This is the guy that does all the writing around here:

Recently a friend asked me to write an opinion on situation he had to deal with, below is the result, I hope you all like it

Here's my opinion:
This opinion posted 00Nov27 up til Who knows?

Racism and Interracial Dating

    I was in the 6th grade the first time I met Mr. Brown. He was a really nice guy, not much taller than I was, which is saying something since I was only about 5 feet tall then. He was a black man, which at that time didn’t mean much to me…. I was still too young, and luckily my parents had not made it a point to tell me the difference. Then one night when my father picked me up from intramural athletics he saw Mr. Brown and apparently the two knew each other because Mr. Brown had gone to the university where my dad worked. On the way home my dad told me what a great guy he was, the only thing was, my dad said, he didn’t approve of Mr. Brown’s marriage. He didn't approve, because he had married a white woman, and the reason my dad objected, he said was because the kids would be picked on. He did say that if they hadn’t had kids it wouldn’t have mattered to him that they got married, but because they did have kids he had a problem with it. Oh well, what can I say?
Fortunately this particular silliness was not passed on to me…I’m smarter than that.
    That was my first lesson that color, with regards to relationships, makes a difference. I really didn’t understand it then. Truthfully I don’t understand it now either. I mean, I understand that some people are stupid, and that this stupidity leads them to things such as racism. Not all the stupid people are racist however, so there must be some extra ignorance thrown in there for flavor…if only stupidity and ignorance were painful.
    The problems people have with so called interracial marriages is simply a form a racism disguised as concern for one’s own. Of course never mind that science has proven that with regards to DNA we have more in common with people of a different “race” than we do with people our own color. I won’t bore you with the details and besides the peopel that NEED to learn it, wouldn’t understand the multiple syllable words anyway. To sum it up, it makes all this racism stuff pretty redundant. However we still see that when two different races, religions whaterver are dating or married and you’re going to find people watching, that disapprove. Many of them, after voicing their disapproval will then tell you in the same breath that they aren’t racists. It goes something like this, “I’m not racist but…” these people think that because they aren’t using ords like “Nigger”, “Kike”, “Chink”, Jap”, “Cracker”, or whaterever that somehow they aren’t being racist. Guess what, if you’ve ever said this, you’re a card carrying member of the ignorance club. Slap on your hoods, black gloves, or whatever else you and your little group wear as applicable and admit what you are.
    Some people that disapprove of these relationships are glaring racists, they’re the same whites that say we need to keep the race “pure”, whatever that is. The blacks say, you can never trust a white and these people are SO lost in their hate and fear as to be unreachable. Some people are just misguided. People are fed this BS about purity from a very early age and it comes from every direction. Now it’s not an exclusively white and black idea. Let some young Korean, Japanese, or whatever girl bring home a someone who ISN’T the same and she’s going to catch crap from someone, and the same for the boy. Same for any “mixed” relationship/ People have an innate distrust of things that are different from them. People hate change. Since we are so dependent on our eyes, things that look different from us are the first things we’re not going to trust.
    I can never understand the reason for this because I understand a simple reality. That being the world is a really, really lousy place more often than we like to think. Life is hard and it isn't played by any rules that you can sink your teeth into as an absolute. Life can kick the hell out of you without so much as a smile for your pain. If someone finds comfort in the arms or company of another person then more power to them. If those two people don’t look alike then people that don’t like it need to turn their backs and ignore it, or better yet, get a clue, take in some oxygen and activate some of their brain cells and realize that they are being totally asinine. I know wishful thinking, but I am tired of people making excuses for their hate.
I’m tired of hearing things like:
“I’m only worried about them.”
“What would his/her parents think?”
“Why can’t they stick to their own?”
“What about the kids?”
and on, and on, and on….

    Interracial relationships are still a taboo to some people. They probably will be for a really long time too. The reason is that unfortunately stupid people breed more often than smart people do and always seem to piss in the gene pool passing on the worst of their characteristics. Racism however is not inherited, it’s learned, and the ones teaching it are the ones least qualified to teach. Until people face the truth about themselves and realize that the problem with an interracial couple is not the couple themselves, but the perceptions that those that look on have, nothing is going to change. The long and the short of it is to hell with racists. Nothing in this world makes living easier than having someone in your life that you can care for and get that returned. It’s wired into our basic instinct. We are social creatures and will always need someone. If we have someone in our lives that isn’t the same as us then we have to be ready for the inevitable ignorance that will be demonstrated by those around us. It will be a true test of who our friends are and are not.  If you have a friend tell you that they don’t like
you dating another race, religion, nationality, then you need to make a choice. Are you going to let your friends pick your friends or will you? I myself refuse to be dictated to. As such I CERTAINLY am not going to let someone tell me whom I could and could not date.
    I can’t solve the world’s problems; I can only take care of my own. In reality that’s all anyone can do. When someone gets stupid about you dating or being in a relationship with someone that isn’t your race, or whatever, you’ve got to look that person right in the eye and tell them to pack sand. As long as this type of ignorance is tolerated, even by silence it will continue. Call them out; MAKE them understand that just because THEY want to be a helmet wearing member of the little yellow bus brigade that YOU aren’t joining them. Cut them loose and let them go. Hold on to the things that matter. If you still need clarification then listen up: Racist people aren’t needed…they never were.

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