and other significant welcome willing interactions in support of assuring positive project process protection, collective self enhancement, world hood peace and sustainable children to leadership goodwill, destination, assimilation, comfort and custodial depot, are the suggested living purposeful wants.


Delight that in God all improves, are solid� keeping responsibly focused on our alternative Man-Affamaulek World Hood redevelopment opportunity which stays immersed in accountability, as our appropriate engagement specific of a positive protection project process with sensitive damage control, with ever a refining self-enhancement and with all imperatives of our collective sensitivity with choice, placement, measure, attitude, making, maturation, cure or resolve accordingly; and where all are to be best ushered to the absolute Will and in all humility for the Glory of God.

Advanced Quotation

�The aspired immediate measure: Self-enhance collectively with homemade resourced process, as One United National Flag Waving Front, as the overseas protocol, as the placement and as the very exercise for the materially charged overseas inter-active yet appropriatepresenceimmediately acknowledgingapplication of redeveloping self government totally comprehensive and reciprocally host full while in exile.

Our common bond as the welcome willing in exile, is the intergeneration allied and vested framing of our redeveloped regional essence, comfort, values and continuedgrowth in a conscious show case all-responsibly, while initiating accountably; humbled to accept a reality, enthused yet under God, do take all appropriate posting and do make application representing a significantly polished citizenry, resource, reality, presence and unselfish loving contribution for that ultimate world hood potential of our actively collective making.

I�m seemingly alone; and while it�s still a God-awesomely awful measure, as a maturing cocoon�let�s therefore, respectively imagine, dream and ultimately run, but collectively for our rewarding man-affamaulek self enhancement and for those of our children�s to assure with God�s Grace the same for their children�s children!

I beg for attention, grace, engagement, growth, parity, reciprocity, adjustment, resources and even justice, so that others don�t have to; the chronic deficiency in an inherent world hood participatory potential left unadjusted for centuries, while crying its alarm for recognition, brings an already established quiet urgency for all with the Grace of God, to forward curative alternatives."

MOTIVE: I am ultimately hopeful thru vital information and networked sponsorship, your then collective kind initiatives, may lead me to other World Hood Pan Chamorro / PanMarianas Archipelago Welcome Willing - Advocates / Man-Affamaulek Resources with goodwill; and for this � my complete indebtedness.

There is an established season upon us with all its appropriateness� and majesty!!

I shall work in the proposition to self-enhance, to contribute by choice responsibly where accountably I, shall be one with you in a world hood realized� from hope, maturity with engagement and God�

Now full ignition, freeman�; rededicate support initiatives to an industrialized format for regional collective magnificence.


Welcome Willing Axiom advanced from

Chief Regional Plenipotentiary Field Point Executive Facilitator in Exile :

The Pan Chamorro Welcome Willing ratio of my discipline, sensitivity and persuasion in an Alternative World Hood Absolute Potential under God, neither lacks, needs, nor begs for essence or measure of emancipating propriety empowerment, to self-manage The Man-Affamaulek Affairs of his region and people specific.

Behold, given by Grace and accepted in complete obedience, all Welcome Willing:

�The Chamorro people are one; are indivisible with man-affamaulek; are an absolute sovereignty under God and are an established host from a region specific; are emancipated by their collective choices to engage responsibly and accountably as ordained co-national leadership world hood exponential contributor and after these�.., one currency � a celebration where each contributor have adjusted expectation and hold comfort that their presence here in America a host full venue, iswith a purposeful prayer for the duration� autonomously, where each to the other, is one and common to a world hood self-enhancementopportunity, sharing responsibility for a growth specific via collectively protecting a discipline of Children to Leadership Currency.�

I Manuel Pereda Sablan, find it not appropriate as an American, to support a process that fails, to respect and to protect all American citizens� right for equal freedom and equal justice as he or she dedicates his or her presence in the comfort and in the process to a more perfect union.


I am The Welcome Willing Who Is Imperatively a One of Ourselves with you, the other in this significant introspective World Hood Appreciation and Enthusiasm - as a Sovereign Region, as a Concern and as a Given Charge for proprietary responsibility with accountability.


I am a contributing equal but separate American, to complement in unique application each of the other�s same nature, as we collectively,culture Redeveloped Proactive Relationship Leadership, Executive Damage Control, Paradise Redundancies, and Inter Survival Cures for a More Perfect Union via The Children to Leadership Path and Urgency in Exile, but under God.


Our World Hood, shall hence be redeveloped when collectively we, the Welcome Willing as charged, do purposely self-enhance, refine, quantify and self-manage our very cultured essence, in Omnipotent Presence for an established season and a dedicated destination.



Relationship update and enhancement adjustment destinations:

  • A better union enhancement where the Pan Chamorro Unit is irreversibly recognized for what it is � �The loyal contributing dui-national American � Lot in their established region� who are not ever, to accept a �No Hope � Colonized Puppetry Abomination� as a relationship parameter in a chronically prevailing �Foreign Unwelcome Remote Administrative Repugnancy�.
  • Terminate all current U.S. Congress instituted �Stuck in the Mud� misgiving as pretentious comfort zone for all Chamorros, their regional commonwealth and collective affairs.
  • The region specific in all its majesty and God given blessings, is a State Entity, ever unaltered by lost, by sale, by war or by recognized fully represented treaty, with prevailing man-affamaulek sovereignty from God, long before the U.S and the U.N. were a dream.
  • An immediate imperative overseas Pan Chamorro Welcome Willing Initiative for world hood survival, for human rights,for damage control, forrescue, for self enhancing redevelopment with growth and maturity, for acutely measured self governance here and now, is proprietarily a show cased statement - presentation � presence, as well as, a unilateral �Welcome Willing Assertive Provocation,� to bring realistically with relationship baby steps closer, a �more obviously merited perfect union�.



  • In Managed Baby Steps of Real and Present Paradise Survivalist Values Autonomously Contained;
  • In Premised and Connected Stratification However Purposely Challenged;
  • In Commonwealth, in Spirit and in Body all on loan Completely from God Chiefly Arboreal in Umbrella Elementally Deep Blue and Cavalierly Onion-hominoid, et al as a Complex;



The Pan Chamorro Essence and Sensitivity Since, Time Immemorial and Since Time, is of The Recent Record, respecting, as ratio potentials:

  • the Man-affamaulek absolute path as exclusively God�s way, is with the givenregion and charged commonwealth;
  • the ultimate World Hood growth is self-enhanced via Children to Leadership sensitivity, cured destination, applied damage control and man-afffamaulek enthusiasm;
  • the Inclusive World Hood Leadership Academy;
  • the essence of proprietary options protected as living and lasting opportunities by man-affamaulek cure specifics;
  • that there is a oneness obviously worthy for self enhancement interactive maturing in cure and in love;
  • that the historic wholesomeness can showcase a specific undeniable positive self-reversal growth and redevelopment, despite turbulent, selfish and cyclonic administrative colonization;

the Children to Leadership Dynamics, can show case its potency, presence and foot prints; andall, as set of cultured self-governance vital host ship commonwealth leadership executive human resources, are offeredfor growth sensitivity and cured redevelopment.


The Pan Chamorro Cultured Richly Endowed Introspective Cut on an Emerging World Hood Oversea Pan Chamorro Initiative Mapping:


World Hood Enthusiasm - Capitalism � Spiritualism � Leadership � Accountability Line � Deep Blue Self Enhancement Adjustment Interlock.


Freshly Assertive Participatory Overseas Schooled Children to Leadership Paradise World Hood in God Redevelopment-Adjustment-Self Enhancement Alternative Application, Mobility, Fluidity, Amassment, Potential Ratio-Love-Need-Want Transmission, Empowerment, Opportunity, Out Reach, Season and Celebration of Our Appropriately Managed Propriety, Sensitivity, Nature, and Choice as Show Case of Again Our Proactive Regional Collective Dynamics:

  • Lovely to look at; delightful to touch and heaven to know
  • Tenderly
  • Misty
  • All The Way

The Overseas Advocacy for Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago Co-national Commonwealth Expeditionary � Observatory � Laboratory Survival and Rescue Adjustment Outreach with

Relationship Damage Control, Self Enhancement, Redevelopment, Cure, Assertive System and Initiative Showcase as


An Introspective Poor Person�s Provisional Economic and Resources Self Enhancement Proposition with Parity and Reciprocity - Venture Process Application


Flat Operational Monthly $1113 /203.2 Departmentalized Flow - Mapping Units and A Tactical $1800 Annual Affairs Budget (@ $150 / $97 Monthly)Decisions for Propositions and Fiscal Choices:

#1- 25 / (20*5) A-B-C/ 40 60, in regression,

#2- 20 / (15*5) A-B-C-D/ 80 95 or

#3- 15 / (10*5) A-B-C-D-E/ 160 = 170;

#4- 60 / (50*10) A-B-C-D/ 160 210,

#5- 210 / (160*50) A-B-C-D-E 1600 1760; other wise,

#1, #2, and #3 accelerated, or #4 accelerated as Type#5 (*50)/ A-B-C-D-E = 1600+Units;





(.5^*2X)>A � B�� �� C�� ��� D ���� E�� -F���� -��� G

���� (10)���� 05�� 15������ 35������ 75����� 155�� 315�� ����635

��������������� 10��� 20������ 40������ 80����� 160�� 320������ 640


��������������� 20��� 40������ 80���� 160����� 320��� 640���� 1280 =1915.

������������� <25><55><115>< 235> <475><955><1915> Units














Please find the showcasing of this website�s current and apparent state of construction for this given unique Co-National Commonwealth relationship redevelopment, to establish its whereabouts, the re-direction of Host-to-Guest protocol sensitivity, its imperative self-enhancement, its prayer to co-nationally define an alternative potential world hood leadership engagement, its path and the very proprietary essence.

Reflection on unique regional specific historical given:

The significant specific regional relationship of again another historical happenstance, apparent co-habitation and partnership maturation with cherished respect, with mutual Man-Affamaulek resources, with shared alliance and with acknowledged equality as apparent guest and host, but with separation of majesty for definitive contribution and support by each sovereignty to the other.

Maturation to initial enhancement:

Maturation to embrace historical, political and social inertia:

Maturation to any and all of specific sensitive self-enhancement tasking and protocol for mutual survival adjustment or re-direction; and subsequently Maturation in a most delicate sense, for relationship self-enhancing redevelopment; but yet in all, with assertive damage control�.:


Allow me to make these observations:

  • Most Chamorro people, that make known their feelings, would no less make their support of the US Military and their very mission ever more an allowance beyond anything else comparable; the affirmative is a no debate issue or measure.
  • Most same Chamorro people would take no exception to the care, the appreciation, the measure and the sensitivity with their expectation for their craft, as the indisputable host for the God given region.

We are facing an unmatched opportunity to adjust, from the �dead on the water status quo� with self rule growth, to potentially an enhanced show case, yet a cultured, �God sent home rule viability with application.�

The importance of both national commonwealth resources and national self rule system in forms that allow negotiability to be put back with the indigenous people, as the national leverages that they are, exhibit in the community of nations urgency; and beg that their collective immediate revision and recall initiatives, start their pronounced implementation.

I am immediately taking it seriously, even if the measure, to be established as unanimity, shall require sensitive adjudication; for there is hardly any debate that, even after a century of selfishly managed colonization convenience, both the Organic Act and CNMI Compact as US Congress enacted provisions, are deficient in allowing protection and development of the indigenous people�s affairs and commonwealth, to have growth as one people�s just due.

Let me be fully aware: Who are all, the established �Welcome Willing� with their own specificities; and are they all provided for appropriately, in their tasking and in their contribution?

When we assert ourselves, as CO-NATIONAL FORMULA with established sovereignty, the following are to be increasing obvious:

        The Chamorro currency has peso = dollar and uses the same instrument and unit of exchange in the Chamorro market and its transaction of business.

        The Chamorro person is also an American citizen and may conduct the business of his or her affairs under co-national facility and efficiency at will with home rule, man-affamaulek measure and common decency.

        The absolute exercise of Chamorro sovereignty and regional majesty in the administration of home rule hosting, adds fluidity, equity, reciprocity, parity to be fully applicable with all national integrity in matters of immigration, labor, travel, trade, commerce et al.

        Unlike the short coming of the Organic Act�s unincorporated territory limitation, because of unadulterated home rule provision, this very same US unincorporated territory in the wholesomeness of the Pan Marianas Archipelago, a sovereign entity, remained charged and fully vested with its independence, its affairs� management, its pleasure and its commonwealth; and shall be recognized as an integral part of what is, every bit a sovereign state.

        The ultimate state of affairs is that, the Chamorro people shall govern in a World Hood absolute as would any other pronounced statehood; its people, its co-national potential in growth opportunities shall have wind in their sails; and its people�s affairs with blessing under God shall be more protected.

        The formula is this: The Chamorro Elder is inherently the expected authority, the source for leadership, the holder of valued � time tested baselines, development, intergenerational world hood sensitivity, enduring and ever- redeveloping responsibility, accountability, self enhancement, and other like significances, where more importantly the expected discharge is universal and absolute.

        For immediate damage control imperative, in order to protect commonwealth, indigenous right, national redevelopment potential, property and the definitive national leverage therewith in a world hood absolute, an immediate moratorium and sanction therefore, as relationship initiatives for damage control, should be placed.

These would be legal acts of a people from a region specific, for offering to cause a halt and a complete stoppage of all other party�s and/or of their interest�s like undertaking in significant initiatives sadly absent of any openly asked authorization with appropriate and completed studies and review, from the established Chamorro home rule measure, presence and application.

The same permission that would be given identifiably concurrent to or subsequently, as such a provision more deserving an adjudicated and a newly acquired prominence, can contribute pragmatically to an enhanced World Hood with redirection anew; and such a national signature would be rarely evident, even as a national practice in this contemporary world happenstance, as we see, messed with.



DBA: The God, The Universe, The Inherent World Hood Countries and I-Combo; An overseas national redevelopment alliance entity, an apparatus for The Pan Marianas Archipelago Galactic World Hood Player � Friendly, Sovereign and Autonomous Applied Self Enhancing Decolonization Condominium Governance Alternative Path, under God and in Exile tasking placement, advocacy, IPO rescue representation, life civility and indigenous leadership application, on the expeditionary � observatory � laboratory mission and on the affairs of patriots - of children � of immigrants � of wards and of state; together with, The First Provisional World Hood Ameriknesian Intergenerational Store Fronts Center for Redeveloping The Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Autonomous Taotaomona Sons and Daughters Passion, Enthusiasm, Rescue Studies, Applications and Strategic Policies in Exile.

Additionally the tasking is made collaboratively possible by: the resource - endearment and kindness of family, my late wife / Diana and our nine children, whom I continue to all dearly miss; of friends, (Most notably Phillip, Robert, Tim, Dewey, Karen, Ed, Espy and Helen); of boosters, the collective intend of unnamed others and of THE FIRST PROVISIONAL GALACTIC WORLD HOOD MAN-AFFAMAULEK COMMONWEALTH RE-DEVELOPMENT APPRECIATION BANKING APPARATUS, SYSTEM AND APPLICATION PLACEMENT ofTHE PAN CHAMORRO MARIANAS ARCHIPELAGO MAN-AFFAMAULEK TAOTAOMONA SECURITY GALACTIC WORLD HOOD APPARATUS CO-NATIONAL COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY IN EXILE AND UNDER GOD, that self-enhancement alternative, that study application�s protocol for PROVISIONAL / RE-DEVELOPMENTAL NATIONAL CONDOMINIUM CHAMORRO HOST-FULL SOCIETY in EXILE and a security apparatus of THE INDIGENOUSe-EMBASSY ATP-IPO-PPP FOR WORLD HOOD DAMAGE CONTROL LEADERSHIP PARTICIPATORY PRESENCE.


Hafa Adai, from THE AMERIKNESIAN FRONTLINE as we redevelop the quest sets, of a quiet people with this, a lasting national soulful storefront, Our Pan Marianas Archipelago Affairs�.

Hi, I�m:

Manontole; A Damage Control Storefront Practitioner General-At Large, embracing what is now, A Taotaomona Celebration of Our Very Passion where we unsparingly, host all in our aspiration, in our proprietary essence and in our collective affairs and again only with leadership yet unmatched, so that intergenerational grace, could have had its origin only from God, in The Paradise of Honest World Hood Commonwealth Communicative (S-M-I-L-E) Spirited Manifestation Inducing Living Equity. Manontole Gabrit Tei is my tribal Chamorro name forever.

It is in our culture not uncommon, where being Chamorro counts to have a tribal name-the significant value; therefore, allow me to interact with my fellow man-affamaulek, thusly: from MTX Field Journal of PAN CHMORRO MARIANAS ARCHIPELAGO MAN-AFFAMAULEK TAOTAOMONA SECURITY / GALACTIC WORLD HOOD APPARATUS CO-NATIONAL COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY IN EXILE AND UNDER GOD.

�We now engage an American alternative leadership with adjustment, redirection and redeveloping opportunity. After a century, we have yet no demonstrated stellar partnership where the U.S. political industry, has provided path and sensitivity so; and as a welcome national tasking, we as a people in quiet waiting, seize the enthusiasm for application!�

�We will wash your feet to touch, as well as, to win your heartfelt commitment for tasking, universal peace��

�In the alarms of mid-day, I cast mine eyes on a dance of mother and child interlocking interactions�and comfort seized the moment.�

�At the beginning of each waypoint, I calibrate to an arrested baseline for orientation, for placement, and for peripheral exactitude with this prayer, �I was intoxicated to humbling disaster by the stealth, but matchless ambience� oh how, may I appropriately respond?��

�I am headed to The State Of Liberty, The Town Of Freedom, My Space, Joys Ville, My Pursuit Of Happiness; and I do elect to be here, getting there.�

�I started this joyous odyssey passionately in concert and conference with our quiet-undisturbed national essence; but believably a very serious awareness of regional alert and two residual brain cells that drove the initial engagement.I paired as if predisposed, my limitation with His Infinite Grace; and all that remained was to envision no less than the apparent intensity and resourcefulness of the given interaction.�

�Stay free through proactive alternatives, reasonable sensitivity and applicable pure inertia; making the crippling occlusion both transparent and accessible.�

�The fundamental is that when a working Tactic / Strategy as duo-equivalent measures, are found and lend to be applicable universally and specifically where assured success, is reliably the expected, the redundancy is most naturally, a choice to engage throughout.�

All these above are specifically, the managed provisional world hood paradise celebration industries, with identity and facility placement, to engage applied and redirected expeditionary, observatory, laboratory attitude on participatory efficiency, caucus-concern-care-cure-collectivity of children to leadership economy. The sounding validation would be disciplined commonwealth baseline, with reciprocating world hood patriotism axis, access, growth, stock, as well as, strategic national redevelopment opportunities and universal empowerment.

This is collectively, amore manageable iconic but isobaric reference from parts of a self- enhancement alternative, a study application�s protocol for provisional / re-developmental national condominium of a Chamorro Host-full Society In Exile and of a security apparatus with The Indigenous Tripod e-Embassy Atp-Ipo-Ppp For World Hood Damage Control Leadership Participatory Presence.

The resonating organism that I am, kicks and pulls to self-appreciate as a living proprietary stock with equity sustaining inputs, relative inertia, focus and sensitivity. As currency, interacting personality and attitude - the same rendering cure suiting for strategic awareness, that imparts initiated offerings and bake managed access collectivity, linking dreams and the same regenerative initiatives, be they opportunity in marketing leadership of applied alternative enthusiasm, functional path efficiency from natural flows or from cultured 3rd entity and residuals; or even yet, from infused capital in caucus of productivity and self-enhancement application where all, cement in integrity.

I am privileged to be free and humbled; to be a vessel of measured challenges, for it�s tenderly noble to adjust as designed and as purposed; and to be engaged thusly in an imperative participatory path ultimately, embracing a welcome national leadership destiny and magnificence.

I am an Ameriknesian because, I engage and practice man-affamaulek sensitivity, value, love and respect even in baby steps; with the challenges and with the living opportunities for developmental presentation and for that which frames, as well as, store fronts my very being. So only specifically as this declaration and as that statement of matured importunate suiting, a lot more in totality by God�s predisposition in essence, in measure and in significance from birth and way before I was additionally blessed as an American that all are reviewable.

Historically in Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago region, there was never ever any functionally significant intergenerational link or instituted dynamics with any national leadership initiative, nation building or association integrity redevelopment essential that, proposes to rescue, sustain continued presence or to invent growth. Our awareness ofyet to be current redevelopment with national tasking, initiatives and enthusiasm with MTX Field Journal, as one Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago leadership self enhancement, Tripod e-Embassy Axis Apparatus, cements this assurance that specifically Children To Leadership flow of redevelopment appreciation and application, would when kept in course forever, cure this misgiving.

These real-time tasking initiatives manifest themselves as those absolute appreciations in association growth interaction, in self-enhancement, in commonwealth and in leadership presence that again, lend to a select harvesting of friendly interactive compatible self-importance that additionally signify: We now engage, even in exile and in baby steps, an American alternative indigenous leadership with adjustment, redirection and redeveloping opportunity.

Our national non-bubbly sentiment, in expletives, accentuates and leaves in focus that, �After a century, we have no demonstrated stellar participatory partnership where the U.S. political industry has provided path and sensitivity.�

I have no insecurity that all these are still so, but that as with most Chamorro people, our historical presence and collective region at anyone�s pleasure, stand as full disclosure of evidence for imperative discovery.

I would humbly like for now all, to reestablish and to dutifully support its essence if need be in this attained WORLD HOOD statement. Man-Affamaulek steward fastness extending our collective definitive magnificence, as well as, our national enhancing future so for children to inherit, to have not an equal, but even virile awareness of verite stanza, to part take, to focus, to relay, to enhance, to protect and to advance the same with familiarity and love.

This baseline, together with Ameriknesian leadership factored IPO alliance mix, from established positive-project-process collectivity in exile, is for significant cure linking studies; its appreciation on shared survival, objectivity, parity, reciprocity, rescue, balance, justice, peace, goodwill, conflict resolution, stock, self-enhancement and particularly on children to leadership caucus, is non the wiser suited; and those now polished store front sensitivity, industries, commonwealth defense with their generative initiatives for living super supportive structures, alliances and proactive policies, passionately hit the billboards, as well as, other strategically significant promotional networking, values, resources, currencies, opportunities, paths, and venues.

Again, there is no deficiency or ever a disconnect in national intergenerational propriety, appropriateness or will; we expect nothing else from our friends but goodwill. God�s Providence and Provision stay embraced and celebrated. We dare conference and contribute for universal good, plenty and peace.

Life, like in the path to mathematic solution, engages the tasking of the leapfrogging absolutes, toward the expected solution. The alarm of a national growth getting nowhere and its developing forward momentum no how despite, the best efforts of our Organic Act political stewards in an apparent anemic US Cultured federal statutory provision, signal at best that restarting with other fresh path as national alternative, may offer an opportunity to self-initiate positive readjustment, towards the tasking of a redirected self-determination / self enhancement positive project process for a real and present redevelopment, from halfway point at restartand by the immediate choice for proprietary attitude, measure, substance, value, quality, act and presence of an apparent indigenous leadership.

At last as a welcome national self-enhancement tasking, we again as a people in quiet waiting, seize the enthusiasm with the non-violent paradise rendering, that enthusiasm, as set - the pinnate application, arrival, and its reasonable expectations under God, country, family, dreams and choices!

Significant affairs of collaborative technological leadership tasking infrastructure � communication collective � liaison � publication � promotion - interactive world hood network � calibrated self-determination and host-full celebration, with relevant social and national issues still manifesting alarm, outreach, watch, equity, commonwealth exchange, clanship administrating rotation system, magnificence and ultimate alternative galactic world hood collectivity, do gel.

We are a people from a unique host-full region and an undying Man-Affamaulek sensitivity with uninterrupted/smartly-navigated original sovereignty, undiluted time-tested integrity of association; we, by the Grace of God, now recognize a potential initially as aspiring world hood leadership contributing national player asset, for alternative non-violent path of host-full self-governance; preserving what remains a timely imperative adjustment with good and plenty, long under-developed as tool for placement, for commonwealth and for amity again. All too long denied selected strategic participations, measure to be, unconscionable and inconsumable suiting that border neglect and abuse in a WORLD HOOD now absolute.

We therefore assert indigenous national leadership; we assert indigenous national strategic initiatives; we advocate adjusted alternative path, system, the collective uniting re-developmental application of that national will of a people undivided specifically, with this charged opportunity to self-adjust and to excel; and we advocate the region�s accentuation of all historical positive attributes.

We Chamorro people are when accepted, paradise predisposed and should dare to be artful in a contracted new national alternative opportunity of provisional / redevelopmental collaborative endowment engine and jazz max � This God, America and I - Combo, a partnership alliance with mapped technological specificity in association, in initiatives, in self-enhancement, in commonwealth and in leadership presence; after all, we were given paradise; we just misplaced the door keys.

Let�s champion self-respect, law, principles, tradition, custom, goodwill, caucus and the like; they may be these very applications in a national vessel now, -The Autonomous And Sovereign Specific: The Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Man-Affamaulek Taotaomona Security Redevelopment / Galactic World Hood Apparatus, A Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile And Under God / (PAN CMAMATSR / GWHA A Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile And Under God).

Be this consummated while henceforth, it�s a celebration of a people, by a people and for a people; accordingly, we hold these collectively, to be worthy as presented statement, review and factoring; most proudly I might, add as American happening, interaction, affairs protocol, opportunity and calling application in matters of national aspiration and proprietary affairs. We as a people continue to enjoy and to celebrate equal but, separate accommodation from an outstanding historical political, as well as, social given and mix.

Our national life and growth are the collective inertia of the net stroke we all contributed in the very behave with positive project process and those yet even with others, referenced when appreciated in interpreted form, those mirrored, those polluted, yet never the least those manipulated. That opportunity best served where which all as each to the other agent with free will elect to apply if any, definitive degree of self enhancement initiative individually or organically, with enthusiasm.

How accelerating it is to dream, as we learn strategically about our very humanness; how invigorating it is that we shall again find it such that, we are still The Predisposed Children of The Father?

The Provisional Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Man-Affamaulek Taotaomona Security Redevelopment /Galactic World Hood Apparatus, A Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile And Under God / (PAN CMAMATSR/ GWHA A Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile And Under God), A Co-national Commonwealth Bridge House, stays judiciously driven, as The Engaged Alternative Governance In Exile.



The most basic and fundamental issues bleeding with sensitivity for answers, measure, process, absoluteness and protection that satisfy, are those with the affairs of the definitive oneness of the Chamorro people in their region specific, their trusts, and their commonwealth particularly in the expected benevolence, wellbeing and respect due.


The Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Affairs development and growth accounts from consequential historical relationship with administrating power (United States Interest) should never-ever at any instant be negatively impacting.


These very living issues where there, is to be no ambiguity of a very real and very present-one absolute Pan Chamorro Collective Host Entity exclusiveness with sovereignty, with sensitivity and with its regional World Hood charge established with out trace of attempted genocidal measure upon this given people, upon their redevelopment affairs, or upon their collective co-national self-enhancement and aspiration.

















Manuel Pereda Sablan


Manontole Gabrit Tei


Chief Regional Plenipotentiary Field Point Executive Facilitator in Exile



Kindly make the prefix, tagged �MTX,� as first part of your specific �Subject�; i.e. (Subj.: MTX-Your Subject) for spam guard facility.



Pan Micronesian World Hood Stock Apparatus Bulletin


Imperialistic Index Up - Up Up ; all the big marbles are playing!

Stand Clear the Doors Are Closing� home rule�well let�s negotiate and survive the pinch, Welcome Willing.

Because, we really should now, be regionally open for Second Coming Dyna � Business, The Man-Affamaulek Chamorro Way; Chelu,�jumbo size that IPO of-by and for the people, �The Industrialized Extra Day full� Double Edged Sword w/Sling Shot Launcher, in �The Biggest and Deepest Swimming Pool,� please!

The Imperialistic Fever is on; yes, how history repeats itself; and �Spearhead,� is an under-sale.

We�re hot, strategic and time-tested; so, what was that, beginning bid�.?










THE DEEP BLUE RELATIONSHIP-TEAM IPO DESTINATION RATIO MAPPING CITY DESK, (Love-Dream-Best Intent) ENTHUSIASM and APPLICATION COLLECTIVE, Show Cased As International Network Systems Statement; The Pan Chamorro World Hood Welcome Willing Institute Resources for Federated Overseas Co-National Commonwealth Self Enhancement, Out Reach and Children to Leadership Adjustment Application Initiatives: The Collective Military Support / Industries / Children - The Universal Common Good Equity and The Enterprise Framing, The All-Urgent Absolute Host Ship Adjustment � Redevelopment - Growth Equity Specific Triangulation Here All, Dedicated For God � World Hood � Peace - My Clan�s Presence - His Ultimate Glorification.










The World Hood Pan Chamorro Peace and Benevolent Dominus Order of Co-National Taotaomona Overseas Watch Practitioners


This Dominus Recognition establishes your personally Dominating Presence, contribution and enthusiasm within Our Affairs and Domain as significantly welcome and encouraged; and for which our honor, comfort, pleasure and respect, are freely directed and bestowed to you, �Dom So �n� So�, meritorious amongst Emerging and Amassing Pan Marianas Archipelago Overseas Man-Affamaulek Welcome Willing.


May in the Grace and the Love of Our Omnipotent God, our assertive and collective self-enhancing commonwealth, good, plenty and protected path, peace initiatives, attitude, dreams, outreach, damage control, find continually purposeful imperatives with our communally federated host-umbrella-equity absolutes, in maturity of our pronounced:

  • Pan Chamorro Sovereignty Attention, Application and Destination;
  • Acceptance of World Hood Co-nationally Charged Responsibility and Accountability; and

Ever-Present Propriety and Essence in Self-Governing Statehood Authority, Collective Act as Host and Managed Man-Affamaulek Show Case, for our God Given Blessing of World Hood Region, Measure and Children to Leadership Agenda Specific.







Who�s the host (regional boss) anyway?...

Don�t get anyone to be torn apart; jest - let�s collectively review this DVD adaptation��Oooph!�

At anytime, who sold what to whom, ever and why?

Was it �Yorro� (Y was Z doing internship and formatted for �to be continued� Territorial DVD).

I�ve read, said � (Classic #1 Syndrome,)��and the U.S. has all the rights to��

I�ve looked both sides and all-around to my �six o�clock;� and this can�t be so!

The �Transaction� went down in the fashion as it also did with every �London Bridge Marketing Statement;� never-ever an Englishman to be found for validation�

At best a partner of Sgt. Garcia (cool it, it�s only a movie) in the Spanish garrison seasoned from Tijuana, did a number on �some Gringos� on steroid�

Digest � Any of these could be closer to the events of the past than, those which were �Ours from God� in the scam were to be ever �Possessions of the United States�� (To be continued.)

Focus � Our people�s quiet patience with Man-Affamaulek specific, should never-ever, be mistaken for weakness�, abandonment or impropriety.





I am imperfect, impatience and wanting; also rich with behaviors that would support my humanness; making my tasking the understanding of generally what else had happened along with my experiences, as a unique process, a completely unavoidable presence, yet manageable; and yes all, in all pleasingly imperative to follow.


A start therefore, is of this a personal initiative, to culture a would-be attempt in tapping curative performances by others, using collective values written, researched, redeveloped or resourced in common indigenous love-pausing native narratives.





From The Huge Conflicts:

Various angles in the viewing


As Recommended Regional Cuts Reading


























As Recommended Regional Cuts Reading

From The Huge Conflicts:

Various angles in the viewing



Memoirs of a Blognik: June 2007

"The colonization of Guam has had an impact on the psychological disposition of ... the expediting of the current US militarization, the huge conflicts of ...

Sample of definitive relationship common concerns with common adversarial party as parallels and as chronic conflicts:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mayor James Matayoshi
Mayor, Rongelap Atoll Local Government
52nd Bravo Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day Speech


�This is a day of protest, a day of proclamation that the U.S. has not yet fulfilled its own standards of justice and responsibility for our people.�

�But our quest must begin locally, by finding the right balance in our pursuit of our political and legal remedies. We do not shrink from that challenge just because it gets difficult. We welcome the change and the opportunity that comes with it.

There is no retreat, no surrender, if we are to do our duty to our children and our nation.�

Cuts from:

Marianas Variety On-Line Edition

�In this time of great need for Chamorros and Guam, with the overwhelming burden of inequality accumulating, the expediting of the current US militarization ...

Chamorro nationalists seek UN intervention

By Mar-Vic Cagurangan
Variety News Staff

�A CHAMORRO delegation to the United Nations on Wednesday asked the world governing body to assist Guam in achieving self-determination, an advocacy that doesn�t have full support from elected local leaders.
�To date, neither the United States nor the United Nations has made any sustained attempt to prepare the Chamorro people of Guam toward �self-determination� as defined by U.N. Resolution 1541,� said Dr. Keith L. Camacho, assistant professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Camacho, along with former senator Dr. Hope Cristobal, testified Wednesday before the UN Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization at the UN headquarters in New York, where they appealed for the international community�s attention and intervention toward Guam�s self-rule.
Both Camacho and Cristobal are engaged in studies on colonization and indigenous communities.
�The UN is obligated to do more to address the continued colonial status of Guam, which remains on the UN list of Non-Self Governing Territories,� Camacho said, describing the political relations between the U.S. and Guam �as one of apathy, ignorance, racism and unilateralism.�
�The colonization of Guam has had an impact on the psychological disposition of my people,� said Cristobal, a doctor of psychology. �The Chamorro population in Guam experiences a wide array of health, mental health, and legal problems.�
Self-determination for Guam is being espoused by Chamorro community activists, and a few nationalists in the Legislature and the academe sector, but most elected officials shun the issue.
In 1974, President Ford endorsed a commonwealth status for Guam, but his directive was never implemented. Along with hundreds of documents pertaining to a secret study on the political status of Guam, Ford�s directive was locked up in a safe for over 30 years, until historians Dr. Kirk Ballendorf and Howard Willens sued the federal government into declassifying the confidential documents three years ago.
Willens and Ballendorf published a book on the secret study, but no elected leader pursued the issue.

Guam voters were supposed to hold a plebiscite to vote on Guam�s political status, with three options to choose from: free association, independence and statehood. The plebiscite, however, has been postponed indefinitely.
Guam is one of the 16 remaining colonized territories in the world.
Sabina Flores Perez, who testified before the committee during a conference in October 2006, said �after 20 years of appeals, it is time for the United Nations and the international community to respond to Guam.�

�In this time of great need for Chamorros and Guam, with the overwhelming burden of inequality accumulating, the expediting of the current US militarization, the huge conflicts of interest of those entrusted with preserving our human rights and their subsequent disregard for it, it is essential to ensure that all the accomplishments of our forebears on behalf of decolonization and self-determination be maintained,� said Perez, who has organized educational campaigns against privatization of natural resources, environmental contamination and militarization on Guam�..

Moreover, it is essential that greater attention is paid to the situation of Guam and that the island receives an appropriate response from the international community.




Military Expansion on Guam Fact Sheet

[12] DPI/2237, �United Nations and Decolonization�, 2001. [13] Marianas Variety, �Chamorro Groups ask UN to stop �militarization��, June 22, 2006 ... - 57k - Cached - Similar pages




     Two military bases on Guam, Andersen Air Force Base (AAFB) and Big Navy, occupies one-third of the land mass on the island of Guam and the potential exists for the U.S. Department of Defense of taking back land that was decommissioned by the military in the 1990s[1][1][1][1][1][1][1]

     Plans to increase offensive capability:

o       Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Strike Capability� at AAFB involve stationing 12 KC-135 tankers, 4 unmanned Global Hawk surveillance aircraft, and rotating 48 F-22 and F-15E fighters, and six B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers

o       Greater naval presence, expansion of wharf storage facilities


     Increased military exercises in the Pacific[2][2][2][2][2][2][2],[3][3][3][3][3][3][3]

o       Operation Valiant Shield took place over several days in the Pacific. Called a �massive armada� by the Navy, the war games, which will now become a biannual event comprised 20,000 personnel, 28 ships and 290 aircraft.


     Influx of military personnel.

o       2008 to 2012- scheduled transfer of 8,000 U.S. Marines from Okinawa that will significantly add to the current Guam population of approximately 160,000 people

o       2014�35,000 estimated population including servicemen, their dependents, and US Department of Defense workers and other staff[4][4][4][4][4][4][4]


It was recently reported that, as part of the downsizing of American forces in South Korea (12,500 to be withdrawn by 2008), at least one Army battalion may join these 8,000 Marines.[5][5][5][5][5][5][5]


The influxes in Guam may also bring with them an increase in the military presence and use of the Northern Marianas islands, most notably Tinian.[6][6][6][6][6][6][6] The United States military already controls nearly 18,000 square meters of the island (nearly 2/3) through leases with the government of the CNMI, and has used it regularly for small training exercises. According to Governor Fitial, the Department of Defense has already informed him that the 8,000 Marines coming from Okinawa (due to space shortage on Guam) will be doing their live-fire and jungle warfare training on Tinian.[7][7][7][7][7][7][7]


These troop movements out of �contested� bases in South Korea and Okinawa into politically �uncontested� ones, in the American colonies/territories in the Pacific (Guam, CNMI, Hawai�i ) is being accompanied by a slow but certain re-introduction of American troops into The Philippines. In October of this year, 1,000 Filipino soldiers from the Marines, Navy and Air Force and 2,000 of their American counterparts will hold bilateral/cooperative amphibious exercise in the northern Philippines.[8][8][8][8][8][8][8]


Despite guarantees that the United States Military in Guam will not seek to expand or extend beyond its existing footprint, the military is already making plans for the taking of civilian lands. The lands most in danger of being seized are ironically enough lands around the Finegayan area which first were taken from Chamorros following World War II, and then returned several years ago.[9][9][9][9][9][9][9]




     Health/Environmental Impacts

o       Contamination of drinking water: Andersen Air Force Base sits atop the sole source aquifer that provides drinking water to � of the population

o       The new landfill in Dandan, that is scheduled to open in time when the AAFB landfill closes, will most likely contaminate the cleanest water source on the island[10][10][10][10][10][10][10]

o       Tons of hazardous materials (eg. TCE, PCBs) pose a risk to human and environmental health; high rates of cancer, diabetes, and renal disease in the population[11][11][11][11][11][11][11]

o       Loss of biodiversity due to introduction of foreign species into the fragile island ecosystem from incoming personnel, planes, and ships


     Cultural/Social/Political Impacts

o       Militarization infringes on the human rights to self-determination of the indigenous people, the Chamorros. The U.S.A, as the administering power and the major creator of the United Nations in 1946, is legally and morally responsible under international law to respect and comply with the United Nations Charter General Assembly resolutions to decolonize Guam by the year 2010[12][12][12][12][12][12][12]

o       There is little to no discussion of how these military buildups, and the substantial population increases they bring with them, will affect the political landscape of all of the Marianas Islands? For example, in Tinian there are less than a thousand eligible voters at present, what will the political impact be if hundreds of perhaps thousands of military personnel are stationed there?

o       Increased militarization increases the targeting of our island home by potential adversaries of the U.S.A and places our people in danger of annihilation and genocide[13][13][13][13][13][13][13]

o       Loss of language due to banning of the Chamorro language before World War II has greatly influenced rapid loss of culture

o       Proposed educational curriculum to teach military history to lessen the resistance to increased militarization, when no strong curriculum exists to teach Chamorro language and culture[14][14][14][14][14][14][14]

o       Rapid displacement and development of the indigenous peoples as second-class citizens in their homeland�increase incidence of families selling lands in order to pay for property taxes and living expenses


     Economic Impacts

o       Increased cost of living due to significant increase in population.

o       Military personnel stationed on Guam receive Overseas Housing Allowances (OHA) for living off-base, which range from $1700 - $5,000 depending on their rank and marital status, far higher than the monthly housing budget of the majority of Guam residents. This purchasing power combined with the increased terms of rotation (3 years) is already leading to a flurry of military purchasing of properties, which has been steadily driving real estate prices up since 20003.[15][15][15][15][15][15][15]

o       Corporate carpetbaggers such as Home Depot are already setting up shop on Guam in order to take advantage of the anticipated military construction boom. The lack of a managed economy on Guam in instances such as this ensures that the majority of the economic benefits from this military increase will be horded by off-island businesses and corporations, at the expense of local businesses which don�t have the benefit of multi-national capital.

o       Burden of improving and expanding infrastructure that will benefit all, civilians and military, is borne by local residents; water rates are expected to increase 40% to pay for a recent $103 million revenue bond to improve the water system[16][16][16][16][16][16][16] Recent statements from the Department of Defense indicate that decreases in the quality of life (in particular in terms of infrastructure) outside of military fences as a result of increased military presence in Guam will not be the financial concern or responsibility of the Department of Defense or the Federal Government.[17][17][17][17][17][17][17]

o       Privatization/militarization agenda of politically well-connected leaders of the Guam Chamber of Commerce[18][18][18][18][18][18][18] will create greater hardships on a population in which 23% are below the federally-defined poverty level[19][19][19][19][19][19][19]


     How can I help?

o       Find out more information about how increased militarization in the Pacific region is connected US economic policy towards China[20][20][20][20][20][20][20],[21][21][21][21][21][21][21]

o       Keep up to date with increased militarization in the Asia/Pacific region using regional news sources and internet sites such as:


o       Show international solidarity by signing the Peace and Justice Petition for Guam and the Asia/Pacific region at:

o       Support local production of goods in order to increase US economic self-sufficiency and decrease trade imbalance with China

o       Spread the concern. Find a place for these issues in your daily conversations with family, friends, mayors, political leaders on-island as well as off-island.


Estague pau nina'hanao hao tatte para i main page


Peace and Justice for Guam and the Pacific: Guam's Intervention

Apr 22, 2008 ... And no midterm review by the Special Committee on Decolonization. ... Obama Office Opens up in GuamMarianas: I'm Loving It! ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

Excuse me!...

Ingest these cuts�..

�Beyond the B-2 bombers in our skies, the ships playing war games in our waters, the added weapons of mass destruction, and the contamination that has robbed us of so many loved ones by way of our extraordinarily high rates of cancers and dementia-related illnesses, there is a growing desperation back home. A desperate lethargy in the wind. A realization that if the UN remains unable to slow the manic speed of US militarization, Chamorus as a people will pass.�


�It is a sad commentary that the Administering Power year after year abstains or votes against UN resolutions addressing the �Question of Guam� and resolutions reflecting the work of the UN on decolonization including the resolution on the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism and the very recent Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. With this non-support by Guam�s Administering Power, it is no wonder that the list of the Non-Self-Governing Territories under the administration of the United States has turned half a century old with little progress.

We Chamorus come to New York year after year, appealing to the UN decolonization committee to follow through with its mandate. Indeed, the UN has collected almost thirty years of our testimony, with nothing to show for it��

The failure of the U.S. to honor its international obligations to Guam and her native people, the non-responsiveness of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization to our rapid deterioration, and the overall non-performance of relevant U.S. and UN Decolonization organs and officials combine to carry our small chance of survival to its final coffin.

All this combines to elevate the human rights situation in Guam as a matter not only of decolonization, but ethnic cleansing.

Indeed, when future generations look upon these days, they might label Guam not merely a U.S. colony, but rather, a UN colony.�

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Guam's Intervention

I Nasion Chamoru (The Chamoru Nation)
Julian Aguon, Chamoru Rights Advocate
PO Box 8725
Tamuning, Guam 96931

Seventh Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues � April 2008 � New York, NY

Item # 6
Topic: Pacific
Presenter: Julian Aguon

Collective Intervention of the Chamoru Nation and Affiliated Indigenous Chamoru Organizations; Society for Threatened Peoples International (ECOSOC); CORE (ECOSOC); Western Shoshone Defense Project; Flying Eagle Woman Fund (ECOSOC); Mohawk Nation at Kahmawake; Cultural Development and Research Institute; Famoksaiyan; Organization of People for Indigenous Rights; Colonized Chamoru Coalition; Chamoru Landowners Association; Chamoru Language Teachers Association; Guahan Indigenous Collective; Hurao, Inc.; Landowners United; Chamoru Veterans Association; Fuetsan Famaloan

Ati addeng-miyo your Excellencies. My name is Julian Aguon and I appear before you with the full support and blessings of my elders. I address you on behalf of the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam, an endangered people now being rushed toward full-blown extinction.
In 2008, the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam brace ourselves for a storm of U.S. militarization so enormous in scope, so volatile in nature, so irreversible in consequence. U.S. military realignment in the Asia-Pacific region seeks to homeport sixty percent of its Pacific Fleet in and around our ancient archipelago. With no input from the indigenous Chamoru people and over our deepening dissent, the US plans to flood Guam, its Colony in Perpetuity, with upwards of 50,000 people, which includes the 8,000 U.S. Marines and their 9,000 dependents being ousted by Okinawa and an outside labor force estimated upwards of 20,000 workers on construction contracts. In addition, six nuclear submarines will be added to the three already stationed in Guam as well as a monstrous Global Strike Force, a strike and intelligence surveillance reconnaissance hub at Andersen Air Force Base.
This buildup only complements the impressive Air Force and Navy show of force occupying 1/3 of our 212 square mile island already. This massive military expansionism exacts devastating consequences on my people, who make up only 37% of the 170,000 people living in Guam and who already suffer the signature maladies of a colonial condition.
The military buildup of Guam endangers our fundamental and inalienable human right to self-determination, the exercise of which our Administering Power, the United States, has strategically denied us�in glaring betrayal of its international obligations under the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, UN General Assembly Resolution 1514, to name but some.
The unilateral decision to hyper-militarize our homeland is the latest in a long line of covenant breaches on the part of our Administering Power to guide Guam toward self-governance. It was made totally without consulting the indigenous Chamoru people. No public education campaign regarding the social, cultural, and political consequences of this hyper-militarization has been seriously undertaken or even contemplated.

Of the 10.3 billion dollars settled upon by the U.S. and Japan for the transfer of U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam, nothing has been said as to whether or not this money will be used to improve our flailing infrastructure. Recently, the largest joint military exercise in recent history conducted what were casually called war games off Guam waters. 22,000 US military personnel, 30 ships, and 280 aircraft partook in "Valiant Shield." That weekend, water was cut off to a number of local villages on the Navy water line. The local people of those villages went some thirty days without running water. Across the military-constructed fence, the tap flowed freely for the U.S. military population. The suggestion of late is that Guam is expected to foot the bill of this re-occupation. Meetings with defense officials have proved empty. Military officers we have met with inform us only of their inability to commit to anything. In effect, they repeat that they have no working plans to spend money on civilian projects. Dollars tied to this transfer have been allocated to development only within the bases. Money for education in the territory will again be allocated to schools for children of U.S. military personnel and not ours. Meanwhile, virtually every public sector in Guam is being threatened with privatization.
There is talk of plans to condemn more of our land to accommodate its accelerated military needs. In contrast, there is no talk of plans to clean up radioactive contaminations (strontium, in particular) of Guam from toxins leftover from the U.S.� World War II activities and its intense nuclear bombing campaign of the Marshall Islands only 1200 miles from Guam. Indeed, the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam suffer extraordinarily high rates of cancer and dementia-related illness due to the U.S.� widespread toxic contamination of Guam. For example, Chamorus suffer from nasopharynx cancer at a rate 1,999% higher than the U.S. average (per 100,000). To boot, Guam has 19 Superfund sites, most of which are associated with U.S. military base activities as in the case of Andersen Air Force Base and the former Naval Air Station. Nineteen sites is a significant number in consideration of the island�s small size of 212 square meters.
There is also no word on whether or not the U.S. plans to pay war reparations due to us since it forgave Japan its World War II war crimes committed against the Chamorus.
Like an awful re-run of World War II, when the U.S. unilaterally forgave Japan its horrific war crimes on our people, the US is back at the table negotiating away our human rights including our right to self-determination. Beyond the B-2 bombers in our skies, the ships playing war games in our waters, the added weapons of mass destruction, and the contamination that has robbed us of so many loved ones by way of our extraordinarily high rates of cancers and dementia-related illnesses, there is a growing desperation back home. A desperate lethargy in the wind. A realization that if the UN remains unable to slow the manic speed of US militarization, Chamorus as a people will pass.
In 2005 and 2006, we appeared before the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee, alerting the UN organ of these two frightening facts: 1) it was recently discovered that the U.S. Department of Interior purposefully killed a presidential directive handed down in 1975, which ordered that Guam be given a commonwealth status no less favorable than the one the U.S. was negotiating with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands at that time; and 2) a campaign of the Guam Chamber of Commerce (primarily consisting of U.S. Statesiders) to privatize every one of Guam's public resources (the island's only water provider, only power provider, only local telephone provider, public schools, and its only port, on an island that imports 85-90% of its food and where private monopolies of public goods would truly make us captive to the forces of the market) is undermining our ancient indigenous civilization with violent speed. Eating us whole.
Not much has changed since we last were here in New York. Our power provider has been privatized, our telecommunications sold. Our only water provider and one port are under relentless attack. The meager, questionable victories we have had to stay this mass privatization are only the result of indigenous Chamoru grassroots activists who, on their own�with no financial, institutional, or strategic support�holding both their hands up, holding the line as best they can. At great personal cost.
Your Excellencies: Know this�the indigenous Chamoru people of Guam are neither informed nor unified around this military buildup despite dominant media representations. For all intents and purposes, there is no free press in Guam. Local media only makes noise of the re-occupation, not sense of it. The Pacific Daily News�the American subsidiary newspaper that dominates the discourse�has cut off the oxygen supply to indigenous resistance movement. Rather than debating this buildup's enormous sociopolitical, environmental and cultural consequences, it has framed the conversation around how best to ask the U.S. (politely) for de facto consideration of our concerns. Without appearing un-American.
We are not Americans. We are Chamorus. We are heirs to a matrilineal, indigenous civilization born two thousand years before Jesus. And we are being disappeared. Off your radar.
All this, and only two years until the end of the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. And no midterm review by the Special Committee on Decolonization. No designation of any expert to track Guam�s progress, or lack thereof, toward progressing off the UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. Not one UN visiting mission to Guam.

It is a sad commentary that the Administering Power year after year abstains or votes against UN resolutions addressing the �Question of Guam� and resolutions reflecting the work of the UN on decolonization including the resolution on the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism and the very recent Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. With this non-support by Guam�s Administering Power, it is no wonder that the list of the Non-Self-Governing Territories under the administration of the United States has turned half a century old with little progress.

We Chamorus come to New York year after year, appealing to the UN decolonization committee to follow through with its mandate. Indeed, the UN has collected almost thirty years of our testimony, with nothing to show for it. I represent today the third generation of Chamoru activists to appear before the UN, desperately trying to safeguard our inalienable, still unrealized, human right to self-determination.

The failure of the U.S. to honor its international obligations to Guam and her native people, the non-responsiveness of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization to our rapid deterioration, and the overall non-performance of relevant U.S. and UN Decolonization organs and officials combine to carry our small chance of survival to its final coffin.

All this combines to elevate the human rights situation in Guam as a matter not only of decolonization, but ethnic cleansing.

Indeed, when future generations look upon these days, they might label Guam not merely a U.S. colony, but rather, a UN colony.

To date the Forum has deferred to the Special Committee. The time has come for the Forum to take the lead. To this end we request the Forum take the following action:

Sponsor an expert seminar in conjunction with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Special Committee on Decolonization to examine the impact of the UN decolonization process regarding the indigenous peoples of the NSGTs�now and previously listed on the UN list of NSGTs. This seminar must be under the auspices of the Forum due to existing problems with the Secretariat of the Special Committee. We request that Independent Expert Carlyle G. Corbin be included in the seminar as well as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples.

Utilize the Inter-Agency Support Group to begin to implement the Program of Implementation (POI) with UN Agencies, UNDP, UNEP and other agencies and specialized bodies as directed by the General Assembly; and

Communicate its concern for the human rights of indigenous peoples and all peoples in the NSGTs to the UN Human Rights Council and request that the Council designate a Special Rapporteur on the Situation of the Peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories.

In Solidarity and Urgency,
The Chamoru Nation and Indigenous Chamoru Organizations of Guam, with support of the above-listed organizations.

Fore more information, feel free to contact the following:
Debbie Quinata, 671-828-2957,
Hope Cristobal, 671-649-0097,
Julian Aguon, 808-375-3646,
Lisalinda Natividad, 671-777-7285,

See also

Labels: Forums, Indigenous Resistance, UN

posted by Michael Lujan Bevacqua at 1:45 PM


The following are cuts from


Everything You Wanted to Know About Guam, But Were Afraid to Ask Zizek
by Michael Lujan Bevacqua:

Despite Guam�s status as one of the last �official� colonies in the world, and one of the United States� most strategically vital military assets in the Pacific, local cries to decolonize the island, especially amongst its indigenous people, the Chamorros, are far overshadowed by discourses on Guam/Chamorro dependency upon the US. I refer to this local resistance to decolonization as the decolonial deadlock.

The indigenous people of Guam are the Chamorros. The island was first colonized by Spain in the 17th century, with the establishment of a Catholic Mission. As a result of warfare and disease, more than 90% of Chamorros died within the next four decades. In 1898, Guam was taken by the United States as a spoil of the Spanish American War. The island would be run for the next forty years by an autocratic US Navy government. In 1941, the United States abandoned Guam to the Japanese Imperial Army, which held the island for more than two years, resulting in the death of more than six hundred Chamorros. Guam was retaken in 1944 after a massive bombing campaign by the US military destroying the island�s main villages. After six years of continued military rule, in response to protests both in Washington D.C. and in Guam about the island�s political status, an Organic Act was created for Guam in 1950, which gave Chamorros American citizenship and some protections under the US Constitution. To this day Guam continues to be an unincorporated territory, a colony of the United States.

10. One aspect of this existence that is continually mentioned as if to reframe this ambiguous colonial status as a �bonus!� is the fact that Chamorros and others on Guam do not pay Federal Income taxes but are still eligible for Federal monies. There are at least two responses which counter this point. First as a US territory, the military�s use of more than 30% of Guam�s land mass is rent free (although taxes from soldiers stationed on Guam are given to the Government of Guam), and there is no framework for re-negotiating this fact except by begging the United States Congress which has plenary power over Guam. Second, while Congressman and Senators may remark how lucky Guam is to not have to pay Federal Income taxes and how they wish they had that deal, there are no movements at present to change the status of any states to that of territories.

The media is surprisingly upfront about this on, both, the national and local level. Nationally, Guam is �lucky� and �fortunate� to receive so much military attention since it is, as one Los Angeles Times article made clear, just a �dot on the map.� In Guam, the same importance of this value is reiterated daily, through editorials which make it clear, that the best way to prove one�s Americanness, and to improve Guam�s economy, is to support the United States military anyway one can. The fundamental point thus being that Guam�s value and its visibility all depend upon circling, tracing and returning to this link. Tom Perry, �Dot on the Map Retains Large Strategic Stature,� Los Angeles Times, 28 January 2002. Scott Radway, �Guam�s Military Role Endures,� Pacific Daily News, 20 September 2001, 5. Rufo Lujan, interview with author, Decolonization Commission Office, Aniguak, Guam, 27 June 2004. Julian Aguon, The Fire This Time, (blue ocean press, Tokyo, 2006).

Again, from more cuts;

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hafa Na Liberasion? #11: The Invasion of Guam

(As cut and modified from this posting for application by Mannybong)

The rhetoric of American civilizing did not sway this particular bihu, as he very clearly points out the flaws in American rule on Guam and their colonial character. As he states in his article under a section titled "Invasion,"

Guam was invaded on 10 December 1941 by the Japanese, the third nation to violate the sovereign rights of the Guamanian people. The Spaniards were the first and the Americans the second.

Similarly, the war is not whitewashed and American not cleansed of all its sins, as it is for most Chamorros. Instead Farfan recounts the sins of the Americans just as clearly as he accounts the sins of the Japanese. He provides in a section titled "Manifestation of Loyalty" one of the many moments which have almost been expelled from Guam/Chamorro history, this particular instance being the retaliation against Chamorro sailors on Guam who in 1941 had petitioned the Naval Governor of Guam for the opportunity to support the United States in other locales and in other forms then merely serving on Guam. For this expression of loyalty from more than a hundred sailors who were paid less than their white counterparts and considered an inferior form of human life by US law, the Chamorros were actually punished for submitted this petition of overzealous loyalty. Here is an excerpt from Farfan's cuts:

When a number of Chamorros and non-Chamorros of the patriotic persuasion read an article such as Farfan's or even some of mine, their most common response to this sort of gentle critique of the United States is as follows, "Would you rather be under the Japanese?"

In the whole of Guam history over the past 100 plus years, we find enough historical material for your average Chamorro to either love or loathe the United States. The coconut Chamorro whom I mentioned, weakly attempts to show that I have gotten reality wrong, that because his elders have never spoken a word of hatred for the United States, my history is inaccurate. He is incorrect however, because he cannot actually question my sources, he can only call me wrong, because my points don't reflect the levithan which has become reality, the common sense frameworks of meaning/history/identity which make the Chamorro a constantly pathetic depedent American in waiting.

For example, if the grandchild of a Chamorro who participated in the Guam Congress Walk-Out in 1949 does not know that his ancestor spoke out and acted out against the United States, does that mean that it never happened? I have encountered so many grandchildren of these brave solons, and few of them had an inkling of this act by their ancestors. The same goes for Chamorros who protested or went on strike after World War II, demanding better wages and an end to the Navy's policies of discrimination. Do the children of these men have any idea about these actions?

The injustice happens, it is felt, it creates a wound, it is remembered by those who cannot deny it and cannot forget it, but what is to be done with it beyond these few? What can be done with it, when the world around you seems to be built upon it remaining unspoken? These acts helped shaped the world that Guam is now, yet why is it that they are passed down in timid and often whispered ways?

History is a process which we take part in making at every single moment, most especially in our inaction, in our self-censorship, in our anticipation of our statements and ideas being rejected and the pragmatic silence that follows. Following the war, as the voices of those closest to the United States rose to deafening levels, the voices of those who didn't care about the United States or did not trust or like the United States were forced into silence.

Sometimes, such as in the case of Jose Camacho Farfan they were threatened into silence, but most of the time, Chamorros chose to silence themselves, to sungon ha', sa' i mesngon u manggana'.

The case of Jose Camacho Farfan is an interesting one, because he is one such voice which has almost completely been forgotten. In 1949 Farfan questioned a group of US dignitaries visiting Guam, about the political mis-treatment of Chamorros by the United States. For this question he was labelled by the delegation as a "communist."

He was truly an interesting person in Guam's history, but sadly one which has been largely forgotten as a larger than life figure in Guam's history. I was first introduced to him in an article from the Guam Daily News in the 1970's, which discussed his meticulous note-taking about historical events and village happenings. Later I found an article, pieces of which I will share today, that he wrote for the Guam Tribune insert Panorama, published in the 1980's under the editorship of Chriz Perez Howard.

In his article titled "Guam Notes and Remembrances of Wartime" Farfan provides one of the most clearest and well balanced accounts of the pre-war and war periods on Guam. When I say clear and well-balanced, I mean that the ridiculous patriotism that often fogs the lens of everyday history in Guam is largely absent. This does not mean that Farfan is a raging anti-American communist, although this is precisely what he was labelled in postwar Guam.

After arriving at this theoretical point, we encounter an interesting paradox. Any clear and balanced re-telling or interpretation of the history of Guam over the past century, will most likely be labelled as "anti-American" or "troublemaking" by the majority of the people on Guam. Why? Because any balanced account of the last century will put the conduct of the United States into a very poor light, making its status as a colonizer undeniable and unable to be covered up by any number of welfare checks or the addition of Guam to the North American Numbering System.

As he states in his article under a section titled "Invasion,"

Guam was invaded on 10 December 1941 by the Japanese, the third nation to violate the sovereign rights of the Guamanian people. The Spaniards were the first and the Americans the second.

�On 3 March 1941 most Guamanians were prompted with a desire to serve beyond Guam in the war efforts, 128 members of the �Irregular� Navy petitioned the Governor-Commandant, volunteering to be transferred anywhere in the event of war. Instead of praise of their action, they were black-listed for violating Section 65 of the Naval Courts and Boards�Some of the leaders and instigators were punished by reducing their proficiency rating in seamanship, mechanical ability, ability as leader of men and conduct. In retaliation, since Navy Yard Piti had the maximum members of Insulars signing the petition, their work routine was drastically changed�When the Japanese invaded Guam the work routine was intolerable, much worst. This generation of men were not old enough to taste the Spanish lashes so evaluation analysis could not determine which was more severe. The right to petition was 768 years old, as old as the Great Charter of Liberties, the Magna Carta. The U.S. Congress had no power to curtail people from petitioning the government for a redress of grievance�"

What Farfan creates through his text is that position which is constantly lost on Guam, but always sought to be remade and maintained by those such as myself, the position of the Chamorro, politically independent.

When a number of Chamorros and non-Chamorros of the patriotic persuasion read an article such as Farfan's or even some of mine (Article writer�s), their most common response to this sort of gentle critique of the United States is as follows, "Would you rather be under the Japanese?"

(One of my most common responses to this vapid and pointless point is, "Sure, they were much much better at economic development in Micronesia than the US was.")

What should be obvious to anyone who takes this ultimatum seriously is that it assumes that regardless of the time, history or circumstances, the Chamorro must be ruled by someone! That the Chamorro must be under the authority of someone, never standing on its own!

That is the simple beauty of Farfan's position, is that the Chamorro he represents and the Chamorro he writes from, the history he creates through his writing, is a Chamorro who stands between empires, and who sees them not as liberators but as they are, as they have treated us for so long, whether it be Spain, Japan or the United States, as empires, as colonizers.

From the history that Farfan proposes, the truth "Invasion of Guam" remains, and is not reformulated and reworked to become "Liberation of Guam." The crass strategic intentions of the United States military remain in the history of Guam and are not replaced patriotically with rhetoric of care and concern and desire for liberating loyal Chamorros which cannot be found anywhere in any military planning documents from the day.

All that seemed to be left were the pieces that the patriotic myth couldn�t cut off completely, but could find ways of hijacking, namely the Chamorro pieces. Watching these Chamorro families, I realized that they were celebrating themselves, their being alive, their survival, much as Liberation Days in 1944 would have also been.

Sadly, traditional tellings of Liberation Day tend to forget this Chamorro component of liberation. Despite the dues ex machina arrival of the Americans that we learn about each July 21st, it wasn�t the American troops who endured the occupation. It wasn�t the Marines who were whipped, beaten, beheaded or humiliated. And it wasn�t the military who worked all day to feed the Japanese, and who were then forced to forage for food in the jungles to feed their families and friends.[9]

A series of simple questions dawned on me as I watched the Chamorros celebrate on that rainy Liberation Day. Why is it that the American aspect of the war, their return on July 21, is given such a holy status? Why is it that the public discourse about this day and about the war is so drenched in American patriotic rhetoric? More questions arose. Did Chamorros just forget the racism from the pre-war years? Did they forget about the oppressive fines for infinitesimal infractions or the crackdowns on culture and language? Did they forget about the Navy�s abandonment of Guam in 1941?

Yet directly following the war, even in the midst of the actual �liberation,� some forms of discontent were recorded. In her publication entitled America to the Rescue, Crecencis Cespedes reprinted dozens of newspaper articles celebrating the American return and their benevolence towards Guam and the Chamorros, all of which she collected while attending school in North Carolina during the war. One article, however, slips through the otherwise rosy, American-loving rhetoric. In it, an unnamed Chamorro bihu dares to remind his readers that life may not have been that wonderful before the war or under America. In an article entitled �Liberation,� one Chamorro said, �High Jap officers would come in and eat with us. I liked Jap equality better. The Americans made us feel as if we were inferior.�[10]

Did the war erase these things from Chamorro memories? Is that what it would take to turn an island of reluctant American nationals into the sometimes rabid jingoists and super-patriots of today?[11] According to the late Guam Senator, Maga�lahi I Nasion Chamoru and Chamoru rights activist, Angel Santos,

Our history has been rewritten. We were brainwashed into thinking we were liberated but when you look back at the facts after the war, and at what happened before the war, then you realize the lies.[12]

I saina-hu Si Anghet magahet gui�[13]. The questions racing through my mind were ultimately questions about the canons of history, historical memory, and power. And although I was painfully aware of the �lies� and �brainwashing� that accompany our history, I also realize that the presence of advanced discursive weaponry like the myth of patriotism makes any attempt to re-take or liberate this part of Chamorro history mampos mappot.[14]

This chapter will show the shifts that took place in Chamorro consciousness, shifts that enabled them to overcome the ideological distance they had kept between themselves and the American regime in pre-war Guam and later become susceptible to the control of the patriotic myth. In terms of culture and identity, the distance that Chamorros had commonly felt and experienced in the pre-war period gave way to the trauma of the war. Gone for the most part was their suspicion and their minassa�[15] towards America and its offerings that had characterized the pre-war period. During the war and escalating after Liberation, Chamorros began to look to America for salvation, both physical and mental. The deeper that Japan invaded their culture and their lives, the more they longed for American belonging and the �freedom� it implied. It is in this shift closer towards America that the patriotic myth begins to take shape around Chamorro minds and discourse.

It was this belief of belonging, facilitated by the patriotic myth, which allowed Chamorros to feel, think and act patriotically. The myth pushed Chamorros in a sense to forget the past or forget pieces of the past, thereby ignoring the misdeeds of the Navy and allowing them to accept the inferior and subordinate position that America had created for them through its pre-war discourse on things such as education or politics. With this belief and the acceptance of American hegemony, America is absolved of its sins on Guam, giving the historical
past and present that the myth proposes a feeling of naturalness.�



Jun 20, 2007 ... The United Nations must inspect Guam�s progress towards decolonization, and scrutinize the environmental, social and psychological impacts ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

20 June 2007

General Assembly



Department of Public Information � News and Media Division � New York

Special Committee on


7th Meeting (AM)



Consensus Actions Include Text Reaffirming

Right to Self Determination of 11 Non-Self-Governing Territories

The Special Committee on decolonization approved five draft resolutions this morning, including a text by which the General Assembly would reaffirm the inalienable right to self-determination of the peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

By that text, the Assembly would call upon the administering Powers of those Territories -- American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands -- to cooperate fully with the Committee�s work in implementing the declaration regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories as contained in the United Nations Charter.  The draft would also have the Assembly stress the importance of constitutional reviews being undertaken in those Territories to address internal constitutional structures within present territorial arrangements.

Further by the text, the Assembly would request that all necessary measures be taken to protect the environment of the Territories against any degradation -- an issue brought up by a petitioner from Guam, who, in her statement before the Committee today, talked of nuclear contamination by the United States military on the island of Guam. 

In addition to that text, the Committee approved a draft on the question of New Caledonia, in which the Assembly would welcome the developments that had taken place in the Territory since the signing of the 1998 Noumea Accord by the representatives of New Caledonia and France.  By that draft, the Assembly would note provisions in the Noumea Accord that would take the Kanak -- the indigenous peoples of New Caledonia -� into account in the Territory�s political and social organization.  The text would also have the Assembly note an increase in financial assistance by the Government of France for health, education, payment of public-service salaries and funding development schemes, amounting to �910 million.

A third draft, on the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by United Nations specialized agencies and international institutions, would have the Assembly request that those agencies and organizations provide information on environmental problems facing Non-Self-Governing Territories, while bearing in mind the fragile economies of Small Island Non-Self-Govening Territories and their vulnerability to natural disasters.  They would also be requested to report on the impacts of environmental problems, such as beach and coastal erosion and droughts.

By the same draft, specialized agencies would be requested to inform the Assembly on ways to assist the Territories in fighting drug trafficking, money-laundering and other illegal activities, as well as to inform it of any illegal exploitation of marine and other natural resources.

Another draft approved by the Committee, on economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories, would have the Assembly reaffirm the right of peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories to dispose of their natural resources in their best interest.  The text would have the Assembly call upon Governments to take legislative and administrative measures to put an end to any enterprises operated by their nationals and corporate bodies under their jurisdiction that were detrimental to those interests.

The Special Committee also approved a draft that would have the Assembly extend its mandate, including to continue dispatching visits and special missions to the Non-Self-Governing Territories and to recommend to the Assembly the most suitable steps to be taken to enable the populations of those Territories to exercise their right to self-determination, including independence.

The draft resolution on the question of New Caledonia was introduced by the representative of Papua New Guinea.  The meeting was chaired by Margaret Hughes Ferrari ( Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), who introduced the remaining draft texts. 

The representatives of Iran and the Russian Federation also spoke.

Also appearing before the Committee today were three petitioners from Guam.

The Committee will meet again at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, 21 June to take up the question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).


When the Special Committee on decolonization met this morning, it had before it a working paper prepared by the Secretariat on New Caledonia (document A/AC.109/2007/9), providing background information on the Territory�s constitutional, political and legal issues, as well as on socio-economic conditions.  The paper notes that the political and administrative structures of New Caledonia were fundamentally altered by the Noum�a Accord, signed in May 1998 between the Government of France, the pro-independence Front de lib�ration nationale Kanak socialiste (FLNKS) and the integrationist Rassemblement pour la Caledonie dans la Republique (RPCR).   Under the terms of the accord, the parties opted for a negotiated solution and progressive autonomy from France, rather than an immediate referendum on political status.  The process is to end with a referendum between 2013 and 2018, when the Territory will opt for either full independence or a form of associated statehood.

Following ratification of the Accord, New Caledonia is no longer considered an Overseas Territory, according to the working paper.  Instead, France describes it as a community sui generis, which has institutions designed for it alone, to which certain non-revocable powers of State will gradually be transmitted.  Political stability in New Caledonia can be undermined by the existence of the �collegiality clause� of the Accord, which states that if a member of the 11-member Government Cabinet resigns and there is no replacement from his or her party, the whole Government will have to be re-elected by a vote in Congress.  Disgruntled parties might resort to the clause in order to force a new election, as has happened previously. 

The paper notes that, in the past, progress was often hindered by friction between RPCR and FLNKS, owing to their differing interpretations of collegiality in Government matters.  The Government remains opposed to full independence for the Territory from France, while Kanak leaders mostly favour full independence and are becoming increasingly impatient with the slow implementation of the Noum�a Accord.  Another issue of tension is the inter-ethnic strain between the Kanaks and the settlers from the French territory of Wallis and Futuna.  Those tensions resurged in August 2006, with a number of violent confrontations and acts of arson in the suburbs of Noum�a.

Also before the Special Committee were working papers on the questions of 11 other Non-Self-Governing Territories.  The working paper on the Cayman Islands (document A/AC.109/2007/2) addresses constitutional, legal and political issues, among other topics, and notes that formal talks between the Government and the United Kingdom to modernize the Constitution had recommenced in March 2006.  A Constitutional Review Secretariat was expected to begin work in March 2007.  The paper further notes that the United Kingdom representative had stated during the General Assembly�s sixty-first session that de-listing criteria used by the Special Committee were outdated.

The working paper on the British Virgin Islands (document A/AC.109/2007/3) notes that the Territory�s next general election is to be held in September.  Constitutional negotiations between the Territory and the United Kingdom, which began in March 2006, dealt with amending the Constitution to include a human rights charter and establish �a more appropriate balance of authority� between the United Kingdom and the local government.  After concluding the fourth round of talks on 1 March 2007, the Territory�s negotiating team said it had achieved 95 per cent of the proposals for a modern Constitution.

The working paper on Montserrat (document A/AC.109/2007/4) states that talks between the Government and the United Kingdom to generally modernize the Constitution, and specifically to preserve the Territory�s ability to move towards greater self-determination, continued in 2006 amid media reports that the revision process did not completely reflect the aspirations of the Montserrat public.  A further round of talks was expected in the first quarter of 2007.

According to the working paper on Turks and Caicos Islands (document A/AC.109/2007/5), the new Constitution that came into force on 9 August 2006 provides that a Governor continue to be appointed by the administering Power.  A Special Committee mission sent to the Islands in April 2006 noted that many people appeared to have dismissed integration or free association as political options for the Territory�s future status.  However, during that same month, the Premier also emphasized in talks with the United Kingdom that the goal of the Islands was for eventual independence.  The most recent general election was held on 9 February 2007.

The working paper on Pitcairn (document A/AC.109/2007/6) focuses in part on the future status of the Territory, and notes that according to a 2004 statement by a representative of the island Mayor, the people of Pitcairn did not fully understand all the possibilities or the significance of the various self-determination options available to them.  The administering Power, the United Kingdom, has noted that laws, including those relating to human rights, are published by the United Kingdom Government and the Pitcairn Administration.

The working paper on the United States Virgin Islands (document A/AC.109/2007/7) states that since the Territory�s Organic Act of the Virgin Islands was revised in 1954 by the administering Power, the United States, none of the four attempts to replace it with a locally written Constitution has been successful.  The Territory�s only referendum on a range of political options was conducted in 1993.  According to a Territory representative attending the November 2006 Pacific regional seminar on decolonization, the drafting of a local Constitution, written within the framework of the laws of the administering Power, should precede any determination of permanent political status. 

According to the working paper on Anguilla (document A/AC.109/2007/8), the 2006 Constitutional and Electoral Reform Commission established by the then Governor, a United Kingdom appointee, found that Anguillians were satisfied with their 1982 Constitution, which provides them with a large degree of autonomy and United Kingdom forces for defence.  However, in resolutions 61/128 A and B, the General Assembly noted that changes in the visa requirements for Anguillan passport holders could make it difficult to enter the Territory�s closest neighbour, French Saint Martin.  In that same resolution, the Assembly welcomed the participation of the Territory as an associate member in the Caribbean Community, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

According to the working paper on Bermuda (document A/AC.109/2007/10), the last amendment to the Constitution was in 2003 and racial divisions continue to be played out in support for, or opposition to, independence.  The paper cited the Premier as saying in November 2006 that �independence is not on the front burner, but is still on the stove,� and noted that the campaign to gain independence is expected to receive less fervent attention from the current Territorial Government.

The working paper on Saint Helena (document A/AC.109/2007/14) highlighted that extensive public consultations on constitutional reform have been carried out since 2001.  A final draft Constitution, completed following 2004 negotiations, proposed Government by reference to the partnership values; new guarantees of fundamental human rights; and a two-tier ministerial form of Government.  However, Saint Helenians rejected the proposal.  Given that, the Legislative Council continued constitutional reform by incorporating popular changes into the existing constitution.

The working paper on American Samoa (document A/AC.109/2007/15) states that the Territory�s current relationship with the United States is viewed as �desirable� by American Samoans and their legislative representatives, who also asked that they be de-listed as a colony of the United States, since it was �independent within a federalized system of Self-Governing States and Territories�.  The 2006 Future Political Status Study Commission, whose members were appointed by the popularly-elected Governor to study alternative forms of political status practices vis-�-vis the United States, had released its report in January.  [The Commission reached the conclusion that the present political status of American Samoa is not adversely impacting the normal functions of Government, nor impeding the delivery of public services.]

The working paper on Guam (document A/AC.109/2007/16) describes various moves to change the island�s political status, including a planned decolonization plebiscite for November 2004, which was to ask the Territory�s indigenous people to choose between statehood, independence or free association with the United States, the administering Power.  However, the vote was postponed because eligible voters had not been identified, and the issue of political status has not been taken up since. 

On military matters, Guam remains the site of extensive United States naval and air force installations.  The report notes that some 20,000 United States military personnel and their families will be transferred to Guam from Okinawa for at least six years, and the island is expected to host the largest anti-terrorism exercise in the world in 2007.  Many Guamanians still seek answers from past military activities and, in 2006, set up a �Right to Know� Commission.

The Committee also had before it five draft resolutions, on: the question of New Caledonia (document A/AC.109/2007/L.13); the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples(document A/AC.109/2007/L.10); theimplementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations (document A/AC.109/2007/L.11); economic and other activities, which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories (document A/AC.109/2007/L.12); and questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands (document A/AC.109/2007/L.9).

Action on Draft Texts

The first draft before the Committee on the question of New Caledonia (document a/AC.109/2007/L.13) was introduced by the representative of Papua New Guinea, on behalf of her territory and the island of Fiji.  She said that since the adoption of the draft resolution by the General Assembly in 2006, new developments had taken place in the territory, and, therefore, amendments to the draft were needed.  She then drew the Committee�s attention to those amendments, urging support for them and expressing hope that the draft resolution on the question of New Caledonia would be approved by consensus.

The Committee then approved without a vote the draft resolution as orally revised.

Next, Chairperson MARGARET HUGHES FERRARI ( Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) introduced the proposed text on the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (document A/AC.109/2007/L.10), saying that the draft would extend the mandate of Special Committee, if adopted.  The resolution had been subject to discussion during informal consultation on 7 and 8 June.

The text was approved without a vote.

Introducing the draft text on the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and International Institutions Associated with the United Nations(document A/AC.109/2007/L.11), Chairperson FERRARI drew the Committee�s attention to the Secretary-General�s report on the issue (document A/62/65) and information submitted by the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations on their activities with regard to the Declaration�s implementation (document E/2007/47).

The Committee then approved the text without a vote.

General Statement after Action

Regarding the resolution just approved, the representative of the Russian Federation noted that his country stood by its traditional position on the issue, but had not objected to the consensus adoption of the text given the work that had gone into improving the draft during the session.  The Russian Federation would continue to be guided by its traditional position in reviewing those questions, whether before the General Assembly or the Economic and Social Council.

The Committee then took up the draft resolution entitled Economic and other activities, which affect the interests of peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories (document A/AC.109/2007/L.12) and adopted it without a vote.

The Committee then began its consideration of the Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, St. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands.


Turning to the working paper on the Question of Guam, SABINA FLORES P�REZ, supporting the work of past delegations of Chamorros who had appealed to the United Nations on behalf of Guam, called the working paper incomplete in that it did not include an independent analysis of the impacts of intensified United States militarization on the island; did not provide a complete picture of that militarization; and included citations that were not based on primary sources.  The strained political and economic climate on Guam was a direct result of the cumulative impact from Guam�s inequitable relationship with its administering Power, the United States.  The plan for military build-up unveiled by the United States Department of Defence in 2005 was made without the informed consent of the Chamorro people.  Moreover, the transfer of 8,000 Marines from Okinawa and elsewhere would radically alter the demography of the island and further marginalize Chamorros.

The military�s impact on Guam�s political process also was significant, she said, recalling comments made by United States Air Force Lieutenant General Daniel P. Leaf that United States troops had a constitutional right to participate in Guam�s local elections.  If that was an example of United States policy on local governance, then Chamorro self-determination was endangered.  For the people of Guam to attain self-determination, it was essential to reaffirm the principles of the United Nations Charter of promoting equal rights; the paramount interests of inhabitants who had not attained a full measure of self-government; and resolution 1541. 

She urged that adequate resources be made available to implement the mandate for eradicating colonialism, including:  an education campaign about their political status for the people of Guam; a fact-finding mission to Guam to document the impacts of colonization and militarization; measures to increase coordination of United Nations agencies toward decolonisation; and that Member States refrain from using the remaining Non-Self-Governing Territories for military bases and pass a resolution condemning the current United States build-up on Guam as a violation.

Questions and Comments

The representative from the Iran thanked the petitioner for her comments and asked for a copy of her statement.

The Chairperson responded that the statement would be made available.

HOPE ANTOINETTE CRISTOBAL, of Chamorro ethnicity and Doctor of Psychology from Guam, trained in the study of colonized and marginalized indigenous communities, said the Chamorro people suffered social, economic, political, ecological and health consequences that the administering Power continued to ignore.  They were overrepresented in correctional facilities, probation rolls and within the mental health system, and suffered high rates of family violence, substance abuse, teenage suicides, school dropouts and other social problems.  Studies had found that young Chamorro males and females experienced the highest rates of alcohol and drug abuse, reported more gang and crime involvement, and were frequently diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and substance abuse disorders.  Chamorros also constituted most of the 185 cases of AIDS to date.

She said there was a high concentration of amyothrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinsonism-dementia, which recent research had attributed to the nuclear contamination of the island�s resources by the United States military.  Public Health statistics had also indicated a high incidence of death from cancer in two villages -- Santa Rita and Yigo -- adjacent to the two United States military bases.  Guam had 1,995 times more incidences of nasopharyngeal cancers as compared to the standard United States population.  Apra Harbour, the only deep harbour in Micronesia and currently controlled by the United States Naval Station, and Ordot Landfill, formerly used by the military as a post-World War II dumpsite, were found to have high traces of arsenic, lead, copper, mercury, tin and polychlorinated biphenyls. 

She said United States Congressional testimony from 2001 revealed a cover-up had taken place regarding the storage of, and contamination by, nuclear chemicals in Guam.  When Guam experienced a radioactive �attack� after the detonation of a hydrogen bomb on Enewetak Island in the Marshalls, as described by retired Lieutenant Charles Bert Schreiber of the United States Navy in that testimony, the Chamorros were not informed that they had been consuming radioactive rainwater.  Moreover, the administering Power�s Radiation Exposure Compensation Act did not include the local civilian community.  Furthermore, the planned influx of military personnel and their families to Guam would increase the population by 23 per cent over the next six and a half years.  That rapid, unnatural population growth was of gave concern, since it would increase the demand for resources.  Pressure was mounting to privatize the island�s sole power source and sole water system to outside business interests.  The community�s capacity to sustain the quality of its environment and resources -- such as the northern water lens system and surface waters in the southern part of the island, lands, air, tropical limestone and savannah forests, soil reef systems, flora and fauna, climate and coastal resources -- would be adversely impacted.

She said the United States had a plan to highly militarize a Non-Self-Governing Territory, in contravention to the administrating Power�s obligation to promote the well-being of the people of such territories.  In a secret memo issued on 21 November 1945, Vice Admiral G.D. Murray, then commander of the Marianas Navy Force, stated that �the economic development and administration of relatively few native inhabitants should be subordinate to the real purpose for which those islands are held�.  Vice Admiral Murray had stated that the island�s commercial or industrial value were �of little or no relative importance to the welfare of the United States�.  The dependent people of the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Guam were being exploited under the United States Administration.  The United Nations must inspect Guam�s progress towards decolonization, and scrutinize the environmental, social and psychological impacts of United States military development on Guam.  The Special Committee should continue to maintain its purview of the question of Guam under the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

KEITH L. CAMACHO, an assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and speaking before the Committee both as a witness to an increasingly global environment of conflict and as an indigenous Chamorro inhabitant of Guam, said that, to date, neither the United States nor the United Nations had made any sustained attempt to prepare the Chamorro people for self-determination, as defined in resolution 1541.  Chamorro activists, attorneys, community organizers and policymakers boasted a history of critical anti-colonialism that had not been heeded by either the United States or the Organization. 

What could be done? he asked.  He called on the Committee to solicit funding for an independent fact-finding mission to research scholarly literature on United States colonization; examine the political impact of United States militarization efforts in Okinawa, including plans to relocate military personnel to Guam without the consent of the Chamorro people; and refute United States efforts to de-list Guam from the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. 

The Committee then took up the draft resolution on the questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands (document A/AC.109/2007/L.9).

Calling the draft resolution a product of the Special Committee�s long and diligent consultations, the Chairperson thanked the delegations for their useful amendments and efforts to streamline language.  She believed that the draft reflected the Committee�s thinking on the issues at hand and she intended to take action on the draft, notwithstanding the fact that it had been issued this morning.  The goal, she explained, was to save resources.  She then quoted from the rules of the General Assembly and asked the Committee to waive rule 120.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

Organization of Work

Chairperson FERRARI drew the Committee�s attention to the three remaining items on its agenda: the report of the regional seminar; the report of the Committee covering various housekeeping issues; and the question of Tokelau.  She suggested that those items be dealt with at the Committee�s last meeting, scheduled for 27 June.


Activist and Author Speaks Out Against US Troop Deployment to Guam ...

Guam is the southernmost island of the Marianas Island Chain, in Micronesia. The native people of Guam call themselves and their language Chamoru. ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages




Activist and Author Speaks Out Against US Troop Deployment to Guam at UN

Guam political and human rights activist Julian Aguon will speak to the UN General Assembly in opposition to the Bush Administrations latest move to deploy tens of thousands of US military personnel to Guam as part of Pentagon's new hedge strategy aimed at containing China.

Earlier this year, the Department of Defense announced its agreement with Koizumi's Japan to transfer to its tiny territory of Guam the 8,000 US Marines being ousted by Okinawa. Since the announcement, the estimated number of US troops and their dependents set to flood the 212 square mile island, which has endured 500 years of colonization, is 35,000.

Julian Aguon, author of the new book The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation says that while the world watches, South Koreans are defending their homes from bulldozers and Okinawans fighting on land and sea to stop the development of yet another base. But on Guam the Chamoru people remain the ghosts of this Pacific Theatre tragedy.

His book details how current US military realignment schemes threaten to destroy any hope for decolonization of the non-self-governing territory.

He will appeal to the UN body to pass a resolution condemning the transfer as the most vulgar breach of contract on the part of the US as the Administering Power charged with the responsibility to ensure the native Chamoru population of Guam exercise self-determination. Though since 1946 the US has been charged to aid the native population exercise self-determination, it has strategically denied every attempt at Chamoru sovereignty in the last half century.

Aguon plans to direct diplomatic attention also to a mass privatization campaign of the Guam Chamber of Commerce (consisting primarily of US mainlanders) to privatize every one of Guam's public resources, i.e. the island's only water provider, only power provider, only local telephone provider, public schools, and its only port, on an island that imports 85-90% of its food and where private monopolies of public goods would truly make the island captive to the "forces of the market."

At 24, Aguon is fast-becoming a respected speaker throughout the Asia-Pacific region on issues of indigenous rights, self-determination, and cultural preservation in an era of corporate globalization. He has recently returned from Okinawa where he spoke before an international audience of human rights workers in the region on solidarity politics. After New York, he will leave for Korea at the invitation of the Hankyoreh Media Corporation to speak at its international symposium on "Peace, Development, and Solidarity among East Asian Cities."

The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation
By Julian Aguon
Edition: First; Specifications: Softcover, 6 x 9, 124 pages;
November 2006, Price: $13.95;
ISBN: 9784902837110

The Fire This Time is one of the books in the blue ocean press 'The Club of 1898' Consciousness Studies - The Club of 1898 are areas affected by the 1898 Treaty of Paris that granted possession of Spanish colonies to the United States: The Philippine Islands, Guahan (Guam), Puerto Rico, and Cuba. These studies reveal similarities and differences in political and cultural consciousness between these countries and territories. At this time, blue ocean press has published four books that belong to this series:

Guahan (Guam): Just Left of the Setting Sun, and The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation

Cuba: Cuba is a State of Mind (The Spiritual Traveler Vol. I), Post-Revolutionary Cuban Spanish: A Glossary of Social, Political, and Common Terms (Glosario de t?rminos socio-pol?ticos y aut?ctonos de actualidad (espa?ol-ingl?s))

Background on Guam

Guam is the southernmost island of the Marianas Island Chain, in Micronesia. The native people of Guam call themselves and their language Chamoru. Colonized by Spain for more than three hundred years, awarded to the U.S. after Spain's defeat in 1898 as part of the Treaty of Paris (along with Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippine Islands), taken by Japan in the second world war only to be re-taken by the US at its close, Guam is one of the few remaining non-self-governing territories (colonies) of the world, and is subject to administration by the Office of Insular Affairs in the US Department of Interior.

Since World War II, this 212 square mile island, often referred to as "the tip of America's military spear" has been vital in securing American military and economic interests throughout the Pacific and Asia. Recent downsizing and renegotiation of United States defense agreements in Asia will send more than 8,000 military personnel and 10,000 dependents from Okinawa and South Korea to Guam, significantly impacting the island whose current population is 160,000.

The Department of Defense, which occupies 30% of the island with the potential to expand, is rapidly increasing the offensive capability of both the Air Force and Navy, with plans to establish a Global Strike Force on Guam, involving rotating 48 F-22 and F-15E fighter jets, six B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers, adding as many as 6 nuclear submarines to the 3 Guam already houses and plans to home port 60% of the Navy's Pacific Fleet in the region.

The small island will become the "largest, most forward US military installation in the Pacific theatre," which will make Guam a first-strike target in any altercation with China and/or North Korea.

The Chamoru people of Guam stand at the crosshairs of the U.S. military stage in the Pacific. They are confronted with nationally with a governing administration that purports to spread democracy while denying it for its territories, and locally by the Guam elite and Chamber of Commerce who, in hopes of lining their already over-stuffed pockets, use the media and resources at their disposal to push relentlessly for the privatization of all public assets and the increased militarization of Guam.

The Chamoru people continue to be subjected to the existence of toxic elements left by the U.S. military as a result of the storage of chemical agents, PCB-contamination in the waters, and down-winder's radiation, as well as, radiation from the washing-down of airplanes and ships used in monitoring nuclear testing in the Pacific. Their telecommunications network is fully privatized, their power distributor partly privatized, and their water agency is under attack. The Port Authority of Guam, on an island that imports 85-90% of its food, is also being threatened by privatization.

Julian Aguon Speech to the Honorable Members of the Fourth Committee:

Honorable Members:

Guahu si Julian Aguon. Ati adeng-miyo and greetings from Guam.

I address you this afternoon on behalf of I Nasion Chamoru, which has commissioned me to convey to you the gravity of our current situation in light of the militarization convulsing the Asia-Pacific region.

As I speak, the indigenous people of the longest colonized island in the Pacific Ocean, the Chamorus of Guam, brace our selves against a storm of military buildup so volatile in nature, so irreversible in consequence, and set to begin next year. US military realignment in the region seeks to homeport sixty percent of its Pacific Fleet in and around our four-thousand-year-old island archipelago. With no input from the Chamoru people and over our deepening dissent, the US will flood its modern colony with 55,000 people as part of its realignment plans. This number includes the 8,000 US Marines and their 9,000 dependents being ousted by outraged folks in Okinawa. Joining the 35,000 US military personnel and their dependents is an outside labor force estimated upwards of 20,000 workers on construction contracts. The Navy recently suggested that six more nuclear submarines will be added to the three already stationed in Guam. There is talk of a sixth aircraft carrier and a monstrous Global Strike Force soon to be developed. Deputy Commander of the US Pacific Command Daniel Leaf informed us of other programs in the works to establish a strike and intelligence surveillance reconnaissance hub at Andersen Air Force Base. Though this expansionism is exaggerated, it only complements the impressive Air Force and Navy show of force on 1/3 of our island already. This influx will have devastating consequences on the Chamorus of Guam, who make up only 37% of the 171,000 people living in Guam and who already suffer the signature maladies of a colonial condition. It threatens to put out the fire of our half century struggle to attain some true measure of self-government, the fire of which you are the trusted guardians.

To date, no social or environmental impact study has been done to assess the burdens this buildup will place on the island. Recent fact-finding missions in Okinawa reveal alarmingly high rates of societal violence, including hundreds of rapes and acts of violence against the women of Okinawa. It is reasonable to think our women will face a similar fate. Meanwhile, US Department of Defense officials state nothing definite except that Guam is to be a faster response hub to the loose and alleged threats that are China and North Korea. A mysterious master plan said to detail the transfer has yet to be presented to Guam leaders though it has been promised three times. Our officials wait with bated breath. Of the 10.3 billion dollars settled upon by the US and Japan, nothing definite has been stated as to how this money will be used to improve our flailing infrastructure. The suggestion of late is that Guam is expected to foot the bill of this re-occupation. Meanwhile, virtually every public sector is being threatened with privatization. Meetings with defense officials have proved empty, as every military officer we have met with informs us of their inability to commit to anything. In effect, they repeat that they have no working plans to spend money on civilian projects, as dollars tied to this transfer have been allocated to development only within the bases. Two multimillion dollar contracts have been pre-awarded to two American-based companies; one from California, one Virginia. Money for education in the territory will again be allocated to schools for children of US military personnel and not ours. Meanwhile, public education in Guam is under biweekly duress; local teachers have been threatened with payless paydays for the last three months and counting. The burden on the Guam Public School System has been worsened by the US' failure to justly compensate Guam for shouldering the costs of its compacts of free association with Micronesian states, which strain our limited resources. There is talk of US plans to condemn more of our land to accommodate its accelerated military needs, which would add to its occupation of 1/3 of our island already. In contrast, there is no talk of plans to clean up radioactive contaminations of Guam from toxins leftover from its World War II activities and its intense nuclear bombing campaign of the Marshall Islands only 1200 miles from Guam. No word either on whether or not it plans to pay war reparations due to us since it forgave Japan of its crimes of World War II. Bills seeking compensation for both our exposure to radioactive material and our endurance of Japanese concentration camps from World War II await congressional action. Our elders continue dying while they wait. It's not terribly surprising. What is happening now - this vulgar re-occupation - is happening without our consent. Like an awful re-run of WWII, when the US unilaterally forgave Japan its horrific war crimes on our people, the US is at the table again with Japan, negotiating away our right to self-determination.

But beyond the B-2s in our skies, the ships playing war games in our waters, the increased amount of weapons of mass destruction stored in Guam, and contaminations that continue causing our people to suffer extraordinarily high rates of every kind of radioactivity related cancer, there is a growing desperation back home. A desperate lethargy in the wind. A realization that if the UN remains unable to slow the manic speed of US militarization, Chamorus as a people will pass.

Only last year we were here, informing you of two very frightening facts: 1) it was recently discovered that the US Department of Interior purposefully killed a presidential directive handed down in 1975, ordering that Guam be given a commonwealth status no less favorable than the one the US was negotiating with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands at that time; and 2) a campaign of the Guam Chamber of Commerce (primarily consisting of US Statesiders) to privatize every one of Guam's public resources ( i.e. the island's only water provider, only power provider, only local telephone provider, public schools, and its only port, on an island that imports 85-90% of its food and where private monopolies of public goods would truly make the island captive to the forces of the market) is undermining our indigenous civilization with violent speed.

Not much has changed since we last were here. Our power provider has been privatized, our telecommunications sold. Our only water provider and one port are under attack.

Honorable members: know this. The people of Guam are not unified around this military buildup despite dominant media representations. For all intents and purposes, there is no free press in Guam. Local media only makes noise of the re-occupation, not sense of it. The Pacific Daily News - the American subsidiary newspaper that dominates the discourse ?has been particularly effective at cutting off oxygen to civil society. Rather than debating this military buildup's enormous sociopolitical, environmental and cultural consequences, it has framed the conversation around how best to ask the US (politely) for de facto consideration of our concerns, without appearing un-American. In its endless genuflection toward corporate America it has privileged potential short-term economic stimulus and forsaken every other sociological concern. Dismissed the dream of a decolonized Guam and the people courageous and loving enough to build it. In light of the purpose of the Fourth Committee, heed this deepening of opposition, uncertainty, and insecurity around this buildup. The US has provided no answers. We need your help to turn the world's eye to Guam, so that, at the very least, our sisters and brothers can see us before we are ghosts.

The last few weeks on the General Assembly floor have tested our insides. Diplomats from all over have come addressing your body, many rightfully outraged at the imperial appetite of the US and how badly it starves human hearts of hope. We are here to echo this simple truth: the aggressive militarization of our world is laying humanity a premature grave. And we find that unacceptable.

We urge you to pass a resolution condemning this massive military transfer and buildup of Guam as a grave breach of duty on the part of the Administering Power, in no less explicit terms. But we come for another reason apart from our rage. As an indigenous people, we offer prayer. That you keep your moral courage close. That you continue to believe that what we are doing here, these words, are the better way . Even when cynicism is winning the day. Even, and especially, when words have lost so devastatingly much of their meaning.

In Solidarity,
Julian Aguon
I Nasion Chamoru


More Additional Recommended Regional Reading

Stock Data / People�s Commonwealth Concern

Allow ALL Chamorros to Own Land In the Marianas

Chamorros from Guam should not be excluded from owning land in the Northern Marianas. It is only fair since Chamorros from the Northern Marianas can own land in Guam.

Chamorros from Guam are the same as Chamorros from the Northern Marianas. We speak the same language, we have the same culture, we share the same history, and we share the same blood. It is ridiculous to discriminate against Chamorros from Guam from owning land in the Northern Marianas. Guam does not discriminate against Northern Marianas Chamorros from owning property.

  The value of property would go up in the Northern Marianas if Chamorros from Guam could purchase land here. It will open up the market to more than 100,000 people. Currently, the market contains around only 40,000 people. The land would remain in Chamorro hands. It should be their right as Chamorros, descendants of Taotaomonas, first people of the Marianas.

Many of them want to own land in the Northern Marianas but are denied this right because they voted against re-unification in the '70s. They voted against it because they were BETRAYED by Chamorros who were FORCED to become translators in Guam for the Japanese outsiders.

If they did not obey the Japanese outsiders, they would have been killed. Outsiders such as Spain and Japan were the true reasons that separated the Marianas, not the Taotao Tano. To all Chamorros: know your history well. Allow ALL Chamorros to own land in the Marianas. Biba Marianas! Na da, na talo y Marianas! Fanoge Chamorro!

Jesse Torres
Kagman, Saipan
Wednesday July 18, 2007
Letters to the Editor
Monday, July 16, 2007


The United Nations later this year will consider providing technical and financial aid to non-self-governing territories such as Guam for a number of purposes, including educational programs leading up to political status plebiscites, according to recent reports from the UN Committee on Decolonization and the Guam Commission on Decolonization.

The UN committee, also called the Committee of 24, drafted its annual resolution in New York last month for consideration by the General Assembly later this year. Guam Commission on Decolonization education officer Debra Lynne Quinata attended the committee meetings, telling members and others in attendance that "nothing has changed in 20 years regarding our colonial status, while much has changed to destroy our sense as a people."

Quinata reminded Committee members that Guam's Commonwealth Act languished in the U.S. Congress for nearly 10 years, saying the result is a "confirmation of our colonial status and an affirmation that our Administering Power can do whatever it wants to do regarding Guam, including doing nothing."

She pointed to economic difficulties Guam is facing, noting that the U.S. Congress recently voted for continued financial and medical assistance for the poor in all 50 states, but refused to reauthorize these crucial programs, which affect mostly women and children, for the territories.

Government officials has endorsed the Guam Chamber of Commerce's "#000000 Paper," which calls for a larger military presence on the island, which Quinata said demonstrates the extent of the U.S. military's occupation of Guam and its influence in local affairs.

The Committee included language in their resolution that notes Guam's poverty level has risen from 12% a decade ago, according to U.S. Census figures, to 20% today.

Discussion on the "major issue" of funding for Guam's political status education program included the representative from Cote d'Ivoire wondering what the Committee could do to provide financing for that purpose.

"Let us not kid ourselves," Quinata said, "our Administering Power is trying to lure you into believing that Guam is so important to world peace that we should be left as a colonial territory. Our greatest fear now is not that we will be the last non-self-governing territory, but that we will be the first global colony. If we are, indeed, to be a United Nations colony, then let the United Nations be our Administering Power!"

Representatives of the U.S. Interior and State departments also attended the meetings, but did not present any testimony.


10 October 1997


19971010Petitioners from Guam this morning objected to the current form of the omnibus draft resolution approved by the Special Committee on decolonization, stating that its language with respect to Guam had been weakened at the request of the United States, the administering Power.

Addressing the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization), they urged the Main Committee of the General Assembly to reinstate the language used in prior years in the text it submitted to the Assembly for adoption, as the current version undermined the process of Guam's decolonization.

A representative of the Organization of People for Indigenous Rights said the "shameless changes" to the Guam portion of the text violated the purpose and mandate of the Fourth Committee. A senator from the Guam Legislature urged the United Nations to send a visiting mission to the Territory to personally hear the voices of the colonized Chamorro people, in order to better ascertain their situation.

Those two speakers were among eight petitioners who addressed the Committee this morning on the situation in Guam. The representative of the United States, in response, said that both his Government and that of Guam supported self-determination for the people of Guam, but differed on who would exercise that right. It should be exercised by all the people of Guam, he said. The United States could not support a self-determination process which excluded Guamanians who were not Chamorros. The representatives of Cuba, Papua New Guinea and Syria also spoke on the matter.

Also this morning, statements in the general debate on decolonization issues were made by the representatives of Brazil, Tunisia, Pakistan, Spain and the United Kingdom. The representative of the United Kingdom also spoke in exercise of the right of reply.

The Committee will meet again at 3 p.m. on Monday, 13 October, to conclude its general debate on decolonization matters and begin its consideration of the effects of atomic radiation.

Committee Work Programme

The Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) met this morning to continue its general debate on decolonization issues and hear petitioners on the question of Guam.

Statement of Committee Chairman

MACHIVENYIKA TOBIAS MAPURANGA (Zimbabwe), Committee Chairman, said that Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Kieran Prendergast told him this morning that the Secretary-General had said it would be helpful for the sponsors of the draft resolution concerning the transfer of the decolonization unit (document A/C.4/52/L.4) to meet with him.

Hearing of Petitioners

ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD, delegate from Guam to the United States House of Representatives, said that the people of Guam had chosen to pursue a change in their political status, in the form of a commonwealth association with the United States. That choice was made in a series of locally authorized referendums between 1982 and 1987. However, such commonwealth status was intended to be an interim step; it did meet internationally recognized standards for decolonization and it was not independence. The Committee was urged to reaffirm the right to self-determination of Guam's indigenous people, the Chamorros. That principle was not negotiable. It would be inappropriate to consider removing Guam from the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

Although the United States Government had identified excess lands for return to Guam, it had yet to provide a process for their expeditious return, he said. In fact, the current process allowed federal agencies to bid for those lands ahead of Guam. The United States Mission had been asked to support a revised General Assembly resolution which would address Guam's quest for greater self-government.

MARK CAMPOS CHARFAUROS, Senator in Guam's Legislature, spoke on behalf of Antonio Unpingco, Speaker of the Guam Legislature. He said that since 1946, the United Nations had been confused by all the terms the United States used to describe Guam's people -- Chamorro, Guamanian, inhabitants of Guam and people of Guam. That was apparent in the current draft resolution on the matter and in the previously amended draft resolutions adopted by the Assembly during its session last year. That misconception was understandable, for the United States had given the impression that it considered two peoples when addressing the situation in Guam. The United States was not an angel, and would resort to deception and manipulation to further its agenda.

Fourth Committee - 3 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

Reference to the people of Guam must consider the context of a colonized people, he said. One term used by the United States concerned a people, another concerned citizenship. The United Nations had assumed the Chamorro people's right to self-determination by including all American citizens in its resolution on the matter, and the present draft resolution continued that grave injustice. What had happened to the Chamorro people's good relationship with the Fourth Committee and the Special Committee on decolonization?

Sensing that the tide had turned, the Guam Legislature had passed a law to create the Commission on Decolonization for the Implementation and Exercise of Chamorro Self-Determination. Another Guam bill would protect the right of the Chamorro people to determine their political status and that of their homeland. Upcoming hearings in the United States House of Representatives would likely amount to nothing.

The Guam portion of the original text of the omnibus draft resolution on decolonization should be substituted for the current language, he said. The United Nations should send a visiting mission to Guam to personally hear the voices of the colonized Chamorro people, in order to better evaluate their situation.

LELAND BETTIS, Executive Director of the Guam Commission on Self Determination, speaking on behalf of the Governor of Guam, said that December would mark the fifty-first year since Guam had been inscribed on the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. Since that time, nothing had fundamentally altered the colonial nature of its relationship with the United States. The administering Power extended its edicts without input from the representatives of Guam.

The people of Guam refused to be subject to the pageantry of a colonial beauty contest, he said. Chattel was chattel was chattel. Under the internal legal mechanism of the United States, Guam was mere property. There was no indication that that would change. The Fourth Committee was therefore called upon to carefully examine the situation.

He said that Guam's identification as a Territory was under threat. There was a concerted effort under way to strip the Special Committee on decolonization of its political mandate and its ability to interact with the Territories. Further, the administering Power now supported continuing Guam's colonial status. The administering Power's Mission to the United Nations had stated that the work of the Special Committee was finished. They had said that colonialism was finished.

Guam was a small island with a small population, and it was a colonial possession of the world's largest nation, he said. Its lands remained occupied, and the rules of government were subject to constant change without

Fourth Committee - 4 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

local input. The administering Power continued to present the Special Committee with inaccurate depictions of the situation in Guam. The portions of the Special Committee's omnibus resolution regarding Guam were therefore unacceptable.

Offers to support visiting missions to Guam had seemingly been withdrawn and promised measures of cooperation had not occurred, he said. The emasculation of the decolonization process by the administering Power should not be allowed. Guam would advance the decolonization process unilaterally if necessary. International standards should continue to be fully reflected in the Fourth Committee's consideration of the question.

HOPE ALVAREZ CRISTOBAL, Chairperson of the International Networking Committee of the Organization of People for Indigenous Rights, said that Guam's journey towards self-determination was at a critical juncture. It was important for the Fourth Committee to recognize that the question of Guam was one of decolonization. Guam should not be removed from the list of Non-Self- Governing Territories.

The administering Power had been negligent in its handling of Guam, she said. The proposed implementation of commonwealth status for Guam did not mean it would achieve self-determination. The administering Power had continuously tried to deny the Chamorro people their right to self- determination. Those efforts included an attempt to confuse the United Nations about the identity of the people of Guam. Several different names -- including "people of Guam", "Guamanians" and "Chamorros" -- had been used, making it seem that the people of Guam were a mixed bag.

The welfare of non-self-governing peoples such as the Chamorro people of Guam would continue to be compromised as long as the administering Power was allowed to negate their efforts at the highest levels of the United Nations, she said. It was a difficult pill to swallow, that the United Nations was willing to minimize commentary on the administering Power's sacred responsibility to promote self-government through decolonization. In the case of Guam, that process had stretched out for over half a century.

The Fourth Committee was asked to oppose the current language of the section on Guam in the Special Committee's omnibus resolution, she said. The shameless changes to that portion of the text, initiated by the United States, would violate the purpose and mandate of the Fourth Committee.

RONALD TEEHAN, of the Guam Landowners Association, said there had been a significant increase in pressure this year to pretend that colonial situations no longer existed, but nothing could be further from the truth. At the United Nations, the United States had attempted to undercut, if not eliminate, the decolonization process. The fact that Guam had conducted local elections did

Fourth Committee - 5 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

not make it self-governing. Was Guam self-governing when a United States agency could take land that belonged to its people? Guam's colonial status dramatically impeded its political and economic development. The Committee should regard with great suspicion any suggestion that colonial politics was the primary manifestation of self-government.

He said that Guam was not in position to control its resources or to make decisions about its future; the administering Power reserved those decisions to itself. The 1996 General Assembly resolution concerning the situation in Guam and the current draft resolution before the Committee actually undermined the process of Guam's decolonization. The United Nations decolonization process was becoming nothing more than an accelerated effort to declare the International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism by the Year 2000 a success.

The administering Power had raised concerns about the Chamorro people being the exclusive party to decide Guam's colonial status, he said. That was a cruel joke. The administering Power's immigration policy was clearly a colonization policy; only those who were colonized should decide Guam's decolonized status. Guam was inclined to reject any arguments that its requests should be to the political realities of the United Nations. He urged the reinstatement of the language adopted by the Special Committee in its 1996 resolution on the situation in Guam. The resolution should truly reflect the situation in Guam, rather than serve the purpose of a political expediency.

PEDRO NUNEZ-MOSQUERA (Cuba) said informal consultations between the Special Committee and the administering Power had produced the language of the draft resolution on the situation in Guam. Had there been any improvement in the situation as a result of those consultations?

Mr. TEEHAN said the consultations had not discernibly improved the situation. Rather, they had resulted in a further weakening of the section concerning Guam.

UTULA U. SAMANA (Papua New Guinea), Chairman of the Special Committee on decolonization, asked Mr. Teehan whether the Guam Commonwealth Act passed by the Guam Legislature had produced further movement on the situation on the island.

Mr. TEEHAN said that since the Act was passed 10 years ago, Guam had consistently brought the matter to the attention of the United States Government. A bill was now before the United States Congress, but hearings on it had been postponed several times. Implementation of the Act had not been supported financially by the United States Government, but had been funded

Fourth Committee - 6 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

locally, in Guam. Many portions of the Act had been attacked by agencies of the United States Government. Nothing concrete had occurred, except for 10 years of protracted discussion.

JOSE ULLOA GARRIDO, of the Nasion Chamoru, said the portion of the Special Committee's omnibus draft resolution concerning Guam was appalling. The Chamorro right to self-determination had fallen on deaf ears in the Special Committee. Lands taken by the United States must be returned. It was hard to accept that members of the Special Committee which were once colonies would accede to the changes to the draft resolution supported by the United States. Those changes cut through the soul of the Chamorro people.

The purpose and mission of the Fourth Committee to eradicate decolonization had been compromised, he said. The Special Committee had assigned to the United States the right to decolonize -- a right which belonged to the Chamorro people. Guam's colonizer had always been a master of intrigue and deception but it had not been expected that some members of the Special Committee would be co-opted. The United States had created a welfare state in Guam. It was tragic that some countries had joined the United States in condemning human rights abuses in China without condemning the treatment by the United States of indigenous peoples in its colonies.

The United States must unconditionally return all lands stolen from the Chamorros of Guam, he said. It had taken less than a month to take the lands; 50 years was too long for them to take in returning it. Further, all titles over and control of natural resources must be relinquished; all nuclear warheads and missiles must be removed, and all 36 hazardous and toxic waste sites must be cleaned. Visiting missions should be sent to Guam.

FAYSSAL MEKDAD (Syria) asked Mr. Garrido about the change in the language of the resolution. What language did he have in mind?

Mr. GARRIDO said he had been referring to items 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the 1997 version of the omnibus resolution.

PATRICIA ULLOA GARRIDO, representing the Ancestral Landowners Coalition of Guam, said the United States' continued withholding of land documents from the government of Guam, was a violation of treaty. In addition, repeated petitions on civil and human rights by Chamorro leaders had been ignored. It was ironic and evil that the United States expected substantial payment for the return of lands it had confiscated for military uses. That position was designed to create a sense of hopelessness and resignation among the Chamorro people. The Chamorro people would not pay for the return of their lands; they did not have the required funds.

Fourth Committee - 7 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

PATRICK SAN NICOLAS, a Chamorro tribal chairman, said the draft resolution approved by the Special Committee on 20 June included a new and appalling change. The Chamorro tribe of the Marianas opposed any form of self-determination which surrendered the sovereignty rights of the Chamorro people.

The United States had divided the Chamorro people into two separate forms of government, he said. There was Guam, an unincorporated Territory of the United States, and there were the northern islands of the Marianas. The Chamorros were one nation and would not surrender their sovereign rights. The United Nations should recognize the sovereignty of the Chamorros people and the United States should be urged to recognize the Chamorros of the Marianas. The Chamorro people could then begin to experience true sovereignty.

DAVID SCOTT (United States), said his Government and that of Guam supported the self-determination for the people of Guam but differed on who would exercise that right. That right should be exercised by all the people of Guam. Petitioners who had spoken today had asked only that a portion of the population of Guam be allowed to exercise that right. The United States could not endorse a process which excluded Guamanians who were not Chamorros. The ultimate outcome of the self-determination process would depend on its ability to include all citizens in its scope.

General Debate on Decolonization

HENRIQUE R. VALLE (Brazil) said his delegation fully endorsed statements made yesterday by Paraguay on behalf of the Rio Group, as well as by Uruguay, on behalf of the Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR), Bolivia and Chile. He reiterated Brazil's support for the Declaration on the Malvinas Islands adopted last year by MERCOSUR, Bolivia and Chile.

With respect to East Timor, Brazil had always stressed the importance of a fair and internationally acceptable solution, he said. Hope was placed in direct talks between the parties involved. Brazil strongly supported the tripartite process being held under the auspices of the Secretary-General, as well as the All-Inclusive East Timorese Dialogue.

He drew attention to a resolution adopted in July by the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, meeting in Brazil, which established the categories of "associated observers", "permanent observers" and "invited observers". That decision allowed for the presence in East Timor of representatives of all interested political trends, without the predominance of any of the parties or political movements there.

Fourth Committee - 8 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

EL WALID DOUDECH (Tunisia) said that it was necessary to strengthen the trend of international cooperation in order to eliminate colonialism by the end of the century. Although the time was short, there was reason to be optimistic. The Special Committee's omnibus resolution last year had established principles; practical measures for the next stage of the process must now be defined. A programme for cooperation between the Special Committee and the administering Powers must be devised as a matter of priority. The aspirations of the Non-Self-Governing Territories must be recognized.

While there were a variety of options in the decolonization process, free choice by the concerned people was the key, he said. One of the questions facing the Special Committee concerned the appropriate means for ascertaining the nature of those aspirations. Such means varied, and it was appropriate to consider each case individually. Visiting missions were an effective means, and consultations should begin to organize such missions to relevant Territories.

MIAN ABDUL WAHEED (Pakistan) said that the increase in the United Nations membership from 51 to 185 States was a clear testimony to its success and achievements. It was a matter of immense satisfaction that over 60 former colonial Territories had joined the community of independent nations. The peoples of the remaining 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories looked to the United Nations for their freedom. Efforts must be consolidated to end colonialism. The positive response of the administering Powers was welcomed. Greater pragmatism and innovation was needed in considering the issue.

Pakistan had achieved independence through the exercise of its right to self-determination and considered it a moral duty to support peoples which were under alien subjugation, he said. Unfortunately, the right to self- determination had been smothered in many parts of the world. That had occurred in the case of the Kashmiri people, under occupation by India. Inhuman repression and persecution had occurred, and 60,000 Kashmiris had been killed. The Indian claim that Jammu and Kashmir were an integral part of India was a farce. It was a case of neo-colonialism. Denial of the rights of the Kashmiri people was a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law.

JAVIER PEREZ-GRIFFO (Spain) said that despite the United Nations achievements in decolonization, unresolved issues remained. There was no single recipe by which to terminate colonialism. The Organization should ensure that the peoples of the 17 remaining Non-Self-Governing Territories could observe their right to self-determination.

The situation on Gibraltar had peculiar features, he said. The Rock of Gibraltar was acquired by force during the eighteenth century. However, the

Fourth Committee - 9 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

peninsula did not cease to be Spanish. Also, the isthmus above it was acquired illegally and gradually by the United Kingdom. The survival of this last colony was difficult to reconcile with the modern world. Gibraltar was converted to a military base by the United Kingdom, which expelled the Spanish people there.

In the United Nations, there was clear doctrine on Gibraltar, which urged the United Kingdom to end colonial domination there, he said. Several General Assembly resolutions had reiterated the principle of territorial integrity with respect to Gibraltar. Negotiations between Spain and the United Kingdom on the situation had begun in 1985, and Spain remained firmly committed to dialogue in the hope that negotiations would end the Gibraltar dispute.

The Treaty of Utrecht established Spanish sovereignty over Gibraltar should it cease to be under British rule, he said. Spanish authorities had stated their respect for the legitimate interests of the population of Gibraltar, as well as for their identity and characteristics. Spain was ready to make a very generous offer, that once reincorporation of Gibraltar with Spain had taken place, efforts would be made to improve the economic situation of its people.

KATE SMITH (United Kingdom) said the United Kingdom considered the rights of the peoples of the Territories to be of paramount importance in determining their futures. Within the restraints of treaty obligations, the constitutional framework in each of the United Kingdom's Territories sought to reflect the wishes and interests of their peoples. Each of the Territories held regular and free elections. Indeed, the inhabitants of the Falkland Islands had exercised their democratic rights in an election yesterday.

She expressed dismay at statements made before the Committee this week implying that the choice of independence was the only possible outcome of the free exercise of self-determination. That was not the case. The vast majority of people in the British Territories were content with their basic relationship and with the degree of self-government they had achieved.

The United Kingdom recognized the important advances made on the text of the Special Committee's draft resolution with respect to "economic activities", she said. However, it was important to note that foreign economic activities did not always do the Territories more harm than good. Often, the contrary was the case. Foreign investment was a valuable source of income for a number of the United Kingdom's Territories, helping them to achieve a greater degree of self-sufficiency.

Fourth Committee - 10 - Press Release GA/SPD/110 5th Meeting (AM) 10 October 1997

The United Kingdom would continue to support the people of Montserrat in their plight, she said. Those wishing to leave Montserrat would be assisted. Statements made this week by representatives from the Caribbean region calling for support for the people of Montserrat had been appreciated.

The Committee then approved a request for a hearing by a petitioner on the question of New Caledonia for the week of 13 October.

Right of Reply

KATE SMITH (United Kingdom), speaking in exercise of the right of reply, said the position of the United Kingdom with respect to the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and Gibraltar had been laid out in the right of reply statements by the United Kingdom before the General Assembly on 24 and 26 September.

United Nations
This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004


�The Department of Defense and our Joint Guam Program Office staff know the Guam build-up program will bring challenges and opportunities to the islands' residents. We are sensitive to the impacts a relocation of this magnitude will have on the islands' social fabric and culture. We will continue to work closely with Guam and Commonwealth government, community, and business leaders in helping the islands prepare to meet the increased population of military members, civilian employees, contractors, and their family members. We encourage everyone to participate in this growing partnership. We need the involvement of the islands' residents to make this Guam build-up program successful for island families.and successful for the military men and women and their families who will be joining you in paradise.�

(Major General David F. Bice, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired) is the Executive Director of the Joint Guam Program Office.)


Guam-Guam-Guam: APIL backs Guam self-determination

Guam-Guam-Guam ... support Guam's decolonization and back Chamorro right to self-determination. ..... Commander, Naval Forces Marianas- 2007 Press Releases ... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages
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Thursday, May 8, 2008

APIL backs Guam self-determination

Guam News
Thursday May 8, 2008
By Therese Hart, Variety News Staff

LEADERS of the Association of Pacific Island Legislatures believe that Guam has the right to determine it own political destiny.

Participants to the APIL conference held on Guam this week said they will support Guam's decolonization and back Chamorro right to self-determination.

Teburoro Tito, former president of the Republic of Kiribati and now a member of the Kiribati parliament, stressed the importance of Guam's cultural identity.

"The APIL is a gathering of Pacific island peoples. And the bottom line is cultural identity and to be proud of what we are," Tito said.

Guam remains one of the 16 non-self governing territories in the world.

"We support Guam in her quest for self determination. I had the chance to talk to the military and it's beautiful to have a military presence here in our part of the region. I admire the Americans for devoting themselves to this task. But at the same time, I did tell them what's important in this part of the world is cultural identity. Our culture is very important and I ask them as friends to be very sensitive to Guam's cultural identity," Tito said.

Tito added that all island peoples have the right to be recognized as a unique people separate from its administering power, which in Guam's case is the U.S.

Added Entry

Guam-Guam-Guam: April 2007

A federal government report says Guam and the Northern Marianas offer a "ready-made ...... Summit on Decolonization and Native Self-Determination ... - 650k



"Arms buildup? I wouldn't use that language," says Air Force Maj. David Griesmer from Pacific Command, which has its headquarters in Hawaii. "There's certainly an acknowledgment that Pacom is half the world. These capabilities need to either go on one side [of the world] or the other. The Asia-Pacific region is growing. It's the way of the future. There's a large amount of economic activity." Plus, he adds, "The six largest militaries are in this area," a reference to China, the U.S., Russia, India, North Korea and South Korea

Monday, April 30, 2007

Guam, CNMI "Ready Made Environment" For Terrorism

Monday: April 30, 2007

The post 9/11 report by a federal government regional security specialist states that "the level of safeguards and federal control" on the islands has not measured up.

The report is five years old, but has resurfaced after former Northern Marianas Cabinet official, Mark D. Zachares was charged for using his position to seek a copy of the report for now disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The 2002 report states if the "high-risk environment is allowed to stand, it will continue to threaten federal and public interests and seriously jeopardize the national security of the United States."

The 2002 security report strongly recommended tighter scrutiny of foreigners entering the islands, in part by applying U.S. immigration law in the Northern Marianas and positioning federal Customs agents at Guam points of entry for passengers and cargo.

A federal government report says Guam and the Northern Marianas offer a "ready-made environment" for terror groups to launch attacks on U.S. facilities and personnel reports the Pacific Daily News.

Added Entry

Japanese consulate gearing up for role expansion

Monday, April 30, 2007
By Mar-Vic Cagurangan
Variety News Staff

THE Japanese consulate office on Guam is gearing up for its expanded role in ensuring a smooth transition when the Pentagon begins relocating the 8,000 Marines from Okinawa, a process that is targeted for completion by 2014.

�Right now, the discussion on the Marines� relocation is between Tokyo and Washington, D.C. In Guam, what we can do is extend assistance to Japanese officials who come here and arrange meetings with Guam officials. At this junction, that is the kind of job that we see our office doing,� Japanese Consul General Tamio Tomino told Variety.

�When the discussion and the relocation process becomes a day-to-day affair, then that�s when my office becomes more involved. The role of my office will increase and we will be expected to provide necessary information to both governments,� Tomino said.

Tomino was stationed in Papua New Guinea before coming to Guam last week for a two-year term on island.

During a courtesy call in Adelup last week, Gov. Felix P. Camacho and Tomino briefly discussed the issue of the Marines� relocation.

�The governor and I hope for the success of this process. The military buildup will be good for Guam�s economy. With 8,000 Marines and their dependents transferring to Guam, more people will spend money,� Tomino said.

Last week�s Japanese election removed a political hurdle in the �road map� for realigning U.S. bases in Okinawa. The relocation of the Marines to Guam is heavily dependent on the Okinawans� willingness to accept a comprehensive agreement to realign the U.S. bases in Japan.

The U.S.-Japan realignment agreement, finalized last May, calls for a new facility to replace the Futenma base. The target date for completion is 2014, after which 8,000 Marines will be relocated to Guam.

But in the year since the road map was finalized, there has been little visible progress on relocating the Futenma base. Disagreements between Okinawan officials and the Japanese central government over the new facility�s design and a strong local anti-base movement have bogged down the relocation efforts.

But with Sunday�s election to the Upper House of Aiko Shimajiri, who had the backing of Japan�s ruling parties, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe now has an important political ally in his efforts to convince Okinawans to accept a comprehensive agreement to realign the U.S. bases in Japan. [*327*]

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1 day ago in Guam-Guam-Guam � Authority: 38. Author unknown ... by Ronna Sweeney KUAM News Saturday, April 05, 2008 Now just a click away, ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

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by Clynt Ridgell, KUAM News Sunday, December 30, 2007 Scheduled to arrive to Guam are representatives ... 100 days ago in Guam-Guam-Guam � Authority: 38 ... - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

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Guam War Claims Legislation Moving to House Floor  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE�May 4, 2007�Washington, D.C

 Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo announced today that House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland has scheduled H.R. 1595, the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, to be considered by the full House of Representatives on Monday, May 7, 2007.      

H.R. 1595 was ordered reported to the full House by voice vote in the Committee on Natural Resources this past Wednesday, May 2, 2007.  H.R. 1595 was introduced by Congresswoman Bordallo in March and has bipartisan support, including support from Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick Rahall of West Virginia and Ranking Republican Member Don Young of Alaska .  Congresswoman Bordallo has been working with Chairman Rahall and Ranking Member Young to move the bill to the House floor without delay.

�Late today, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced the floor program for next week and the House is set to debate the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act on Monday.   I am grateful for the support of Chairman Nick Rahall and Ranking Member Don Young and their work with the House leadership to schedule the bill for floor consideration,� Congresswoman Bordallo said.

Majority Leader Hoyer is an original cosponsor of the bill.  H.R. 1595 is one of a total of 17 bills scheduled to be debated on the House floor on Monday.  


Remarks at the Guam Chamber of Commerce Meeting on May 31, 2006                           

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo
Remarks at the Guam Chamber of Commerce
General Membership Meeting
May 31, 2006

"The Future is Bright"

Hafa Adai!

When I think about where we were a few years ago, where we are today, and where we will be in a few short years, I think about the song that goes, "the future's so bright, I gotta wear my shades."

Thank you for inviting me to address you today. It is a pleasure to be here. This is an exciting time for Guam, and for Guam's businesses.

Guam is poised to receive a significant amount of federal investment to support an increased military presence. The increase in spending on Guam and the benefits associated with having more military personnel and their families promises to breathe new life and renewed strength into our economy.

This development also presents certain challenges to our community, to our government, and to all of you. I appreciate having an opportunity today to share my thoughts with you on how we can approach these challenges together and on how can use them as an opportunity to strengthen our community.

We have suffered through difficult times recently, and we are recovering. Large federal capital investment and other spending on Guam is a welcome prospect. This level of investment may ultimately surpass the booms of the past. It will make noticeable, positive impacts to our economy. And these impacts will drive our economy for many years to come.

Guam is on the leading edge of a wave of economic activity. It is imperative that we take full advantage of these opportunities.

These new opportunities require us to have a more focused approach to growth. Our planning efforts - those of public and private sector stakeholders - must be coordinated with the military's efforts.

I say this because work on the details of this investment has only just begun. The full scope of what is needed here on Guam has yet to be announced or, perhaps, determined. As this process unfolds, we will know more specifics and we are already learning how local infrastructure will have to interface with the planned growth.

So, I want to take this opportunity to caution everyone from fixating on specific dollar figures. The U.S. government budget process and that of the government of Japan must still approve the final dollar levels agreed to recently.

These processes are complicated and will take time to play out. For example, it is important to remember that the relocation of Marines to Guam is part of a broader package of military transformation that includes significant relocation of forces within Japan.

But regardless of what the final dollar figure for this build-up will be, we know that it will be significantly larger than anything our island has experienced in recent years. Let me briefly discuss what we know today about the anticipated build-up.

The United States Government and the Government of Japan have made a commitment to move 8,000 U.S. Marines and their estimated 9,000 family members to Guam. This realignment is the product of hard work done by many, including Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Richard Lawless. As you know, Secretary Lawless and Lieutenant General Dan Leaf, Deputy Commander of the United States Pacific Command, visited Guam last week to discuss this issue with leaders here. Preliminary planning forecasts that the movement of the Marines and the necessary construction projects to support them will be completed over the course of five to seven years, hopefully beginning around 2008.

Although it will be a couple of years before this agreement is implemented, Guam will see a significant growth in military construction projects starting this year. Guam will receive $209 million dollars worth of military construction in FY 07. This is a $119 million dollar increase over last year's military construction on Guam.

This year's increase is a part of the overall plan to develop capacity on Guam in advance of the larger bulk of military construction that is planned for Guam. That is, the Department of Defense recognizes that it must ramp-up capabilities on Guam - it's a 'rolling start', if you will.

This 'rolling start' includes expediting important projects at Andersen Air Force Base and Naval Base Guam. Accelerating the construction projects associated with establishing a global strike force capability at Andersen is one example of this 'rolling start'. Apra Harbor will also be the site of 'rolling start' work, in order to prepare its facilities there for increased use.

Although the majority of the funds will be made available in future years, increased investment on Guam begins this year. While we have adequate time to prepare, we do not have the luxury of extra time.

I made this point yesterday at my town hall meeting on small business. I want to repeat it today: preparation is crucial.  I believe that the benefits of this investment will benefit our community, directly and indirectly.

To complete contracts - whether large or small - funds will be used to buy a wide range of goods and services on island. These purchases will be distributed across all sectors of our island's economy. In short, increased military will not be limited to the construction sector. These new dollars will move through our economy - generating revenues, growing our tax base, creating jobs, and increasing economic opportunity.

For instance, it is estimated that this move will net GovGuam approximately $50 million dollars in additional income tax revenue, raising Section 30 revenues to well above $100 million per year.

Additional tax revenues from construction and service contracts will flow to the Government of Guam. To enhance tax enforcement, I will be meeting later today with the Director of Revenue and Taxation, Art Ilagan, to inform Rev and Tax that federal contract awards can be tracked by utilizing the Federal Procurement Data System. This database can provide Rev and Tax all the information needed to begin aggressive tax enforcement for off-island firms to ensure compliance with Guam tax laws, thereby leveling the playing field for all businesses and increasing local revenues.

Retail, service, hospitality industries will also receive increased revenues, as more consumers will be on island, shopping, dining-out, participating in recreational activities, and enjoying all that our community has to offer.

I agree, however, that open and frank discussions regarding the impacts this sizeable increase to our island's population will make are needed. Having these discussions will be a crucial part of our planning and preparation process.

I believe that we can work through any social impacts this relocation will require. In the end, I am confident that Guam will welcome the Marines and their family members into our community.

A second concern that we should address is the fear that off-island firms will gobble up all the big contracts. Granted, some of these contracts will be so large that they exceed the capacity of local firms. But, within those large contracts there will be subcontracting opportunities. Local firms should be well prepared to successfully bid for such opportunities and to partner with other firms. Other contracts will be smaller allowing local firms to compete successfully for these contracts. Participation by Guam's small businesses in programs such as the Historically Underutilized Business Zone program - or HUBZone program - will be one way they can compete more successfully for prime and sub-contracts.

Legislation that I had included in last year's transportation bill allows for eligible small businesses located anywhere on Guam to qualify for certification as a HUBZone company. 

But there certainly will be stiff competition for this work. Small firms from off-island will compete against you. Being a HUBZone certified company will help you be successful and gives you a "home field advantage".

A third and major concern is the labor issue. I have written to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao to request additional job training assistance, and I have discussed this issue with the Governor and with Defense officials. We are all on the same page. We have to ramp up job training programs that will anticipate the future needs. While the local workforce will not be adequate to meet all the needs and will have to be supplemented with temporary labor, it is in our island's interest to maximize our own labor pool.

We should also review the prevailing wage rate system and make the necessary adjustments so that we will attract our local people to the new jobs.

We have a lot on our plate, but let me say that having to contend with issues relating to economic growth is far better than dealing with a recession.

On last thought - I just want to remind us all that the military exists to defend our freedom and to provide the security for our prosperity. I have been to Iraq seven times, and when I get back to Washington, I will be going on my eighth trip to Iraq to visit our troops. Everywhere I go I meet servicemen and women from Guam, in the Army, Air Force, Navy, and yes, the Marines. I am so proud of the job that they are doing and their commitment to their mission. I want to close by showing you a brief video of our men and women serving in the Global War on Terrorism.

Thank you. God Bless America. God Bless Guam.

A Real And Present Unconscionable Remote Administrative Regional Chamorro-Wedging Irritation

Northern Mariana Islands

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Northern Mariana Islands, officially the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), is a commonwealth in political union with the United States of America located at a strategic location in the western Pacific Ocean. It consists of 15 islands about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to the Philippines, at 15�1′2″N, 145�4′5″E. The United States Census Bureau reports the total land area of all islands as 463.63 km� (179.01 sq mi).

It has a population of 80,362 (2005 estimate). The official 2000 census count was 69,221 [1]. Of note is that the Northern Mariana Islands have the highest female to male sex ratio in the world, with an average of 77 men to every 100 women. This is due to the overwhelming female majority of foreign workers, especially in the garment industry.

Geography and climate

        Wikimedia Atlas of the Northern Mariana Islands, holding maps related to the Northern Mariana Islands.

The Northern Mariana Islands, together with Guam to the south, comprise the Mariana Islands.

The southern islands are limestone with level terraces and fringing coral reefs; the northern islands are volcanic, with active volcanoes on Anatahan, Pagan and Agrihan. The volcano on Agrihan is the highest elevation in the islands at 965 meters. About one-fifth of the land is arable, another tenth is permanent pasture. The primary natural resource is fish, which causes conflict with the protection of endangered species. Past development has created landfills that must be cleaned up and has caused contamination of groundwater on Saipan, which may contribute to disease.

Anatahan Volcano is a small volcanic island located 120 km (80 miles) north of Saipan Island and 320 km (200 miles) north of Guam. The island is about 9 km (5.6 miles) long and 3 km (2 miles) wide. Anatahan began erupting suddenly from its east crater on May 10, 2003 at about 5:00 p.m. (17:00h). Since then it has continued to alternate between eruptive and calm periods. On April 6, 2005, approximately 50,000 cubic meters of ash and rock were ejected, causing a large, black cloud to drift southward over Saipan and Tinian. Recent eruptions have caused some commercial flights to re-route.

The islands have a tropical marine climate moderated by seasonal northeast trade winds. There is little seasonal temperature variation; the dry season runs from December to June, and the rainy season from July to October can include typhoons. The Guinness Book of World Records has cited Saipan as having the most equable temperature in the world. [2]


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European Occupiers

The first European exploration of the area was that led by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, who landed on nearby Guam and claimed the islands for Spain. After being met offshore and accepting the refreshments offered to them by the native Chamorros, the latter then in exchange helped themselves to a small boat belonging to Magellan's fleet. This led to a cultural clash because in the old Chamorro culture there was little if any private property and to take something that one needed such as a boat to fish with may not have been considered thievery in the eyes of the local population.

Due to this cultural misunderstanding, around half a dozen locals were killed and a village of 40 homes burned before the boat was retrieved, and the archipelago subsequently acquired the ignominious name Islas de los Ladrones ("Islands of the Thieves").

Three days after he had arrived, Magellan fled the archipelago under attack--a portentous beginning to its relationship with the Spanish. The islands were henceforth considered by Spain to be annexed and therefore under their governance, from the Philippines, as part of the Spanish East Indies. The Spanish built a Royal Palace in Guam for the Govenor of the Islands (its remains can still be seen in 2006).

Guam was an important stop-over from Mexico for galleons carrying gold and other between the Philippines and Spain. There are several unfound sunken Spanish galleons off Guam.

In 1668 the islands were renamed by Padre Diego Luis de Sanvitores to Las Marianas after Mariana of Austria, widow of Spain's Philip IV.

Nearly all of the islands' native population (90%-95%)[citation needed] died out under Spanish rule, but new settlers, primarily from the Philippines and the Caroline Islands, were brought in to repopulate the islands. Despite this, the Chamorro population did gradually resurge, and Chamorro, Filipino and Carolinian language and ethnic differences remain basically distinct in the Marianas to this day.

The Marianas came under German contol for a brief period when Spain sold them to Germany, exclusive of Guam. In 1919 the Japanese invaded and occupied these islands and the League of Nations, pre-cursor of the United Nations, awarded them to Japan by mandate.

Japanese Possession

The Empire of Japan captured Guam during World War II and Japanese governance of the Islands moved to Guam. The Japanese annexation of the Marianas was not popular among its residents, and the Japanese forces have been accused of atrocities during their occupation of the islands, including the torture and killing of the residents of Guam and the Northern Marianas.[citation needed]

American Takeover

In 1944, the United States Marines invaded Guam at great cost of life. From the sea, the Japanese fortresses were not evident, and the Marines were largely mowed down by Japanese defenses as they approached. The Marines were successful and also took over Saipan and islands further north. The Japanese commander wrote a letter to Emperor Hirohito apologizing for the loss of the islands and then committed seppuku (hara-kiri / traditional Japanese form of ritual suicide).

On June 15, 1944, during World War II, U.S. Marines landed on the islands and eventually won the bitterly fought three-week Battle of Saipan. The Marianas were a critical part of the last chapter of the war, as Tinian provided the take off point for the bombing of Hiroshima.

As an unusual sidenote, the war did not end for everyone with the signing of the armistice. As of 1972, Shoichi Yokoi, a Japanese soldier, had been hiding out near the village of Talofofo since WWII. He was the last soldier on active military duty when the Japanese left Guam, and his family thought that he had been killed in action.

The Commonwealth

After Japan's defeat, the islands were administered by the United States as part of the United Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; thus, defense and foreign affairs are the responsibility of the U.S. The people of the Northern Mariana Islands decided in the 1970s not to seek independence, but instead to forge closer links with the U.S. Negotiations for territorial status began in 1972. A covenant to establish a commonwealth in political union with the U.S. was approved in 1975. A new government and constitution went into effect in 1978.


Main article: Politics of the Northern Mariana Islands

Politics of the Northern Mariana Islands takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic system, whereby the Governor is head of government, and of a pluriform multi-party system. The Northern Mariana Islands are a commonwealth in political union with the United States. Federal funds to the Commonwealth are administered by the Office of Insular Affairs of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Repeating the separation of powers in other U.S. territories and state governments, executive power is exercised by the Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands. Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Legislature. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislative branches.

However, politics in the Northern Mariana Islands is often "more a function of family relationships and personal loyalities" where the size of one's extended family is more important than a candidate's personal qualifications. Some critics, including the author of, charge that this is nepotism carried out within the trappings of democracy. [3] [4].

The Northern Mariana Islands have also come into the news recently due to their connection to the scandals involving Jack Abramoff and allegedly former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay [5]. As a direct result of lobbying by Abramoff and associates, the Northern Mariana Islands received special federal subsidies. [6] As well, Congressman Bob Ney allegedly received free trips to the Northern Mariana Islands from Abramoff, in violation of federal law. [7]

The Northern Marianas Islands are also the site of another controversy involving Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA), Jack Abramoff, and Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA) and the alleged links to the Saipan Garment Manufacturers Association and the Northern Mariana Islands, role in stopping legislation aimed at cracking down on sweatshops and sex shops� on the islands in 2001.

The Northern Marianas Islands allegedly harbor the most abusive labor practices of anywhere in the United States. According to the progressive think tank American Progress Action Fund, "Human 'brokers' bring thousands there to work as sex slaves and in cramped sweatshop garment factories where clothes (complete with 'Made in U.S.A.' tag) have been produced for all the major brands."[1]

Political status

In 1947, the Northern Mariana Islands became part of the post-World War II United Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI). The United States became the TTPI's administering authority under the terms of a trusteeship agreement. In 1976, Congress approved the mutually negotiated Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) in Political Union with the United States. The CNMI Government adopted its own constitution in 1977, and the constitutional government took office in January 1978. The Covenant was fully implemented on November 3, 1986, pursuant to Presidential Proclamation no. 5564, which conferred United States citizenship on legally qualified CNMI residents.

On December 22, 1990, the Security Council of the United Nations terminated the TTPI as it applied to the CNMI and five other the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Yap)] of the TTPI's original seven districts.

Under the Covenant, in general, Federal law applies to CNMI. However, the CNMI is outside the customs territory of the United States and, although the internal revenue code does apply in the form of a local income tax, the income tax system is largely locally determined. According to the Covenant, the federal minimum wage and federal immigration laws "will not apply to the Northern Mariana Islands except in the manner and to the extent made applicable to them by the Congress by law after termination of the Trusteeship Agreement" [8]

On September 23, 2004, Congressman Richard Pombo of California introduced H.R. 5135 - the Northern Mariana Islands Delegate Act. The bill, had it become law, would have allowed CNMI to elect a non-voting delegate to the United States House of Representatives starting with the 2006 election. The bill died at the end of the 108th Congress. But, on February 18, 2005, the Delegate Act was reintroduced by Pombo with a new number, H.R. 873. [9]

1st Session

H. R. 873

To provide for a nonvoting delegate to the House of Representatives to represent the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and for other purposes.


February 17, 2005

Mr. POMBO (for himself, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. CASE, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. DOOLITTLE, Mr. CARDOZA, Mr. WALDEN of Oregon, Mr. FORTUN.AE6O, Mr. REHBERG, Mr. RADANOVICH, Mr. COLE of Oklahoma, Mr. GILCHREST, and Mr. CANTOR) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Resources


To provide for a nonvoting delegate to the House of Representatives to represent the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Northern Mariana Islands Delegate Act'.


The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands shall be represented in the United States Congress by the Resident Representative to the United States authorized by section 901 of the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of America (approved by Public Law 94-241 (48 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)). The Resident Representative shall be a nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representatives, elected as provided in this Act.


(a) Electors and Time of Election- The Delegate shall be elected--

(1) by the people qualified to vote for the popularly elected officials of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and

(2) at the Federal general election of 2006 and at such Federal general election every 2d year thereafter.

(b) Manner of Election-

(1) IN GENERAL- The Delegate shall be elected at large and by a plurality of the votes cast for the office of Delegate.

(2) EFFECT OF ESTABLISHMENT OF PRIMARY ELECTIONS- Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if the Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, acting pursuant to legislation enacted in accordance with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, provides for primary elections for the election of the Delegate, the Delegate shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast in any general election for the office of Delegate for which such primary elections were held.

(c) Vacancy- In case of a permanent vacancy in the office of Delegate, the office of Delegate shall remain vacant until a successor is elected and qualified.

(d) Commencement of Term- The term of the Delegate shall commence on the 3d day of January following the date of the election.


To be eligible for the office of Delegate a candidate shall--

(1) be at least 25 years of age on the date of the election;

(2) have been a citizen of the United States for at least 7 years prior to the date of the election;

(3) be a resident and domiciliary of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for at least 7 years prior to the date of the election;

(4) be qualified to vote in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands on the date of the election; and

(5) not be, on the date of the election, a candidate for any other office.


Acting pursuant to legislation enacted in accordance with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands may determine the order of names on the ballot for election of Delegate, the method by which a special election to fill a permanent vacancy in the office of Delegate shall be conducted, the method by which ties between candidates for the office of Delegate shall be resolved, and all other matters of local application pertaining to the election and the office of Delegate not otherwise expressly provided for in this Act.


Until the Rules of the House of Representatives are amended to provide otherwise, the Delegate from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands shall receive the same compensation, allowances, and benefits as a Member of the House of Representatives, and shall be entitled to whatever privileges and immunities are, or hereinafter may be, granted to any other nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representatives.


No provision of this Act shall be construed to alter, amend, or abrogate any provision of the covenant referred to in section 2 except section 901 of the covenant.


For purposes of this Act, the term `Delegate' means the Resident Representative referred to in section 2. END.

Peace and Justice for Guam and the Pacific

Monday, June 18, 2007

Secret Military Memo

1945 secret memo reveals US real intention for Guam
By Mar-Vic Cagurangan
Variety News Staff
June 19, 2007

IF THE U.S. government is making military decisions based on its post-war policy for Guam, then the civilian population might not expect too much help from the federal government when 8,000 Marines arrive from Okinawa because the island�s economic development was the least of its concern.

In a secret memo issued on Nov. 21, 1945, Vice Adm. G.D. Murray, then commander of the Marianas Navy Force, stated that �the economic development and administration of relatively few native inhabitants should be subordinate to the real purpose for which those islands are held.�

�Military control of these islands is essential as their military value far outweighs their economic value,� Murray stated in the three-page memo that recommended the Navy�s control of Guam and other western Pacific islands, including American Samoa.

While recognizing Guam�s strategic importance, Murray said the island�s commercial or industrial value and its resources were �of little or no relative importance to the welfare of the United States.�

�From the military stand point,� Murray said, �a contented healthy and loyal native population contributes a strong link in the strength of those lands as bases.�
Murray described the island natives as �simple people, requiring few of our modern luxuries for their welfare and happiness.�

�The characteristics and nature of the majority of inhabitants on these islands are such that the artificial or forced raising of their standard of living to one approaching that of the United States would be detrimental to their best interest and would contribute little to the safety and welfare of the United States,� Murray said.

The U.S. military government on Guam began on June 21, 1898, with the surrender of Spanish troops. By virtue of the Treaty of Peace signed in Paris on Dec. 10, 1898, Spain ceded Guam, along with the Philippines and Puerto Rico, to the U.S.
Guam was invaded by Japan in 1941, and recaptured by the U.S. on July 21, 1944, which is yearly celebrated on island as �Liberation Day.�

Guam�s strategic location, long recognized by the military, remains to be valuable to the U.S. defense system, hence the unabated military expansion on island.

The business sector welcomes the military buildup, which is touted to generate a construction boom, spur business activities and generate thousands of jobs.
With limited infrastructure on Guam, however, local leaders acknowledge that the island is not prepared to accommodate the influx of population that will be transferred from Okinawa.

Local leaders have not received assurance of federal assistance to aid the civilian population with the need for infrastructure developments and increased supply of water and power.

The 2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act passed by the House of Representatives last week appropriates $345 million only for military construction projects that would accommodate the needs of military personnel stationed on Guam.

The 2008 construction budget only covers projects within the Navy base such as the Kilo Wharf extension, the improvement of security of electrical systems, housing and fitness for Navy personnel, upgrade of the Naval Base Guam wastewater treatment plant, and infrastructure development at Northwest Field.

But just the same, Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo expects the military construction activities to �go a long way in stimulating our economy and new tax revenues from these federal projects will be a significant help to our island once the projects are undertaken.�

(cut ends)
FOR MORE, GOOGLE: (Micronesia Guam Marianas decolonization Militarization)

Alternative World Hood Principality Alert Menu


Pan Chamorro Diplomacy Principality Alert note: Pan Federated Pacific Micronesia Principality, Self Rule and W/S Projects in World Hood Host Ship Alert Menu, are most urgent now.





v     Two military bases on Guam, Andersen Air Force Base (AAFB) and Big Navy, occupies one-third of the land mass on the island of Guam and the potential exists for the U.S. Department of Defense of taking back land that was decommissioned by the military in the 1990s[22][22][1]

v     Plans to increase offensive capability:

         Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Strike Capability� at AAFB involve stationing 12 KC-135 tankers, 4 unmanned Global Hawk surveillance aircraft, and rotating 48 F-22 and F-15E fighters, and six B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers.

v     Influx of military personnel.

o       2008 to 2012- scheduled transfer of 8,000 U.S. Marines from Okinawa that will significantly add to the current Guam population of approximately 160,000 people

o       2014�35,000 estimated population including servicemen, their dependents, and US Department of Defense workers and other staff[23][23][4]


It was recently reported that, as part of the downsizing of American forces in South Korea (12,500 to be withdrawn by 2008), at least one Army battalion may join these 8,000 Marines.[24][24][5]


The influxes in Guam may also bring with them an increase in the military presence and use of the Northern Marianas islands, most notably Tinian.[25][25][6] The United States military already controls nearly 18,000 square meters of the island (nearly 2/3) through leases with the government of the CNMI, and has used it regularly for small training exercises. According to Governor Fitial, the Department of Defense has already informed him that the 8,000 Marines coming from Okinawa (due to space shortage on Guam) will be doing their live-fire and jungle warfare training on Tinian.[26][26][7]


These troop movements out of �contested� bases in South Korea and Okinawa into politically �uncontested� ones, in the American colonies/territories in the Pacific (Guam, CNMI, Hawai�i ) is being accompanied by a slow but certain re-introduction of American troops into The Philippines. In October of this year, 1,000 Filipino soldiers from the Marines, Navy and Air Force and 2,000 of their American counterparts will hold bilateral/cooperative amphibious exercise in the northern Philippines.[27][27][8]


Despite guarantees that the United States Military in Guam will not seek to expand or extend beyond its existing footprint, the military is already making plans for the taking of civilian lands. The lands most in danger of being seized are ironically enough lands around the Finegayan area which first were taken from Chamorros following World War II, and then returned several years ago.[28][28][9]



v     Cultural/Social/Political Impacts

o       Militarization infringes on the human rights to self-determination of the indigenous people, the Chamorros.The U.S.A, as the administering power and the major creator of the United Nations in 1946, is legally and morally responsible under international law to respect and comply with the United Nations Charter General Assembly resolutions to decolonize Guam by the year 2010[29][29][12]

o       There is little to no discussion of how these military buildups, and the substantial population increases they bring with them, will affect the political landscape of all of the Marianas Islands? For example, in Tinian there are less than a thousand eligible voters at present, what will the political impact be if hundreds of perhaps thousands of military personnel are stationed there?

o       Increased militarization increases the targeting of our island home by potential adversaries of the U.S.A and places our people in danger of annihilation and genocide[30][30][13]

o       Loss of language due to banning of the Chamorro language before World War II has greatly influenced rapid loss of culture

o       Proposed educational curriculum to teach military history to lessen the resistance to increased militarization, when no strong curriculum exists to teach Chamorro language and culture[31][31][14]

o       Rapid displacement and development of the indigenous peoples as second-class citizens in their homeland�increase incidence of families selling lands in order to pay for property taxes and living expenses


v     Economic Impacts

o       Increased cost of living due to significant increase in population.

o       Military personnel stationed on Guam receive Overseas Housing Allowances (OHA) for living off-base, which range from $1700 - $5,000 depending on their rank and marital status, far higher than the monthly housing budget of the majority of Guam residents. This purchasing power combined with the increased terms of rotation (3 years) is already leading to a flurry of military purchasing of properties, which has been steadily driving real estate prices up since 20003.[32][32][15]

o       Corporate carpetbaggers such as Home Depot are already setting up shop on Guam in order to take advantage of the anticipated military construction boom. The lack of a managed economy on Guam in instances such as this ensures that the majority of the economic benefits from this military increase will be horded by off-island businesses and corporations, at the expense of local businesses which don�t have the benefit of multi-national capital.

o       Burden of improving and expanding infrastructure that will benefit all, civilians and military, is borne by local residents; water rates are expected to increase 40% to pay for a recent $103 million revenue bond to improve the water system[33][33][16] Recent statements from the Department of Defense indicate that decreases in the quality of life (in particular in terms of infrastructure) outside of military fences as a result of increased military presence in Guam will not be the financial concern or responsibility of the Department of Defense or the Federal Government.[34][34][17]

o       Privatization/militarization agenda of politically well-connected leaders of the Guam Chamber of Commerce[35][35][18] will create greater hardships on a population in which 23% are below the federally-defined poverty level[36][36][19]

















Scheduled as outgoing to cherished recipients

The World Hood Pan Chamorro Peace and Benevolent Dominus Order of Co-National Taotaomona Overseas Watch Practitioners

This Dominus Recognition establishes your personal Dominatory Presence, leadership contribution and watch enthusiasm within our Affairs and Domain as significantly welcome and encouraged; and for which our watch honor, pleasure and respect, are freely directed and bestowed to you, �Dom So �n� So�, meritorious amongst Emerging and Amassing Pan Marianas Archipelago Overseas Man-Affamaulek Welcome Willing.

May in the Grace and the Love of Our Omnipotent God, our assertive and collective self-enhancing peace initiatives, attitude, dreams, outreach, damage control, commonwealth, good, plenty and protected path continually, find purposefully imperative and communally federated host-umbrella-equity absolutes in maturity, of our pronounced:

1.       Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago Sovereignty Attention, Application and Destination;

2.       Acceptance of World Hood Co-nationally Charged Responsibility and Accountability; and

3.       Ever-Present Propriety and Essence in Self-Governing Statehood Authority, Collective Act as Host and Managed Man-Affamaulek Show Case, for our God Given Blessing of World Hood Region and Measure, Specific.


To best ingest herein, the alternative WORLD HOOD MTX IPO presentation, please hold even as this, is an American Moment, a celebration of values, as old and as majestic as the respect to noun hood, that long before there were a United States, a United Nations and a good many historical happenstances, bench marks and presented accounts according to their source specifics there, is a real and present Pan Chamorro / Pan Marianas Archipelago with it�s maturing specifics.

Until here - until now nonetheless, there was never ever, a provisional or an established Pan Chamorro Self-Enhancement expeditionary � observatory - laboratory Initiative with Protective World Hood Man-Affamaulek assertive Leadership Hope and Cure.

I am honored to be enjoying with such tasking, the potential of being co-national in a world hood community environment, where our collective self-enhancement can as baseline, give hope to shared humanness in God�s Grace flowing as Participatory Positive Project Process, Amend�; or are we, to allow the nest text of edited D/N/A�?

What would our valued choice be, as cocooned as we all, are?

The wholesomeness and the comfort of an Ameriknesian of One�s loving personal tooling, awareness and journey in a World Hood Self-Enhancement via God, are to contribute towards balance due with established baseline: (A) as one people celebrating and co-habiting a region specific, (B) with sovereignty intact and absolute, (C) in national equity and majesty from God, never as yet a party historically in loss-in surrender-in forfeiture, (D) from here and now responsibly and accountably asserting non-violent alternative; and this-The World Hood Self-Enhancing Leadership Re-development with propriety, majesty, goodwill and enthusiasm for placement ultimately in universal peace from a region specific with each and all established welcome willing, can remain a Jelling American Moment, a World Hood Man-Affamaulek Discipline and tactically a Licensing Damage Control Gem.

We simply have to embrace a reality;that the opportunity truly exists; that a seed, a baby step and an acceptance to mature with one�s collective selves and one�s regional specifics with political will;to hold therefore a one Pan Marianas Chamorro People of a region absolute with majesty as host; and to separate from the abomination of a perpetuating foreign or colonizing imagery � a �Northern and Something Else Marianas� non sense.

What we have here, is an Overseas Self-Enhancement Apparatus of a respected specific regional people in a World Hood Absolute ultimately, managing accountable responsibilities for their collective God Given Regional Stewardship and commonwealth, their co-national trusts � affairs and potentials, their world hood hope � share - purpose � path � opportunity - application and their majestic proprietary essence, only show cased and strategically wrapped with offering of imperative initiatives for historical correctness, maturing self-enhancement and damage control, all in and as a definitive sovereign statehood enthroned with absolute Man-Affamaulek Hospitality.

Before God we are with His Provision in Providence sovereign and accorded with regional trust, right and stewardship over one people�s commonwealth in Grace; there is no further validating necessary or needed from any contemporary entity or principality for authority, permission or form, but for resolve with immediate responsible, accountable and loving application for His Glory; and how fitting that ours, in PAN MARIANAS ARCHIPELAGO, as host with yet to be organized and restructured commonwealth, is a fundamental path, mapping and tasking of Children-to-Leadership imperative.

State of Pan Chamorro World Hood Self-enhancing Affairs, Application, Damage Control and Destination as a Watch-Work in Progress Be-it-all we the people, recognizing that with any aspiration for State Hood or for other such closer co-national association with the Federation of American Governing System, it is absolute that in the reflection process, the agent of action be exclusively the U.S Congress; however, with respect to the Pan Chamorro Hosting Affairs, in all their dictate and their region specific, nothing has changed; the reflection, has remained that of the indigenous Pan Chamorro.

Given then with transparency, with purposeful watch, with form and with smile I as a Chamorro Elder overseas in exile, would dare with the Grace of an Omnipotent God, to initiate herein positive political project process, embracing and engaging in hope, a deliberate path taking charge with our show case of our region specific in a World Hood Absolute Leadership Overseas Application.

Our world hood class human race assembly potential, as well as, again our championing from there of all unmatched commonwealth promotion responsibly and accountably can lovingly, jell all affairs and aspiration of one maturing and self-enhancing Chamorro Man-Affamaulek Collective Host Ship, in a World Hood Absolute Survival Human Right Enthusiasm and Application.

A Children to Leadership concern all-for-it, transitioning protected deliberation, ultimately with reflection, would step up holding any and all viable sensitive measure in:

    • The mapping and voting for region wide leadership, staging and governance condo-infrastructure comparable to any world class measure.
    • The identifying and recalling of all national economic resources and control.

The Structuring of Income and Industrialization Mapping and the strategic establishment of :

  • Comprehensive common defense system, application and destination;
  • National Redevelopment Bank;
  • Academy for World Hood Prep. and Attention;
  • Air-Land-Sea Transportation Network, System and Resources;
  • Welcome Willing recognition, registration and destination;
  • American Theme Park and Reservation promotion and integration;
  • Floating Commonwealth Redevelopment Bond;
  • The ultimate upholding of proprietary and universal right to self-govern; and
  • Pan Chamorro Damage Control of Life�s pursuit of happiness.

I additionally find comforting as an American:

A- This American federated establishment aka: United States of America, has been with very few exceptions, the best social experiment, as a leadership opportunity to come around; more than anything previously; and it has accorded and valiantly protected its citizenry and those many others in our resent and present world hood, with opportunities, motive and environment where the human spirit, the venue and the charged choice of any individual�s moment, can translate to a public statement, act or inducement having hold the same measure, respect and attention for all other�s equivalency without fear, intimidation or reprisal.
B- We won�t suggest ever even that the world, in the same given timeframe, would have been better at some other real or imaginary dominant leadership candidate�s try and resources.

Nonetheless, in order to halt any and all continuing significant remote U.S. Government misdirection, continuing hurt, and in anticipation of reversing critical attention with which an Act of Deliberate Protocol is exercised, to immediately adjust concern for cure of any and all unfortunate given, Chamorro Survival Damage Control, if it even needs to be a unilateral self-enhancing political application, is wontedly prayed for.

From the Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Co-National Overseas Watch effort we, recognize that after all the years under the administrative care and initiative of the U.S. Government, a significant tale of development, draws an imbalance with the expected benevolence.

The Chamorro people, their sovereignty, their commonwealth and their world hood regional specific with their absolute right to develop in maturity for their self governing of themselves, of their commonwealth, of their aspiration and of their national affairs in a world hood absolute, have all unacceptably suffered from crippling anemic measure, attitude and distribution of destination for their being the expecting one original and absolute host where as yet, only an ever accumulatively chronic under development, a mal producing attention, an unconscionable misguidance with divisiveness, intrusion and mismanagement are apparent and forthcoming.

These performances of the stanza as under tones, have made only ever further complex, the even minimal blossoming fulfillment of a specific region people�s comfort, redevelopment, recalibration, growth, enthusiasm, destination; likewise, the collective�s want of aspiring participatory national and of world hood self government leadership attainment, as awaited from Washington D.C. are sill without warranted attention or action. A sensitive, yet curative maturing reunification imperatives as were the fortunes and experiences of significant others amongst post WWII or of more recently acquired allied beneficiaries, are unbelievably not even in the radar as a work in progress.

A co-national relationship damage control in good faith, could assure escaping from yields, political acts and remote infrastructures that otherwise would only be causing suspicions of unwelcome selfish stealth like, self-fulfilling imperialistic intents as those that, would commit collectively, a looming of an unwelcome ugly genocidal pattern or approaching degenerative discharge beyond benevolence. Hence a people�s co-national alarm, gives propriety to self-enhancement, here and now a unilateral initiative for survival.

Man-affamaulek plenipotentiary, with self-enhancement imperative specific, tasking unanimity, support, enthusiasm and alliance that, acts and that, showcases for co-national commonwealth oversea authority placement, for participatory adjustment towards the inclusiveness of world hood cure specific, for the very hemispheric majesty-propriety-presence and for application with every Chamorro Taotaomona�s to the other�s signature contribution as ultimate leadership collective empowerment; facilitating the intergeneration leadership self enhancing children to leadership expeditionary-observatory-laboratory world hood apparatus, as an application that, should lend all appropriate opportunities to give value and self enhancing redevelopment as products of a people�s collective act, dealing with the co-national commonwealth real and present enthusiasm-accountability-support-systems in the total collective cure initiatives�;and with God�s Guidance, to make appropriate our comprehensively celebrating and amassing of any and all, as ours from our Omnipotent God, as the crowning purposeful attention, presence, response and awareness application specifically of/by/for the Welcome Willing overseas ChamorroTaotaomona elders, sons and daughters, engaged with their collective self enhancement while contributing our very own Hafa Adai Man - Affamaulekfor the definitive cure, the maturity and an established More Perfect Union.


Every Pan Chamorro individual with contribution, can embrace the fundamental opportunity to self-enhance as a new born child, the magnificence, that a Pan Chamorro Welcome Willing Children To Leadership Growth Presence, renders unto the very life and the very world hood convergence from God as a celebration, a trust, a choice, an engagement, a responsibility and an accountability in specifics that are personal, real and present in His Universe amidst His creation, from His Omnipotence with love, mercy, grace and for His Intended Glory and Pleasure.





The ultimate Chamorro Man-Affamaulek

Taotaomona-Trust Currency, at last with established baby steps of show cased World Hood alternative self-enhancement leadership initiative, enthusiasm and accountability, defines the real and present PUG (Paradise under God) Cure Dynamics� the Chamorro Man-Affamaulek Regional Hostship�s charged protection, damage control alarm and sensitivity; are pronouncedly the active indigenous home rule, self-enhancing expeditionary � observatory �laboratory application and growth full co-habitation disciplines; and that, are never lacking with maturing alternative leadership intent.

The emerging spirited Welcome Willing, are those with us as intergeneration Indigenous Host Dominus, the Established Practitioners, in exile and/or in co-habitation, here and now in the Community of Nations, in the World Hood Absolute with enhanced energy or potential that do champion and do celebrate, as the Charged Self Enhancing Man-Affamaulek, because they:

  • are those with us, applying charged � purposed proprietary self empowerment, to assure survival and protection for our collective self-respect, regional affairs, commonwealth, trusts, support,comforting, curing with each of ourselves to the other, expectedly universal; self-governing our every presentation, to be ever rich with lasting not-to-be-abused or miscalculated, lavishing exhibits of personal giving; induced with managed sense ofobligation, of responsibility and of accountability to a Real Presence;
  • are those with us expecting without demand, to flow care, provision, attention, facilitation, and satisfaction that all are, to be so exercised and forthcoming to alleles of same, as product of His Established Essence, Goodwill, Indisputable Presence; and are those with us who, would remain guardians, ultimately for our Children To Leadership Co-National Positive-Project-Process.
  • and are those with us who have benefited by the Love and Grace of God; who�re invited to develop the practice of factoring a significant measure of deliberate tolerance and of assured comfort, in thinking and promoting of inclusive, managed and comprehensive set of allowances, where as Elders within Pan Marianas Archipelago Overseas Provisional Social / Political Co-national Infrastructure and Apparatus, a form of self-enhancement but assertive fundamental leadership initiative is transparent, as well as expected.

There are these analogies I would at this time use, to dramatize what development path potentials we as a people, would be customarily comfortable in interactive social and behavioral application.

A)    To react as elements of a living cure; just like after any catastrophic calamity where we, take all necessary initiatives and leadership automatically to rebuild with all deliberation as an absolute; and here and now I humbly offer a path through a provisional self governance in exile continuing a hosting watch, alternative interactive and responsive leadership for collective focus on self-enhancement, resolve and adjusted to be a living and growing unanimity ratio.

B)     We collectively assert executive empowerment appropriately deep with plenipotentiary over things with overseas watch, adjustment, cure, provisional hardware, infrastructure and purposeful redevelopment.

C)    The challenge is shared responsibly to the finish, by a host of federated man-affamaulek for a tasked fluidity.

D)    Then we in Glorifying the Lord for our very collective Blessing, embrace our Tomorrows; enjoying the appropriateness of hence, the overseas alternative Positive Project Process Celebration.

E)     Witnessing Children who would be first framed as followers, to then be leaders and those disciplined to depend, to mature and to be ultimately depended upon.

F)     In position of measured prominence you and I, are here and now the welcome willing in America; our dreams bridge the amassment of acquired wonderment through man-affamaulek initiatives and resolves; we have a World Hood opportunity; and yes, I am one with you, dead center sharing responsibility and accountability for our very curing growth.

G)    Our potential is suggested by the choices of cultured reciprocating - equity full co-national overseas reserved measures, application and their appropriate collectively crafted yield.

H)    The impact intended would therefore encase the presentation as given and as an absolute reaction, separation or their lack of the same, of a cultured people�s statement from a region specific as a world hood man-affamaulek showcase with leadership, specificity and curing intent.

For their honor and respect, we co-nationally dedicate ourprotected fully-salvaged ancestral pride and love, as our collective home rule regional discipline, application, propriety, license, measured sharing, and correspondingly reciprocating care, statement, act, and One-People Chamorro Contribution to a Man-Affamaulek World Hood Enthusiasm with show case.

For any entity or for any of its initiatives to be definitively worthwhile, the need to openly relate, to review and to interact must at least, be developing� to ultimately exhibit that after all, is said and done, there is to be no ambiguity.

The emerging Chamorro home rule managed support of US Military�s presence and mission, has just been enhanced with appropriately managed guest intents, mapping, flow, extension and/or exit preconditions; and ultimately showcasing as an opportunity, the simplicity in all where with the welcome willing, God is made first in focused comfort � self-worth � self-determination � peace, assuring children to leadership tasking / self-enhancement specifics / industrialized resources for military support systems and organized commonwealth cohabitation imperatives, as alternative relationship applications and protocol in a world hood absolute.

Let�s dream crazy before we all failed, to mature not realizing it�s a worse future for our children�s hope, if all commonwealth left in our trust, die without a dream.

As a people we in pride testimonial like, shall make this positive, challenging, but appropriate world hood statement, �we lasted this long and this is not a mistake; it�s the Will and Pleasure of God; and despite anyone�s reflection on interpreted historical happenstance, don�t one fail, to respect the Intent.�

Why not opportunistically an application of WORLD HOOD ABSOLUTE PAN CHAMORRO MARIANAS ARCHIPELAGO MAN-AFFAMAULEK TAOTAOMONA�Smerited self-renewed sense of collectivity; our own responsible and designed industrialization, trade, commerce and joint ventures, following for accountability as regional host, a processed study and solid concurrence, with a fitting dose of unanimity � one front?

I�ll lead alone if need be.

Again, view my proposition as an opportunity, no more.

We can surface with our children in merit, �well provided for, as a people with organized, managed, and protected commonwealth, Man-Affamaulek and God.�

Bring out your ledgers for baby steps.




In one billion seconds, there are accumulatively (31 years), ( 259 days), (1 hour), (46 minutes), and (40 seconds); so where 1 second would equal 1 US$, theoretically to earn 1-B(US)$ in this continuous period of "no rest slaving," one should get a job that pays $86,400 per continuous 24 hour; but even at that, to stay productively in schedule, one'saccumulative gross income at the 30th year�s end, should stay no less than $977,616,000, free and clear and to still be with personal endurance additionally, to last just another� 259 days � 1 hour - 46 minutes - 40 seconds, thence claim with million others by then billionaire hood.


Man-Affamaulek, don�t even dream 1-T(US)$; that ONE TRILLION SECONDS, breaks down to get this� (317 centuries), (9 years), (289 days), (1 hour), (46 minutes) and (40 seconds).




Please find the showcasing of this website�s current and apparent state of construction for this given unique Co-National Commonwealth relationship redevelopment, to establish its whereabouts, the re-direction of Host-to-Guest protocol sensitivity, its imperative self-enhancement, its prayer to co-nationally define an alternative potential world hood leadership engagement, its path and the very proprietary essence.

Reflection on unique regional specific historical given:

The significant specific regional relationship of again another historical happenstance, apparent co-habitation and partnership maturation with cherished respect, with mutual Man-Affamaulek resources, with shared alliance and with acknowledged equality as apparent guest and host, but with separation of majesty for definitive contribution and support by each sovereignty to the other.

Maturation to initial enhancement:

Maturation to embrace historical, political and social inertia:

Maturation to any and all of specific sensitive self-enhancement tasking and protocol for mutual survival adjustment or re-direction; and subsequently Maturation in a most delicate sense, for relationship self-enhancing redevelopment; but yet in all, with assertive damage control�.:


MISSION STATEMENT: �Hear our calling of leadership living self-enhancement alternative; come focused, dedicated and dignified; not dopy, duped or dumb; with heads up what we shall link is a cured Country, a dream fought and bought by souls of the patriots from yesteryears.

Our worthwhile stewardship with the sensitivity and the enthusiasm established, so that our children would be assured the same values and the same opportunity under God, remains our collective map and dedicated passion.

This American community supports the concerns and the affairs of American patriots and we salute, welcome and celebrate with unrivaled appreciation this significant American Community Linking Moment��

Applied non-violent playerdom enabler / statement / calibration, accountability and responsibility, accommodate the baseline in a universe and in that galaxy of God�s creation, as well as, the design, steadily polishing collective agenda on:

        Living Visionary World Hood Path finding Advocacy Formula And Fundamentals, tied-in with need for near verite truth, attention, purpose, balance, self-reliance, watch, cure, measured expectation, transition and informed enthusiasm more specifically in collective affairs, strategic policies, dreams, choices, parity and reciprocity; inclusive universal keepership damage control � hope � peace � wellness � responsibility andredevelopment as one comprehensive provocatively-pressing real positive-project-process for ultimate adjustment, that all together validate self-worth and redundancy; and in finality significantly impacting any and all tribal clanship, children, immigrants, wards, patriots and states as codified matter of showcased vehicle which, accommodates alternative sustaining world hood commonwealth flow and presence.

Stock, already generalized chivalry, fusion, mutating wonderment sensitivity, leverage, opportunity and galactic magnificence altogether, gelling with sovereignty, integrity, regency, maturity, fulfillment, security, self-reliance, passion at sourcing of humanity�s significant-accumulative peeling/make-over netting of personified Man-Affamaulek Odyssey fundamentals, establishment, entitlement and miracle that smartly, storefront The Significant Greater Blue-Link Zoned Wellness, Stewarded Axis Potential, Vital Aggregate Currency, Human Resources Distributorship, Commonwealth Bank And Basket Market Dynamics With Growth Celebration Extension.


Good Faith Job For All Expeditionary Academia in the enthusiasm, love and honor to God in cares cast (4 hr/day) one surrender � one vote, for managed mutant � dichotomy of Self / Help / Alliance / Resourcefulness / Equity [S-H-A-R-E] of improved relationship, premise with stable storefront, kosher, engaged guest - client organism / consumerism union over related conflict, over focused concern � care � contribution and over all equaling, approximate cure ratio.

If you proactively seek a trek back to paradise, we are your people and for you, we help and hold open the definitive doors of your choices and dreams.

Strategically presenting therefore in exile: The Alternative Pan Co-National Man-Affamaulek under God World Hood Re-development Collective Society, Relief Resources, Systems and Commonwealth Enhancement Applications.

Offering a Real and Present Co-National Invitation, to asses as truly an American Happening, your appreciation and celebration of an alternative world hood application and collective venue with a specific unique tasking menu of a now matured reality.

Focus is now applied with living strategic study, co-national re-development policies and protocol, analysis, review, positioning co-national condominium attitude, baseline, calibration, resources, strategic alliance, placement and start-flow pert for target on co-national damage control based on assessment, on plan and on tasked application with destination, accountability and celebration.

These are made a specific alternative co-national governance statement to which a net reflection, is given what has been virtually over a century long - one sided, no developed definitive indigenous national host-full growth or relationship protocol; needing best a survival man-affamaulek adjustment.

This protected flow made possible by matured and established historical given together with the induced First Man-Affamaulek Commonwealth Galactic World Hood Appreciation Re-Development Bank National Equity, Parity and Proprietary Reciprocity; and all the prices viewed at sight, are those applied galactic fundamental national WORLD HOOD science and industry of self-optimized placement and of our very vehicular condominium host-full-governance complex.


The quiet world hood society self-enhancing MTX damage control studies, initiative and regenerative design on PANCMAMATS / GWHA,A Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile And Under God (Pan Marianas Archipelago Man-Affamaulek Taotaomona Security /Galactic World Hood Apparatus, A Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile And Under God) overseas world hood tripod e-embassy mission of national catch-up in exile statement:

�Still Another Pan ChamorroMarianas Archipelago Man-Affamaulek Co-national Commonwealth Society In Exile Under God Greater Condominium relationship tasking adjustment soonest post century benchmark, but as yet a continuing assertive - collaborative national presence application.

Self-improvement, accessibly competitive interaction and merited comparative self-respect, are duly orchestrated fluidity, in a refined world hood by a people from a unique region perfectly, willing to jointly collaborate towards a purposeful commonwealth venue to fulfill its promised opportunity.

So hear all - whereas dawning proprietary empowerment, essence, presence, self-realization, aspiration, urgency, full focus, attitude, deep resolve, offering, issues, alert, discernment of all relevant rights reserved and proclamation so mega-endearingly, embedded in this A Greater Condominium Relationship Tasking Adjustment Soonest Post Century Benchmark And In Specifically A Prayer So Be All, Now And Ever, Beholding.

Be it now self-evident; I do not advocate alone�

Fellow Man-Affamaulek, we have to preserve and to protect the natural flow of our youth to leadership magnificence and enthusiasm, sensitivity and integrity for survival sake; therefore, observe the most assuring and significant street; and listen, to the apparently ignored poor and to most of all, the unguarded inheritances of the young and the neglected.

These themselves are functions of worthy primate lineage that we, are destined to exact; to nourish and to protect with dutiful openness even, as radically negative but, in that very established relevance, as always these therefore, be framed limpid redevelopments with God�s grace in totality.

Staying harmonious with power or with energy evident of responsive matrix-connection and approving by all selves� what, where, who, when and why that ultimately each to the other, shall be in that perfection as the Originator of all things good and plenty; with beauty, creativity, growth, kindness; but, love with courageous Man-Affamaulek Under God Receptivity For Purposeful Intelligence be it visible and be it invisible, punctuates universality.

Man-Affamaulek under God, the Ameriknesians plus select American cure fundamental via applied strategic system and sensitivity assessment, does equal all its applicability as galactic world hood provisional boutique leadership outreach, for storefront IPO on redevelopment ratio and for situational cure.�









I have found now as an alternative re-constituted the...

Provisional / Re-developmental Greater Stellar States System


The Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Taotaomona Co-National Society; the following statement to be empowering, licensing, acceptable, agreeable and soundly viable as a state in the affairs of a people of a definitive region, despite all historical accounts of separate impacting visitation series upon again this very people and despite significant forms and measures of other's creative and accommodating imperialistic agenda and potentials all in historical sensitive stanza in their representative engagement applied accordingly and their interacting as such with the hebetated but maturing indigenous host-full governance perspectives, rendering these icons as path for cures yearned and as application immediately imperative:

Therefore to energize the national playership precept endowed as a receipt of the people, by the people and for the people, would engage an enduring specific national enthusiasm under God, a self-help-alliance-resourcefulness-equity(S-H-A-R-E), as well as, a proactive-project-process as one such co-national condominium, self-determination application and system with world hood inclusiveness, growth sensitivity and Man-Affamaulek Under God cohesiveness in the new reality.


As a young American who became an Ameriknesian, I was provided with protected significant opportunities; I now submit to you my fellow immigrants and patriots that our children and their children deserved no less.


To task the protection of that very end and to be a collaborator, should you accept the mission, know that nothing worthwhile has to change; Stay a loyal and patriotic American. The challenge is to yet be a better contributing entity, a significant player via a re-developed self help alternative, co-national friendly governance path with more resourceful essence.


There�re real and present S-H-A-R-E Propositions with promise for cure, good and plenty.


There're understanding and enthusiasm.


There're acceptance and protected placement.


There're application and strategic agenda.


There're promises, alert and watch on plays invested.


There're reconcilable destination and resolve.


There's now as an offering of on-going self-help, leadership and resources interaction, one very under developed and under applied real and present provisional and re-developmental axis-dynamic progressively enriched with regenerative offshoots being yearned, yet organic, The Immigrants and Patriots from that yet to be reformatted and to be recalibrated sleeping resources potential.


Ameriknesians under God World Hood S-H-A-R-E Application for input conversion proposition, now task in this American Universe, an enriched friendly proactive-project-process.

I secured mine; now Fellow Immigrants and Patriots, I welcome your respective and collective concern, tasking, alert, watch, and initiatives toward contributory curing S-H-A-R-E universe.

Your wholesomeness and self worth, I can now encourage, in licensing yourself with empowerment as freemen and responsible practitioners to dream, choose, re-calibrate, focus, task, establish the secured baseline, assimilate and demonstrate the American Spirit; get adequate so as in a proactive-project-process all applied ultimately would rise as your new and definitive reality with Man-Affamaulek Under God World Hood Sensitivity and Measure, as well as, collaborative resolve rich in deliberate curing attitude, engagement and self-respect triggering informed destination, regenerative application, enthusiasm and lasting personal equity and liquidity.




I signed up on 1999-10-05 19:26, but have not moved in yet.
Please come back soon and visit my passion unfolding.



GEOCITIES.COM/MANONTOLE (ALL LOW KEYS) is formatted to communicate: An assurance that a linier playership / leadership re-developmental process potential starting for the affairs of self, of family, of society, of nation, of world, of destinations etc. beyond, have as economy, capability and property to accommodate a MTX T/S Bridging and empowering redundancy; A baseline for calibrated reflection, alert, watch exchange, collaborative forum, basket-port, etc. licensed by American historic accounts and enthusiasm; A reasonably ordained growth expectancy by custom, tradition, historic presence, association and co-national essence as an alternative indigenous path-drive and application significantly for self-cure and enhancement;

A wealth of Self-Determination statement for real time empowerment re-enforced by the success of the welcome willing in protected offering and acceptance of Man-Affamaulek Under God World Hood, as currency with engaged paradise trek embedded to be time tested self-help-alliance-resourcefulness-equity / proactive project-process stock, tasking host-full alternative leadership enthusiasm for the significant region of the definitive Pan Chamorro Marianas Archipelago Taotaomona Co-National Society; and sourced from; The Provisional / Re-developmental Greater Stellar States System and its Tripod e-Embassy in exile strategically under the sun.

Meanwhile, click FIRST INSTALLMENT for your initial sampling.






The description of my page is:

The Tasking of Aggressive MTX Co-National Ameriknesian T-S Bridging Overseas Initiatives embodying a suit from an alternate provisional World Hood Relationship Authority to cure that which has now for over a century continually beset an unwelcome unconscionable presence, a U.S. Federated chronic neglect not making evident a stately presence of reality for The Pan Marianas Archipelago indigenous lot, a Redeveloped Chamorro Nation with All That Are So American, Intergenerational and Friendly!


Please, MAN-AFFAMAULEK AMERIKNESIANS come back soon and visit often.