1818 Karl Marx was born on May 5 in Trier.
1835 Marx enters Bonn University as law student in October.
1836 Marx enters Berlin University in October. He got
engaged to Jenny von Westphalen.
1838 Heinrich Marx died. (Marx's father)
1841 Marx gains his philosophy degree in Jena university.
1842 Marx first published articles appeared in Rhenish
Gazatte in March. He became its editor in October.
1843 Marx married Jenny on June 19. They moved to Paris in
1844 Jenny, their first daughter was born on May 1. Marx
and Engel met in September.
1845 Marx expelled from France in january. Laura Marx is
born in September.
1846 Edgar, their first son was born.
1848 The Communist Manifrsto was published in February.
1849 Marx tried for subversion in Cologne.
1851 Franziska Marx and Frederick Demuth (Lenchen) was born.
1852 Franziska died.
1855 Eleanor Marx was born in January but Edgar died in
1856 Marx and his family moved to Kentish Town.
1863 Marx's mother died.
1871 The Paris Commune was formed in March but it collapse in
1881 Marx's wife died on December 2.
1883 Karl Marx died on March 14. back to introduction page photo gallery links to other marx's page